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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Yeah, but where's the fun in that?)

Dylan could see this conversation was more for Ziona and Glen, than for himself. So he went back inside and teleported himself to Haven

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Crowley just leaned back against the wall, not wanting to interfere with the process.

As Hope looked over the schematics, Shadow and Rouge discussed the dream.

"So your ideal version of me is a passive drone who does everything you say?" he asked in a deadpan manner.

"Well, it would be nice if you were a little more obedient," she replied with a devious smile.

"Yes, who else would build your diamond castle?" he said sarcastically.

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(Ooc: We also have some continuity , Just ask dylan about me and my non existant pants .)

Red smiled at the interaction between both mina and Skye .


"It's my pleasure ." Said Glen as he gave Her a little peck on the neck."After all, you did the same."

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As Trigun reaches the Master Emerald, he walks up to it and stares into the gems unscratched body. He puts his hand on it as he suddenly feels an immense power coming from inside.

"This feeling seems to have the same elemental components as me." he says to himself, trying to identify the source.

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"To be fair, a lot of weird stuff happened over the last week. I don't think we've had just a 'normal' day here."

"I dunno Skye, the day at the beach was fairly normal. Until we went for ice cream. And yesterday was normal, except that the girl you got a crush on was a ghost! I er... sorry Tikal, no offence," Melody apologised to Tikal.


"I was just returning the favor"

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(Ooc: Oh lawd . Trigun is out for Chao now. Inb4 absorbtion/fusion.)

Tikal did nothing . She wasn't a tad hurt by melody's saying ."It's alright ." She said.

Locke looked at Mina ."I already know what's going to happen."Before letting out a sight ."Tell me, what kind of room would you like?"


"Well, I hope to be able to give back all the nice things you did for me then." Said Glen as he turned his head toward zionna and got a little more closer .

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Dylan had teleported himself back in the basement where all his stuff were. After seeing what he could make in the dream, he felt inspired to improve what he already had.

"No sign of Spectre here either," Dylan said as he started work

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(Ooc: You are lucky Dylan. Oh well, I still have the rest of the brotherhood unused.)

"Maybe , But I do hope I will be able to do a better job than him at socialising with you." Said An echidna behind Dylan."I'm sabre , another guardian of the brotherhood"

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"You didn't build it Shadow. You just enslaved the world and the peasants built it for me," said Rouge, still smiling.

"Of course I did. Well unfortunately in the real world I won't be doing much enslaving. My apologies for the inconvenience."

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"A room? You mean you want me to stay?" asked Mina in a,quiet but surprised voice.


"You don't owe me anything Glen," replied Ziona. "But if you insist on paying, I'll gladly accept," she continued, also moving closer.

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"Whatever you'll do to your son , it'll make him try to rip a hole in almost every realities. I'd rather keep an eye on you."Said Locke."Well, this is the official statement actually. the unofficial one..."

"I don't know if you to stay everytime , but do know that our door is always open to an old friend of the familly ,"said Red


"I'm affraid I don't have any money. I hope you do take other kind of ... paying." Said Glen as he closed his eyes and kissed Zionna.

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"You ripped a hole in reality?" Mina asked Skye. He nervously shuffled his feet while staring at them.

"I... uh... was trying to bring back Melody," he explained. Mina shook her head, wondering how bad things must have been to lead to that.

"Thank's for the offer of a place to stay," Mina said to Red and Locke. "I think I'm gonna need it until... until... whatever I do..."


"Think I prefer this type of currency," Ziona replied as the two kissed.

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"It's not a problem ." Said Red .

At the moment , Locke realised something . "I think we forgot something... Did anyone saw Glen and Zionna on the way out ?" Asked Locke.


The two lovers were enjoying the sunrise in their own way .Even though they broke their kiss , they were still hugging . It was almost adorable .

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"Glen and Ziona? No," replied Melody.

"We went out the window," explained Skye.

Mina just sat there, lost in thought.


"A new day, in more ways that one," murmured Ziona.

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"Mina , what's going on ?" murmured Red in her hear .


"A new dawn , a new day ..." Repeated glen."I think that's the first time in a while that I'm able to enjoy those ." Said Glen. "That is a good thing ." As he rested his head on ziona's chest ."Hope you don't mind ." He asked.

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"I'm just... thinking about everything," responded Mina, wiping a small tear away. "Red, thank you for looking after Skye and Melody," she said, turning to face Red with a smile. "I hope they weren't too screwed up when you... saved them."


"If it starts to bother me, I'll jab you in the ribs," Ziona responded with a grin.

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"No ." Said Red."Locke was already helping as much as he could." She smiled too."If anything is to be said, I think we have to thank him. Thing would have been different had he not took action ..." she looked away."


"That's harsh. " Said Glen ."But don't worry , i'll be nice to you if you don't beat me ."

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"I see..." Mina replied, looking toward Locke. "Then I want to thank both of you for giving them... well, giving them a chance to have a proper family."

"It's a chance I never had," she muttered quietly to herself.


Ziona grinned. "I think I can accept that deal."

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"It's alright " Said Locke "I'll do anything to protect these children. Thank to all of you , my life is less empty now." He smiled back , hoping to cheer up Mina.

Red heard Mina's muttering."Don't say that mina. You do have someone ."


"I hope it will be beneficial to the both of us." Said Glen , as he start caressing Zionna's cheek with his hand .

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"Well, yeah," Mina gave a small laugh, "given all this time travel stuff. But it is a little weird, I mean, hey Skye, how old are you?"

"Me? Uh, well, I'm not exactly sure. I kinda lost track with the time travel and spending to long on the Cosmic Interstate..." Mina's eyes widened but Skye continued. "But we think I'm around twelve."

"Twleve! Only three years younger than me. Hard to think of you as my kids when you're practically my age."


"It has been so far," Ziona replied, catching his had and giving it a kiss.

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(ooc: Why am I no surprised you decided to use another member of the brotherhood, Locke?)

Dylan turned around in surprise.

"Oh, hi there. I didn't see you. Are you taking over Spectre's job for watching me?"

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"Don't worry " Said Red."You'll get used to it.Even though I'm still trying."


"I do aim to please." Said Glen. He was enjoying being close to someone once again."I really like this. You really are warm outside. I was cold for way too long...."


"No of course" Said Sabre."I was just passing through, But if you want, I can also stay with you, in case you get lost. I'll do my best not to be too present."

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"I suppose it must be kinda similar after you adopted them, except for the weird age thing."

"Is there any way we can make this less weird?" offered Skye.

"Don't bother Skye, we're just a weird family!"


"Careful, you might melt away completely," joked Ziona

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"I don't think anyone sane would get used to this."Said Red ."Thank god none of us are normal people ." kept on Locke.


"You wouldn't want that to happen."Said Glen."And i wouldn't want to put some dirt on your fur ."

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"Tell you what then," said Melody, walking up to Mina and taking her arm. "How about, to make it less weird, rather than thinking of us as your kids, think of Skye and I as your friends?"

"F-friends..." stammered Mina. "But I-I... I was horrible to you. How can we suddenly be friends?"

"If that doesn't work," Melody continued with a grin, "Me and Skye could make things more weird and make you our big sister!" Mina's mouth dropped open.

"That's... that's messed up," muttered Skye.

"Like it wasn't messed up before," laughed Melody. "But I really just wanted to see everyone's reaction."


"Don't worry about THAT!" Ziona laughed. "I'm not the most prim and proper of ladies after all!"

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