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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"A new name ?" Asked locke"Well, it isn't so silly". He looked at the others"Any sugestion ?"


"I suppose you did good. Moving on... Is always a good thing." Said Glen, his face saddening all of a sudden.

(ooc: i smell a rival)

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"Hmm.. er.." pondered Skye.

"I... don't want to know now," interrupted Mina. "I was to find out when I get back." She started walking out the medical bay. "I won't be too long. See you back at the hotel," she smiled.


"Hey, why the grumpy face?" asked Ziona, giving Glen a half poke, half tickle in the ribs.

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"Yes.See you there...."Said Red. She waited until she was sure Mina Was gone, and she kept on."I'm sure of it, she is going to do something.... But I don't know wether it's a stupid thing or not."


"Hum? No, no, i'm fine. Just...thinking." Said Glen."About you, about me, Maybe even... us...."

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Crowley came out of his room to find Shadow's group.

"I have some interesting news for you. Skye has protected him and Melody, as well as myself, from paradoxes. And Locke has 'adopted' Mina," he said.

Shadow raised an eywbrow.

"I see. If only he'd done it sooner. Well you won't have to deal with Mina's advances anymore. Wait... Miles is still here. And with the paradoxes gone I can take care of him once and for all. How convenient," replied Shadow with a grin.

"Indeed. It seems things are working out rather nicely for us."

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"All of us get on well with Locke. Some more than others. It's not really different that I'm friends with him."

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"I suppose... that we have to trust her. In her current state I don't think her knowing we are spying on her would help," said Melody. Skye slumped down in a nearby chair.

"I'm gonna need therapy," he muttered.

"Like you didn't before," shot back Melody with a grin. "But, yeah, it is pretty freaky."

"Huh? But you were the one pushing for this," pointed out Skye with surprise.

"Because.... Cause I knew it was what she wanted. It was the same thing I did. It wouldn't have been fair to block her off after you and I had a second chance. Besides, like you said, we'll get used to it."


"There could well be an 'us' Glen," said Ziona. "I'll need time to get used to the idea, but there could well be."


On a ledge half way up one of the mountains on Angel Island, a two-tailed fox was pacing back and forth.

"Where's is she?" Miles muttered to himself. "She's never late. Never." He turned as he heard someone approach. His face broke into a smile.

"There you are Mina. What took you so long?" he asked.

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"I see." Said Sabre.


"The whole situation might take quite a lot of time to get used to indeed." Said Locke, thinking.


"Really?" Said Glen."That's..a very good thing to hear."

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"The only obstacle is finding him. He could be anywhere. Mina would know, but I doubt she'll be cooperative in giving him up."

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"I think some of them are here now. A good chance to meet some of them."

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"Maybe, But for now, I think they do deserve some more.... privacy." Said Sabre.

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"Indeed I did." Knuckles replies, looking back to the Master Emeralds direction once more. "I feel as though something is amiss."

Astraea then rockets up in the air with fire. "If both of you sense danger, then I'll go check it out. It'd be much faster for me to travel."

"Astraea wait!" Kali says but she a;ready turns and flies back. Kali then looks to Knuckles and Spectre. "I'd say we should go after her, but at this rate it wouldn't make a difference by the time we get back."

Knuckles nods in agreement. "She should be able to take care of herself with whoever is over there. I doubt it's Trigun again if chaos energy is being used.


Trigun transforms into water and slides away to avoid being dug any deeper. He reforms himself and turns to see Chaos in his face again and gets sucker punched away from the Master Emerald.

As he tries to get up a third time, Chaos extends his arm in attempt to grab him. However this time is different. As he connects with Trigun, his arm gets stuck onto him as he stands up.

"I must say it took a while, but I finally got down your composition." Trigun says as he begins absorbing chaos's arm and drags him in. He then punches him square in the head, letting go of his remaining arm and causing him to clothesline into a flip on the ground. He then kicks Chaos in the chest as he tries to get back up, nearly cutting him in half with the blow. Chaos tumbles over and looks up into the sky, trying to regain his control of his water.

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"I somehow Doubt it." Said Spectre."But I'm affraid time is the essence there, And It's something we unfortunaly cannot afford ourselve at the moment."

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"Ah, okay then. I guess I'll leave themto whatever they are up to"

Dylan then turned back to carry on working

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"Indeed. Beside, you can always join them later on. I don't think Locke Would mind at all." Said Sabre.

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Knuckles nods and reaches the library. He walks into the ruins of the old building and looks around a bit.

"Which category would this book be in?" Kali asks, joining him inside.

"That depends on if people believes its words." Knuckles replies and begins to walk down the aisles.


Chaos begins to attack Trigun again, however now his attacks were constantly being absorbed as Trigun laughs at him.

