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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Agreed, they're not the sort of thing you're likely to need. And ok Melody, if you're willing to teach I'm happy to learn."

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"I... well, I've never really taught anyone before, but I'll give it a shot. It might not be best doing it here though. Don't want a horrible magical misfire in the middle of a hotel resort!"

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"Yeah, I don't think Dad or Shadow would be amused. Rouge might be if we turned everyone to crystal by accident."

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"Heh yeah I think she would like that. And Shadow probably wouldn't mind so long as his and Rouge's stuff was intact and no one got hurt. He isn't exactly attached to this island."

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"Well, if we keep it small we could try over lunch?" Melody suggested.

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"Cool. We can find a table and start practicing while we wait for the lovebirds to catch up."

"Are you sure it's safe Melody?" asked Anna

"As long as we only play around with minor cantrips it'll be fine," said Melody in an attempt to reassure her.

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"I was thinking more about some colourful lights. Makes it easy to see if its working or not... At least I think so... Hmm, and I suppose I should kinda explain how magic works..."

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(ooc: I've now idea how magic actually works in this verse, this is just my take on it.)

"Right... Umm, er... well... Magic is all about channeling energy. Those funny words and gestures? The ones you've seen Skye use? Each of those helps channel magic in a specific way. Of course, it mostly come down to willpower, and willing magic to work the way you want. If you have a strong enough will you can do without the gestures and words".

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(OOC Makes sense to me. Nice job).

"Ok. That doesn't sound too difficult for the little ones."

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"It shouldn't be. Though it's always been unclear if magic is something anyone can do, or just selected people. Or if everyone can use magic but the limits of which are different. All I'm saying is don't go expecting to be able a throw fireballs around by the end of lunch!"

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"I know Melody. These things are tricky to master no doubt. But it's still exciting to potentially make a start."

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"Heh, I'm glad you think so. But I'm gonna start off by teaching you how to disenchant, so if stuff goes wrong you have a change to stop it."

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Melody was quiet for a bit as she though back to her own lessons.

"This... may sound a little bit creepy, but it really isn't. I'm going to cast a small spell through you, so it's YOUR spell, despite the fact I cast it. Then you need to try and will the spell to end."

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"I'll try to help as much as I can." Said Glen.


"That's not very nice ." Said Red smiling."Were you expecting the poor fella to end up in even more troubles ?"


Tikal hugged back Skye .


"I'll try to keep that in mind ." Said Locke.

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"C'mon. We better find the others before they wonder if we've disappeared or something," said Skye, though he seemed reluctant to actually follow through on his suggestion.


"You already are," said Ziona, snuggling up closer.

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Tikal Followed shortly behind, pushing skye a bit to help him make is mind.


"I Don't usually try to please people." Said Glen "But if it's you.... I'll try my best." he got even more closer. He could feel Zionna fur on his nose now.

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"No objections here," said Hope.


"Yes I was actually. Oh well can't win them all."

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"That's so nice of you to think like this." Said Red."It almost seems that you care a bit about him.... Or maybe i'm just having ideas.But they still look adorable on this bench. Should we bother them a bit?"

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Crowley laughed.

"Nice of me? That's an interesting way of seeing it. And I'd prefer to remain just the two of us."

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"aww, really?" Said red."I'm happy to see you happy for once."

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