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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I know what you mean."Said Red."But I'd like to hear his version before ever judging him."

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(ooc: So , we talk this out until Skye come Back ?)

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(ooc: Maybe just pause here. There's already a lot for Miles to take in with this conversation. And Skye really needs to be involved in deciding what happens, seeing as it involves his biological father)

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(Ooc: That , and the fact that he also controls both of them. Gah , if only you had another character , we could have kept on playing . I'm going to have Lara-lee coming for crowley and slapping him.)

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(Ooc: Why you ask ? She try to protect Melody, and Crowley take both children right in the middle of a wazone , With Red about to snap at shadow , and do something quite... tragic.)

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(OOC Well Melody expressed a desire to go, so Crowley respected her wishes. As for Hope, she was going to go anyway, and it's not like lara-lee had any authority over her).

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(ooc: I'm gone less than 10 hours and this happens? :( )

When Melody arrived she looked around frantically. Seeing that Skye was with Locke, she hurried over to where Anna lay and began cradling her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "But it's gonna be okay. I promise." She wasn't sure if Anna could hear her or not.


"I have to. I can't let him hurt anyone else," said Skye, though his voice was now weak.


"Never mind," said Ziona as she hurried along. "It'll take too long to explain and we probably don't have the time right now."


Miles was initially shocked as he finally put all the pieces together, his idea fairly close to the reality of the situation. But when the shock faded, he began quietly and subtle gathering magical energy, until suddenly his body melted into wispy shadows, reforming next to Melody and Anna. As he formed again his eyes were now bloodshot, and the small trickle of blood from his nose was now a solid flow. He looked down at where Melody was holding onto Anna.

"I guess I'll have to take you both then," said Miles, as he grabbed onto the two girls and started to try and Shadowmeld himself and them with him.

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Crowley rushed over to Miles and brought his boot down on his ankle with all the force he could muster and grabbed his tails.

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"MELODY!!!!!" Shouted Red as she pounced toward Miles, Grabbing him.


"Skye, Stop, you are hurting yoursel...." Locke saw Miles grabbing Melody and Anna."Melody? What are you doing Here? I told you to stay at the Hotel !" He was now desperate. he couldn't let Skye alone.


"Whatever." Said Glen."Hey here is everyone..But troubles are here too..."


Lara-lee Ran as fast as she could.

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Miles screamed as his leg snapped and he found himself grabbed by Crowley and Red. He looked drained, and in no condition to fight back now.

(ooc: Though Miles 'chaos reversal/feedback' field is still active.)

Melody was still kneeing on the ground holding onto Anna. But her knife was drawn and the blade out. If Miles hadn't been grabbed, from where she held it, the blade would have liking been impaled in Miles' midriff. She turned her head slowly to look at Locke. "But you didn't tell me to stay Dad," she said, though her voice sounded a little distant.

(ooc: Yeah, I know Locke did say he wanted everyone to wait, but that was to everyone generally, and Melody wasn't really paying attention.)

Skye looked over to where Miles now was. "You shouldn't have stopped me," he said, beginning to walk forward again.

Ziona looked around at the situation. "Do you want me to arrest him? I'm sure I can arrange a good long stay in No-Zone jail for him."

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Crowley looked over to Melody

"You aren't hurt are you?" he asked, still maintaining his grip on Miles.


Shadow gently put Rouge down as Hope scanned over her with her watch.

"She should be fine. A few days rest will do her some good, and we'll need to treat that wound on her shoulder," she told him.

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"Skye ..Stop." Said Locke."Leave this to older people. You... Musn't do that."


"From the look of things, I suggest you to look on the other side for a little while." Said Glen


Red was now holding Miles."I tried to find a peaceful solution. I tried to help. I even let you do everything you did just so you could let go of her.... But no, you didn't listen.... YOU DIDN"T LISTEN!!!" Red was mad at Miles."You will live, do you hear me? But listen, and listen good..." She pulled her knife, and got it dangerously closer of Miles."Leave this Zone, And never comes back. If I see you Spying around for anna, i'll kill you myself. i'll snap you little neck, and I'll burn the remain."She smiled deviously."But we did talked about punishement. I think I have the perfect one."She pulled out a little item from her Pocket"Do you recognise this little object here? Good. Shall you get any closer of Anna, or any of my children for that matter, this will slowly eat you away, taking all of your magic, until the only thing left of you is nothing but a normal child."

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Miles turned his head to look at Red.

"As if I would believe your lies about doing this 'peacefully' when everyone else wanted to torture me. Looks like I was right."


"I doesn't look they're doing things differently," said Skye, cocking his head to the side.


"I'm fine. We're fine," Said Melody as she lowered her knife.


"Can't do that. Okay, listen up people. This child is trespassing in this Zone so I'm duty bound to arrest him."

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Dylan had also grabbed hold of Miles when everyone did. He now looked at Red

"Would now be a good time to say I told you so, Red? Perhaps not"

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"Don't play the victim miles." Said Red."I tried to let go of you, and you jumped on mina to take her away." She looked Sad."I really tried to have this done peacefully.....You two , let go of him.NOW."She sighed"She wanted to live a normal life for once Miles.One that was't full of lies, danger,and so much violence. a life where she wouldn't have to watch her back everywhere. Why don't you..Why can't you let her have that ? If you love her, let mina have her life back...."


"Look better." Said Locke."Red is doing it differently."


"just wait a moment Zionna." Said Glen.

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"So long as you can guarantee he'll spend a long time in a cell, he's all yours my dear," said Crowley to Ziona, though he still maintained his grip.

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Dylan let go

"You may think you are doing the right thing Red, but this is the wrong person to be doing this with. So that's why I'm about to do this"

Dylan punched Miles in the face. Hard

"That felt good"

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"Congratulation Dylan. You sunk even Lower than him." Said Red."And I though you were above that kind of things."

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"Okay, well you tried earlier. Then you threatened him. Then you try again after your threats did nothing. Your making this too easy for him. I am trying to end this one way or another"

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"There is a difference Dylan." Said Red."I'm a Moebian myself. I know how he works. I lived closely to the prowers family for years after Mina Married Miles.But he has to understand a thing: If I have to kill him to protect my children, I'll do it. Thing is, I'm not even sure he would do that for his own children..."

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