"What's wrong creature!? You seem desperate now!" he taunts as he grabs hold of Chaos and punches him in the face. He then pulls his arm off and kicks him away.

"I honestly can't tell if you're releasing you body parts, or you're just this weak." he comments as Chaos's arm fails apart in his hand. Chaos simply stares at him without a word.

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"I'll meet them back at the hotel"

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Spectre made his way around the library, making sure Knuckles and his friend would follow. Eventually, they ended up in front of a wall. Spectre pushed an hidden button, and the wall opened himself, showing an hidden part of the library. "It does stop many intruder."


"So be it." Said Sabre."at least, I do get the time to to speak to you a bit more."

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(ooc: Poor Chaos)

"You might find it a little easier than the rest of us," Skye said to Locke. "You don't have the.... prior connection..."

"We should get back to the hotel," said Melody.


"Oh, have I surprised you?" Ziona asked.


"C'mon Mina," said Miles, pushing aside a boulder which revealed a crevice leading inside the mountain, "let's get inside. Did you find out anything about what the Prime Zoners are up to?"

Mina looked at Miles, and for a moment considered lying to him, saying she was going to go undercover, and find out more that way. But no, it wouldn't be fair to leave him like that.

"Miles I... I came to say goodbye."

"Goodb...WHAT?" Miles turned and started at Mina. He realised something was wrong. The way she was standing, the tone of her voice, the tears in her eyes. It was like looking at someone else. "What happened to you?" asked Miles with concern.

"I... I saw where my life was leading... And I found... something I wanted... something I needed. I'm staying Miles."

"Staying?" Miles couldn't believe what he was hearing. "But..."

He didn't get a chance to say anything more as Mina handed him a letter.

"Next time you see Red, please... please give that to her. I know you... you had a crush on me Miles," said Mina, beginning to take off her bracers. Underneath the fur was thin, as they'd never been taken off before. Miles stood there, somewhat stunned that Mina knew. "But I'm not that girl anymore. I can't be. But here's something to remember her by."

Mina shoved her bracers into Miles hands, murmured goodbye again, and ran off.

"You...You think you can just change like that?" Miles shouted after her. "You're a Moebian. You won't be able to fit in here, You'll come back to us. Its just a matter of time." Tears filled Mina's eyes as she ran, scared that Miles words were true.

Miles slumped down to he knees, also beginning to cry. He cradled the bracers. "Mina.... What did they do to you?" he asked with despair.

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"Convenient." Kali says as he walks through behind Spectre. Knuckles quietly follows along.


Trigun slowly begins moving torwards Chaos. "Tell me, should we continue this pointless battle, or should I just end you now?"

As Chaos looks upon Trigun he notices something from behind coming in with great speed. He dives out the way as a massive fireball slams onto Trigun. After the smoke clears, Chaos looks over to see Astraea with her fist dug into Triguns chest, and steam spewing out from the mix of fire and water.

"You really don't know when to give up, do you?" she says as she begins punching him rapidly in the face.

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"Yes, I'll take Red with me." Locke took red in his arm."I think we are good now. Let's go." And they moved.


"No, no, you haven't surprised me. I'm just a bit... tired these days. I cannot hide my feeling as easily than usual." Said Glen."Then again, I don't Think I should have to hide anything from you, right?"

(ooc: Poor miles.)


"Well, Some secrets are better unknown from the rest of the world." Said Spectre.

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(ooc: Is that pity for Miles?!?)

"So, uh," began Skye as they headed to the hotel. "What about names? We probably wanted something vaguely similar, so either short or beginning with M."

"Something signifying a new beginning perhaps? What about 'Dawn'?" suggested Melody.

"Dawn? Can really see her as a 'Dawn' with her fur as dark as it is." Melody gave Skye a playful slap on the back of the head.

(ooc: I am more than open to other suggestions)


"I don't think either of us should try and hide from each other."

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(ooc: Take that Miles! Shame no one else could be around to see that)

"That all depends on how much I can do with this. I may need to sleep on it to figure out how to make this as good as in the dream."

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(Ooc: and ... ? Sorry if i care about people.Sorry If I do realise that they too, have lives.)

"huh...Naming a child is already hard as it is, but a teen....." Said Locke. "I think we should go for something tht doesn't get old. Something Simple, yet that will stay in our mind.." She though of it for a moment."How about 'Anna' ?It's a simple name, yet full of promise. It was also the name of my Mother, before she got married."


"The sun Just got up, and you are already thinking about sleeping again?" Asked Sabre."Maybe you should wait for a while."


"Yes, you are right."Said Glen."But I really don't know what to tell you that would help to open myself...I mean, I even took you back to my place, remember ?"

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