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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Crowley smirked to himself at the notion.

"Unorthodox problems call for unorthodox solutions I suppose."

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"Crowley please...."Said red."Or maybe you'd like to end up as their uncle ?"


"Don't say that ." Said Glen."Or else, I'm going to regret putting my head there. I like it too much. So warm....."

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"W-well... actually... thinking of you like brother and sister... is a bit easier than as my children," said Mina slowly and quietly.

"It's more bizarre from this angle!" blurted out Skye.

"Sky-ye. Didn't you say you wanted to help?" chastised Melody.

"Well, yeah, but...." Skye said weakly. Mina was looking at her feet.


"Why don't I warm you up a little more," said Ziona, wrapping her arms around him.

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"No thank you Red. I couldn't stand to live here. And I enjoy my career very much."

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"I see we got ourselve a big sister for the two children." Said Locke;"Should add a third bed to their room as well?"


"Thank you. i'm already feeling a lot more better ." Said Glen with yet another smile.

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"Hey! Whoa Whoa! Last I check Skye and I had separate rooms. That better not change!" called Melody, a slight twinge of panic in her voice. She turned back to Mina.

"It's your choice. Friends or family? And we'll work with whatever one you choose. Right?" The last word was shot with a dangerous tone at Skye, who gulped.

"Yeah. It'll be strange if you choose family, but we'll get over it. Like everything else we've done," said Skye. Melody waited a bit, but Mina said nothing.

"Mo....Mina?" she asked.

"I... I would like to be part of a family," Mina said in almost a whisper, still looking at her feet. "But only if everyone wants me."


"Just say if there's anything else I can do... Within reason, of course."

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"None of us are Rejecting you mina." Said Red."You wouldn't be there in the first time if you weren't already accepted, right?"


"For now, I'm just going to appreaciate what I have, and too bad if anyone don't like it. Unless it's you. Then it matter for me." Said Glen

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"I'm... already... accepted..." repeated Mina, a smile beginning to appear on her face.

"Welcome to the family Sis," said Melody, hugging Mina tightly. Mina started laughing happily.


"Oh I think I like being appreciated Glen," replied Ziona with a smirk.

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"I think it's time to take my leave. The best of luck to you all," said Crowley before he teleported back to the hotel.

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"I dont think I'll get lost. And if I do, I could always go back to the hotel or teleport myself somewhere else in Haven. Besides, I'm working on this so I won't be taking leisurely walks quite yet. As for you staying, I leave it up to you. This whole place belongs to you guardians"

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As Knuckles group reach the ruins. They look out to the vast abandoned wasteland.

"This place looks deprived of all life." Kali says sadly. Astraea laughs a bit.

"I think I like it quite well. It's hot and the animals here that adapted to it are clearly the fittest." she says watching a snake and lizard pass by searching for food.

Knuckles looks to Spectre "In any case, which direction would the library be in? If we can find the remains of that, chances are the book may still be there as well, if at all."


Trigun feels more closely on the Emerald as he realizes it begins to vibrate. He follows the tone of it and makes out the message.

"I see, so you're the being within this stone that I could sense. The wavelentghs of your vibrations tell me you're made from a source of water such as myself. It seems as though we may have something in common."

*The Master Emerald vibrates again*

"Villainous intent? I assure you what I do is for the greater good. I'm sure a water being such as yourself wishes this world had more oceans to it.

*The Master Emerald vibrates for a long time.*

"Have you now? That's quite impressive. However, I do not believe in someone not being in the right state of mind. Surely what the Echidnas and humans did which caused your rampage means something more vital. A sign that maybe it's time for you to change your view of the world."

*The Master emerald vibrates furiously*

"Oh don't be that way. I can help you. I too am a being of water and together, we could take over this land. Be known as rulers of the world. Nothing would be able to stop us. Come on, just show me the power you say you hold and together we can accomplish anything."

The Master Emerald vibrates furiously again as a bright light shines from atop of it. As Trigun looks up, Chaos begins to emerge from the emerald and looks down upon him. He then extends his arm out, attempting to pierce Trigun, but he jumps back.

"I see you've made a resolve then." Trigun says as he forms two swords in his hands. "Let me show you what it feels like to have that broken."

(ooc:quick question. are at least 2 of the chaos emeralds out somewhere that I could scavenge?)

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"Alright then. See you later crowley ." Said Red."As for you mina, welcome back."


"You don't seem like it at first ." Said Glen."But once we get you to open up... It all change ."


"Don't worry grandson."Said Spectre."The place is not far away. in fact, we should see it... there." Spectre showed the way to what seemed to be at first some ruin.


