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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah," Hope frantically hit the button, illuminating the area in front of her. As she span around, she saw undergrowth but no sign of what was causing the sounds.

"Hello my children," said the figure, speaking in a soft voice.

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Anna jumped when the figure spoke, almost landing in the grave herself. Instead she rand over beside, and slightly behind, Skye.

"Who... who are you?" asked Skye.


"There's gotta be a way outta here," said Melody. "Either a ladder or a passage or something.... Wait, over there. Was that movement?"

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"I think a passage is more likely... wait, yeah, I think it was. Be ready for anything," said Hope, shining the torch all over the place.

"You can consider me a.... friend," replied the figure as it continued to approach.

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"What , did I say something I shouldn't had?" Asked Glen, upset."You aren't responding ..."


"I see ." Said Locke ."As long as you aren't considering leaving Dylan ."


Tikal was still up there , but she too heard the voice .

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"Of course not. What gave you that impression?"

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"Well, now that we gave a proof that the DEL can be fought back , people will start attacking more often . " Saud Locke ."Maybe they'll need a leader. Maybe even you..,"

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Dylan thought about it a minute. Then started shaking his head

"No, I can't do that"

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"I know I should't had asked this question... But I had to brought it up." Said Locke."At least so I could know where you were standing ."

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Skye was a little wary of the figure despite claiming to be a friend, and motioned to Tikal to also get behind him.

"A friend? In that case, can you help us rescue my sister and Hope?" Skye asked.


Melody took a step forward, only for the moss to give way and her foot to sink into a pool of stagnant water. She quickly stepped back, cursing slightly. Then, by the light of Hope's torch she spotted something.

"Is that a chao?" she asked Hope. The chao slowly turned to face them, revealing a decaying rotten face. More and more chao began raising up out of the water, in similar stated of decomposition.

"You have got to be kidding," breathed Melody.

(ooc: Yes, I know this is ridiculous, but I just wanted to do a Mobian version of my favorite Far Side cartoon. And we had to make sure Tikal didn't see this.)


Ziona gave a laugh. "Sorry, I was just thinking how that response was so 'you'!"

(ooc: Huh, That's odd. I was sure I'd put that in my post. Sorry about that)

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"So 'me' ? Oh my." Said Glen."Well, what could I possibly answer to that ? I'm unfortunaly guilty of having a nice taste in women...."


Tikal standed behind Skye.


"Time... are changing ." Said Locke."Whatever statu quo our worlds have been in , it might change , especially now that DEL know how to travel between Zone . What could stop them to get in contact with our DEL , striking a deal with them, and successfully getting them out of Robotnik control ? from there, anything could happen."

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"First of all, since when could the DEL travel between zones? Secondly, I refuse to get involved with DEL from any zone. So don't even think about that!"

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"Well, What about that time with shadow almost being mauled to death by a werehog ?"Asked Locke."Don't worry. I would never ask you to do something against your will."

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"What about that? That wasn't the DEL. It doesn't mean much."

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(ooc: Um, the DEL's plan was to open portals to different Zones to send the curse through. The werehog Shadow fought was in the Prime Zone, but came from yours through one of said portals)

"Just as long as that taste doesn't lead you to start wandering," Ziona warned,

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"Easy there." Said Glen."You are more than a mouthful for me , so don't worry about me wandering . Because I doubt I could find someone as unique as you like that ." He smiled.

(Ooc: Well , they still have the portal technology , so they can always try to move to another zone .)


"Maybe, But what we found because of this wasn't helping ." Said Locke.

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Hope looked at the chao.

"I don't know where to begin. Any bright ideas?" asked Hope.

"There is a way. Lay down in your graves, and I shall do the rest."

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Skye took a step back.

"Uh, I know that's how they got though, but are you sure that's the only way?"




"We're not exactly unique though, we've both got plenty of alternates walking around."

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"Hush Zionna, Your knowledge is breaking the cute moment I was trying to make for the both of us..." Said Glen."I know that first hand beside , thank to that 'singer' ...."

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"That sounds good," said Hope as she broke into a run.

"Believe me, it is quite simple. And it will spare you having to go down there as well."

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(ooc: Oops)

"That's true. I still won't have anything to do with DEL from any zone"

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"Spare us...... I get the feeling you aren't really here to help," said Skye. He turned to face Tikal and Anna. "What do you think?"


"Hold on!" Melody picked up Hope and began running. "Keep that torch facing forwards!"


"It could have been a lot worse Glen. You haven't met my Prime Zone version yet," she gave a sigh. "Talk about feeling embarrassed by association!"

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"Why, is she that bad ?" Asked Glen."I hope not ..."


"I don't jumping in our graves is going to change a lot ." Said Tikal.


"And hopefully, you won't ." Said Locke.

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"Hopefully, you won't. Your the one who suggested it"

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"Indeed ." Said Locke ."The whole situation is quite confusing ..."

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