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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yes, Crowley." Said Red."Now, what are we going to eat?"


"Glad to see you in such an happy mood." Said Glen." I'll try to make it last as much as I possibly can."

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"Curiosity drives you to dive under the legs of a mutated space monsters?" Skye asked, eyebrow raised with amusement.

"Less arguing, more getting out of here alive!


"You will Glen. That's what's so wonderful about you. You want everybody to be happy. Like doing everything it took to win this!" She gave the raccoon another cuddle. "You did say I could have a plush toy when I visited a different Zone after all."

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"Agreed. We can discuss my personality later."


"Order whatever you want. I'm still deciding."

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"My, thank you" Said Glen, who wasn't execpting such kind words."I did say that? Really? Well, at least I made it happen."


Tikal Stayed as close as she could of Skye.


"Well, I'm not sure either..."

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"Agreed. Let's go!" as they set off again.

"Don't worry Tikal. I'm sure we'll be out of here soon."

"There's a hatch ahead," said Anna.


"Given I was a little girl at the time, it must have been a long time ago, right. So no wonder you can't remember!" Ziona suddenly burst into a fit of childish giggles.

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Tikal looked at skye, and smiled lightly.


"That's really adorable." Said Glen."when you lighten up, you are even more cute."He smiled.

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"That's the plan!" said Melody as she started to open it.

"Just check it's not an airloc... nevermind, this is all fake. I know that!" said Skye.


"I'm just... just enjoying being able to be myself. Not needing to act 'professional' or anything like that."

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"So, was there any other reason for you bringing me here aside from wanting to talk about my past and being worried about how I am?

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The Moebian kids quickly followed, not wanting to hang around.

"Are we... Are we done yet?" Anna asked

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"Not until we've made it to the end of the course. Which probably means a light source followed by a gift shop."

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"See any lights, and if not, where are we now?"

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"I... doubt it... None of the parts have been all that long so far," said Skye. "And the floor doesn't feel metallic."

(ooc: I'm tempted to say graveyard for the final area?)

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(OOC Sounds good to me)

"You're right. This definitely isn't metallic. And it feels damp in here."

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"Well, that... that means we aren't on a space station after all," said Anna

Melody gave a small curse as she bumped into some. "Blast it, anyone got a torch? Huh, this feels like stone."

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Hope hit a button on her watch and a light appeared from it.

"That's a tombstone Melody. This is a graveyard," she said worriedly, as she looked down at the ground, expecting a ghoul, vampire or ghost to lunge at her any minute.

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"Hold on a second Hope," said Melody gabbing Hopes wrist. "I thought I saw..." she began to say as she aimed Hope's torch. From it's light five freshly dug graves were visible, each headstone carved with a name for each of the children.

"Well that's freaky," said Skye, his voice quivering.

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"That's rather disturbing. At least they got the size right though," said Hope, hoping to lighten the mood slightly.

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Anna managed to laugh at the morbid humor. Skye knelt down and felt the nearby pile of earth. "Still damp. They've been dug recently..."

Melody however was talking it badly. Her legs gave way and Anna rushed over to catch her. "I don't wanna die," Melody whispered.

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Hope went over to Melody. "Melody. Look at me. You're not going to die. This is just part of the scenario to scare us; we're in a fairground, and none of this is real. You're going to be ok, trust me."

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Mina swallowed, nodded, then hugged Hope. She said nothing but it was obvious she was over her panic attack.

"What... what came over her?" Anna asked Skye.

"Melody? She... she..." Skye had a hard time saying it. "She died once before Anna. And still remembers it. I guess the graves must have hit home." Anna looked shocked.

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"oh well,I just wanted to talk about things and stuff. nothing too unusual...." Said Locke.


"Anyway,have you made your choice?"


"well, i preferr you that way then, my big, adorale , crimson fox." said Glen as he took her closer."how will you name that raccoon anyway ?"

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