"Actually , spectre told me a lot of good about you." Answered Sabre."And I wanted to see it for myself ."

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Knuckles look out to the ruins to see what Spectre was speaking of. As he makes his way over, he feels a weird sensation coming from the direction of the Master Emerald. However, he assumes it to only be false vibe and continues onward.


Chaos charges Trigun, going for double punch, however it has no effect as Trigun cuts off his arms. They fall to the ground as Chaos quickly reforms them and lunges again while Trigun was still in his swinging motion. He connects, slamming him off the side of the shrine and down the stairs. As Trigun attempts to stand up, Chaos leaps down and slams his fists into Triguns head, increases his water mass in his arms. He cracks the ground as he pushes deep into the dirt.

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"Knuckles, did you feel this too?" Asked Spectre., as he felt some kind of disturbance with the chao energy.

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Mina continued to laugh, half out of joy, and half at just how ridiculous the situation was. Melody turned her head to face her brother.

"You're outnumbered now Skye!"



"Oh, I've liked being appreciated before, it was just when things went further...." ZIona broke of her sentence.

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"Don't worry, you'll keep your bedroom Skye." Said Locke."We wouldn't want you to end up in a girly room all of a sudden !"


"I can imagine that you were too scared to keep on." Said Glen."You didn't really want to be..rejected?"

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"It's not that I'm worried about. Suddenly I'm very glad you banned pranking in Haven."

"Pranking?" asked Mina with a grin.


"Yeah. It's happened once before I'd even asked.... Going through it again..."

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"Nope. No pranking." Said Locke." I shudder to think what kind of terribly elaborate prank trained killer might think of. It would be like trapping the whole place, but with jello instead of C4..." He though about it."Then again...."


"You already told me about Zave... Wait. what do you mean, going through it again?" Asked Glen.

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"What did he tell you about me? Should be worried?"

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"no you should not. He hasn't told me anything bad." Saidd Sabre."But you do seem quite friendly with Brother Locke."

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All three kids laughed at Lockes suggestion, and each of them also looked as if,they were seriously considering the idea.

"Yeah, there's alot of stuff you'll need to learn about us," said Melody, looking thoughtful. "So here's what we're gonna do. I would suggest a family day out but Mom's been hurt, so the three of us," Melody grabbed Skye by the arm and pulled him next to her and Mina, "are gonna spend the day havibg fun together at the hotel resort and get too know each other."

"But... don't you... know me already?" asked Mina.

"Nope," replied Melody. "We're gonna start right from scratch today. Besides, it hasn't happened yet."

"Given the last twenty minutes its not gonna happen now," said Skye.


"After Zave, there was one boy," Ziona said. "But it didn't work out."

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"Don't worry Red, You won't be alone." Said Red."Now that you are In a better shape, I'll move you back to the hotel. I don't see any reason for you to stay in an hospital room, given the fact that you seem made of iron." Locke laughed."I'll have to ask mina How you do this."


"A boy?" Asked Glen."Care..to tell me more? If you want of course." He wasn't sure wether to move his head or not. He decided to stay that way.

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"A clean slate?," pondered Mina. "Yes, that... that is,what I want. But... But there is something I gotta do first."

"Can we help?" asked Skye. Mina shook her head.

"No. I need to do this alone. You two head back to the hotel with Red and Locke... Or, uh," Mina looked slighty embarrassed, "is it Mom and Dad now? I... Uh... I'll meet you back at the hotel."


"Not much too tell. I was upset after Zave got engaged, I tried to find a boyfriend, but the boy I liked... well, he was rather public about not wanting me as a girlfriend.

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"If someone told me that I would have to act as your mom," Said Red."I would have asked the double of what i'd be drinking at the moment.And then I would pass out, because Two bottle of vodka aren't something you can easily Handle like this." She laughed. But she then took a serious look, for a single second, in a way only Mina could see, and who meant a single question.


"The boy you liike? He was .. rather publlic ? And what about the private?" Asked Glen."Did he at least had feeling for you?"

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Mina gave a nervous laugh as well. "I don't think I'd have reacted much better."

Mina then caught Red's look and shook her head.

"I'll be fine," she addressed the room, and partially Red's question. "But.... there is something.... something I'd like when I come back.... it's rather silly though...."

"Oh, don't worry about it sounding silly," replied Melody. "Just tell us."

"I'd.." Mina gave Red and Locke a look, then stared at her feet again. "I'd like you to choose a new name for me."


"I though he did," replied Ziona. "But after that I never spoke to him again, so I don't know. It doesn't matter though. It's ancient history now."

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