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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Ok that's simple enough. Let's go."


"Heh yeah I think I did. And that's right, stealing from GUN is a no no. They don't have anything to steal anyway. I'm not so obsessed that I'll steal the Chaos Emeralds, knowing how important they are."

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Melody started walked. "It feels strange being back here..." she murmured to herself.


"That's good. I've know too many thieves who would doom the world, and themselves, just to have a shiny coin for a few minutes. Even though they know they won't have anywhere to spend it!"

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"Don't worry, we'll be in and out before you know it," said Hope.


"Exactly, at least I have the sense to know when not to grab something. That's why I got Shadow to make that Master Emerald replica."

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"It was worthing it ."Said Glen."Now I get to spend some time with a beautiful fox ."


"Crowley?" Asked Red."Are you quite there ?"

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(Ooc: Where does the story go from there ? I'm a bit unsure.)

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"Im sure they'll be fine. And if they're gone too long, we could always follow them there. Wait... If it's Red, does that mean they're on Moebius?"

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(ooc: The story? Well, I've nothing planned for everyone except for the Miles/Hope jail break. Which will take a few day of in-game time)

"Yes..." said Melody uncertainly. "Hope.... have you ever had a dream where you're home, but everything is somehow subtly different... just slightly off... so it isn't home anymore? That creepy, uncomfortable sensation that you're a stranger in your own home? That's how I'm feeling...except, the thing that's off... it's me."


"He made you a master emerald replica!" laughed Anna. "Where can you even put something like that?"


Balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder, Ziona stood up, gave Glen a kiss on the cheek, and mouthed 'thank you!'.

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"I know the one's you mean. I think it feels different not only because you've changed, but also because this is the Moebius of the past for you."


"Yes. I beat him at poker yesterday, and his last bet to stay in was to do what I wanted for the day. As for where to put it, I'm sure I can find a spot at home."


"Yes I'm still here Red."

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"So, Do you think we should go back inside to check on the others ?" Said Red.


Glen smiled at Zionna's action,"The pleasure is widely shared my dear."

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"True. You know, I was a little excited about going 'home'... I'm not sure it was ever home... Gah, what's wrong with me, babbling like this?"


"Remind me to NEVER play you at poker... or did you stack the deck?" asked Anna with a sly smile.


Ziona gave Glen a wink, the continued talking to Zave, this time about more serious matters about the case.

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"You're just letting your conflicting feelings out Melody, it's perfectly normal. Far better to speak your mind than trybto grapple with them alone." The group eventually reached the dirt road as a thought popped into Hope's head. "Shadow, why did you settle on calling Crowley, er, Crowley?"

"Well it'd be too confusing for everyone if there were 2 Shadows and he said something that made me think of Aleister Crowley. Though the more he acts the less they seem alike."


"I actually beat him fairly. He'd know if I was cheating. First time he's ever lost to me."


"Yes let's head back to the others."

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"Well dylan... yes."Said Locke."Which is why I'm upset . I should have gone there myself , Instead of Her ."


Glen sat down on the side of the bed , Letting Zionna do her talking.

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"I suppose so..." murmured Melody to Hope point. "Even if he doesn't act like him, I think Crowley likes the name. Otherwise he'd have changed it by now."


"First time? You better keep up that streak then!"


"So... Zet is likely to get kicked off the force, but everyone else involved just gets an official reprimand..."

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"What ? Why ? Did they needed a scapegoat that much? He might habe saved hundreds of lives within their force with this ...'audacious' assault." Said Glen."Maybe a little time in jail for not following the order and trying an unnoficial suicide mission, But not this Zionna . You know he doesn't deserve that. Everyone know that."


Red got up, and followed Crowley inside .


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"Indeed. Well at least I got something right," replied Shadow.


"I plan to, though we'll have to think of something to each bet first."

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"'Something right'?" asked Melody. "I never thought you'd be the kinda person to question your capabilities!"


"Well, mock up's of the seven Chaos Emeralds from your next few games?" suggested Anna.


"Hold on a second Zave," said Ziona and she turned to Glen. "First.... putting a Zone Cop in Jail.... Really? You were the one going on about what kind of place it was. Think what would happen to Zet in there. Second, they can't be too lenient. Even though what he did was right, the higher ups don't want to encourage that behavior. Think what might have happened had it gone wrong. Though, Zave was saying that even kicked off, the bosses are trying to ensure he'll get a full pension and then some. They aren't completely hanging him out to dry."

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"Come on Zionna . I was talking about a cell inside their building, for one or two days. Cops never usually goes in the same places than other inmate. That would be killing them." Said Glen."But would that mean that he'd have to leave ?"


"Well everyone, What's happenning now ?" Said Red.

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"I'm the ultimate lifeform, superior to all other living things. It doesn't mean I'm totally infallible though. I make very few mistakes, but the ones I do make I swiftly learn from. It would be far worse to believe I could never fail, as sooner or later I would. Needless to say, that would shatter my moral. Or rather, did at one point."


"Hmmm that's a good idea. Now I just need something he'll want to get him to play. He doesn't have many hobbys unfortunately."

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"It did?" asked Melody, surprised.


"Yeah. He didn't strike me as the type to take up stamp collecting," said Anna. "I sure we could find something he'd enjoy and take up as a hobby though."


"If you mean, leave his job looking after the kids in the Prime Zone, then yes."

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"Indeed. We were attempting to get a emerald from a strange being known as Feist. He rules his own dimension. But we failed his trial and were sent back here. It was difficult for me to accept my failure, but after some encouragement we headed back and failed again, but Omega let loose and we grabbed it anyway. It's always good to have a trick up your sleeve."


Rouge laughed. "Yeah, stamp collecting wouldn't be his thing. But I'm sure we'll think of something."

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"Omega does seem to be a good trick to have up your sleeve. He got you out of that trouble with Anna and Miles too..."


Anna sat back and though. "Hmm, what about photography? After all, he might want something to keep happy memories fresh if he's gonna outlive us all."

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"That's true. If only I'd have given the signal earlier I could have avoided being copied."


"That's a good pount. Yes, I'm sure he'd appreciate that," wistfully replied Rouge. "Though I'm still not giving up on someone eventually deriving immortality from him."

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Melody took Shadow's hand. "Shadow, if you hadn't messed up there, I wouldn't have a sister now. You've more than made up for what happened."


"Really? You are ambitious! I'm amazed that GUN isn't already working on that. For use as some aid in field-medicine if nothing else."

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"I'll miss him a bit. But at least... He'll be one with Zave again." Said Glen.


Red sat down in the main room.

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"Thank you Melody."


"They tried but they can't work out the essential parts of it. It seems Gerald took those to his grave. Hope's more of a techie so although she tried she couldn't work it out. And I don't think asking Eggman's a good idea."

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