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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope knocked on the door and it was almost immediately opened by Rouge, who was being carried by Shadow.

"So I put all that work in to untense your muscles and you still want to be carried around?" he said.

"Of course handsome. You like to carry me anyway," she retorted.

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"Don't worry, I'm not leaving your side." Said Tikal


"Calm down, I'm fine . I was just referring to the double of people we are seeing every day....." Said Glen."Like the three bats, the two ultimate life forms, and above all.... Me.Also, the moongoose, but she dyed her fur."

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Skye took Tikal's hand and gave it a friendly squeeze.

"So, are we all ready to go?" asked Melody.

"Not yet, I don't think Dylan is here yet," said Anna.


"Sorry Glen, I'm just a bit tense. Yet another situation, and I haven't had a drink. But I dunno about the mongooses, aside from the hair the two black ones are almost the spiting image of each other. Closer than Mina and Anna are I'd almost say"

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"I hope he'll come out soon enough" Said Red.

Tikal gently squeezed back, as if to show her affection.


"I know, I know.... I guess some rest is in order..." Said Glen.

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"I'm sure he will. I'll give him a shout," said Melody, walking over to Dylan door and knocking. 'You might want to vacate the immediate area too Hope,' thought Melody. 'I think Skye and Tikal might be about to go 'wuvy'!' The tone of her thoughts was almost that of saying a nuclear reactor was going to go critical.

Certainly, Skye seemed to be proving her right, as he lean over and gave Tikal a peck on the cheek.


"You've got that right," replied Ziona, yawning heavily. "I think I could drop off to sleep right here in the hotel lobby."

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(Ooc: her names is kayle-ne, Kayl in short.)

"On another note," Kayl said after long silence, "either I need to take her to her brother or bring her brother here. In such circumstances, family should be together- and I see you're having enough trouble with her."

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'What was your purpose in the No Zone, Zaugus?" asked Dr.Finitevus

"I am a Zone Cop that is called in for special cases, I was called in from an investigation in Moebius , cause of the danger the chaos shard might do to the prime zone." replied Zaugus

Edited by Seviper

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Tikal blushed even more .


"Tired I see ." Said Glen."Don't worry , I'll get you back to the bed and we should be able to share

a dream , right ?"

He then looked at the girl ."You can take her to my room if you want . The bes should be good enough for Berry."

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Kayl felt a bit uneasy, but she repeated, "shall I bring her brother here or take her to her brother?"

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"Look, She isn't in the state to do anything right now. Let her rest for now." Said Glen .

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Dr.Finitevus and Zaugus rush to the chaos shard so they can destroy it before it cause any real damage to Mobius Prime.

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"It really does make you look more pretty," whispered Skye to Tikal, referring to her blushing.


"How easy... oh excuse me," apologised Ziona as she yawned again. "How easy would it be to retrieve her brother?"

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"Maybe if she has a way of tracking him down I suppose ." Said Glen , putting Berry on his bed to let her sleep. Once she was lied down, he proceded to gently put the sher on her."There , she should be better by tommorrow Morning."


" If you keep on that way , I might blush even more !" Said Tikal, both embarrassed and pleased at the same time .

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"I am just asking." Kayl rolled her eyes and then managed to see a number of people who she didn't knew about, "erm... I'll take care of Berry now."

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Hope took Melody's advice and busied herself with number crunching once more.

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"Hum.... If you want to look over her while she sleep , I won't stop you I guess..." Said Glen.

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Kayl now gave a very creepy look to Glen, then she took out a small device, "I'll just check her blood pressure and wait for her to wake up."

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"What?" Asked Glen, Not happy to be looked at like that."None the less , I hope you are patient , because it might take the whole night."

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Kayl rolled her eyes again, "I know her since 2, she'll be okay within an hour or two. First time she used it it took her 5 hours to recover, and it was nine years ago." She said giving importance to both the BP reading and Glen, "and I am patient, you have to be with all this around you."

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"Interesting to know ."Said Glen."I'll keep that in mind from now on."

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"She's fine, pretty normal. I think she'll be conscious within... like... 2 hours. Is this place angel island?"

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Dylan opened the door

"Are we ready to go?"

(ooc: This may be the last you here from me for a while. I'll be making a trip home)

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"Well I heard there are several of them. But the active one is Knuckles." Said Glen.


"You'll have to see with Anna."Said Locke.

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