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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"What is this downunda?" Kali asks as him and Astraea catch up.

"It's the area in which this island rose up front." Knuckles explains. A massive crater in the middle of the desert."

"Sounds like it's just loads of fun." Astraea says looking around the island.

"Where are the two books here grandfather? We could split up to get them." Knuckles suggests.

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Spectre looked at knuckles ."While time is the essence , splitting our forces would be a mistake, especially with so many ennemy awaiting the occasion to take us down."

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"We're all here for you," said Skye, smiling.

"Red," whispered Mina quietly. "I dunno... I dunno what I can do now. I thought... I thought I could do this job and not... not end up like her. But that's what waits for me, isn't it. What do I do?"


(ooc: stupid autocorrect)

"Huh, you must have misheard me. Nevermind."

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"I cannot tell you mina. I can't tell you exactly what your future will be made of , especially now." Said Red."All I know is that you'll have to move on. you could try and stop this . Or take matter in your own hand with some help..."


"Misheard you? Ok then..."

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"I'll need help. I can't do this alone anymore."

It was all Skye and Melody could do not to stare at Mina. They'd never heard her so unsure of herself before.

(ooc: Basically, Mina's had here self-confidence crushed by the revelation, in essence making her journey the opposite to her prime counterpart)


"Don't worry about it. Just enjoy the view Glen."

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"You'll have it . Don't worry ." Said Red . "All you'll have to do is asking .. me fir advice , And i'm sure your Red will help you as much as she can."


"Alright , if you say so." Answered Glen.

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Mina started laughing slightly. "I wonder what my Red would make of this!"


"I do say so, Glen."

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"I see. Then where are we heading first?" Knuckles asks.


Trigun watches Angel Island as it hovers over him. He creates a a bow and arrow and fires it up at the island. As it connects to the edge, he uses a water line to transfer himself up to the arrow and reform on the edge of the island. He then climbs up and looks around.

"Time for the hunt to begin again." he says as he starts to walk inland.

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"That reminds me. You probably wouldn't want to talk to the current version of myself. If you did manage to find him, you'd find he's rather busy at the moment, and the people who took out the contracts were very explicit in their desire for prompt delivery," said Crowley.

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Mina gave a small smile to Crowley. "I'll keep that in mind. But I think... I'd rather... stay friends with you... if that's alright... only if you want to..." She looked away, to nervous to look him in the eye.

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Mina gave a nervious little laugh, but still couldn't bring herself to look at him. "Thanks Crowley," she said quietly.

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"I think she would be happy to help a friend in need ." said red .


"I'm going to enjoy something else ." Said Glen as he slide his arm on zionna to get her closer .

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Crowley smiled to himself.

"Am I really that terrifying that you can't look me in the eye?" he asked jokingly.

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"The closest is near what is left of the ruin lost in the eastern desert ." Said Spectre . "Let start there."

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"Maybe I should try and find her then," pondered Mina in response to Red. She then turned to Crowley and forced herself to look at him.

"No, no, you're not terrifying... But I just feel... so scared after what I've learned here."

Melody gave Skye a gesture with her head, and the children backed away from the bed towards a corner of the medical bay.


"Always forward, aren't you," said Ziona with a smile as she let herself be drawn closer.

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"It's perfectly understandable. Just remember you've got all the time of the world to adjust."

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Locke stayed silent , and looked at the children . He wondered why did they backed away all of a sudden ...

"Mina .You have a new chance at life . it's not happening everyday ." Said Red."Try to make the best of it."


"I have to." Said Glen"Because If I didn't , i don't think a lot would had happenned ."

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"A new chance..." breathed Mina. "Yes, you're right but... I've only known killing. Starting something else..." Her voice shook.

"Mom's taking this real bad," whispered Melody to Skye. "I wasn't expecting her to react anything like this."

"I've never seen her act this way, or even close to it," Skye whispered back.

"We've gotta help her somehow. Any ideas?"

"Uh, sorry, not a thing..."

"Really? You, lost for ideas?"


"I suppose I did need a little push to move on."

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Knuckles and the group nod as the follow Spectre to the ruins


Trigun makes his way to high ground as he surveys the island. as he looks on, he sees the group heading east. Trailing back to where they came, he looks over to the Master Emerald.

"That jewels seems to hold an immense amount of power." he says as he jumps down and makes his way to the shrine.

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(Ooc: Knux , before we move on , what can I do ? Should I habe someone else guard the big jewel, or should I leave alone so your character can power up and get ready for some more wet work?)

"you have it in you .I know it." Said Red."But I also know that you can use these power for other things.


"Yeah, But in the end , it was worth it." Said Glen.

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"Just don't rush into it. You'll need to adjust slowly, or you might not adjust at all."

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"I just... I just need some time to think. Think about what I want to do now," said Mina.

Skye's ear pricked up at what Mina was saying and he headed over to her.

"Hey, don't worry. When I first arrived in Haven, I felt the exact same way. I had no idea what to do either."

"And what did you chose?" asked Mina.

"Erm, well," Skye looked a little embarrassed, "to try and just be a normal kid... I think I might have failed slightly." Melody burst out laughing.


"Thanks for trying Glen. You're the first one who didn't give up on me."

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(ooc: you can leave him be. He's only gonna inspect it for a bit before he makes a move. But just to be sure, Angel Island would fall if the Master Emerald was....let's say "shattered" yes?)

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(ooc: I'm pretty sure that's the normal state of affairs. Seriously, they need some backup system for that Darn island. Or not leave the thing out in the open with a 'free for all super-villains' sign next to it. ;) )

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