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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Knuckles looks to Kali who gives him a nod. "It sounds like we have an adventure on our hands then." Knuckles says, cracking his fists.


Trigun lands in the ocean, but takes no damage as he becomes one with the water. He travels with the current to a nearby island and walks upon the beach. he looks back to the floating Angel Island, and then dissapears into the forest.

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"Indeed , grandson ." Said Spectre."Now , let us move once everyone is ready . The sooner we go , the sooner our troubles will be taken care of."


Tikal nodded and untied Skye ."Here you go."

silver untied the rest with his TK , allowing Melody to move on something else, and amso to make sure he still got it.


"I said Something ? It must have been the stress then. Just look at me . " Saud Red.


"I'm Approving of this saying ." Said Glen."And about your friend ... I guess we could see him later on indeed."

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"Sorry Glen. I can get Ziona in, but not an ex legionnaire with no business at GUN HQ," said Shadow.

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"Thank's Tikal," said Skye, sitting up and hugging her. "I think it worked. Hopefully it passed on to Melody, Mom and Crowley as well. Melody, did you feel anything?"

"I had some kinda... shock near the end. That could have been it."

"One way to check," said Skye, pulling out his radio. "Dad? Can you hear me? It's Skye. I think I've found a way to save me, melody, Mom and Crowley from the paradoxes. Can you ask Mom if she felt a... shock... a couple of minutes ago. If she did, it mean it worked, and we don't need to worry about paradoxes anymore."

He lowered the radio. "Thank you Silver. You might have just saved four lives."


"I know. I am looking at you. That's why I asked."


"I understand Shadow. Security and all that jazz."

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"Crude , but inderstandable . " Said Glen."I wouldn't want to get thrown in a cell to be interogated later on...."


Locke listened to the radio."Well , I won't take any risk anyway. That would be a bit ... dangerous ." He answered .

"What I said was under stress . But I'm not from the future..." Said Red.


Silver smiled a bit."Well , All in a night's work I guess."

(Ooc: why skye talks in colors ?)

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"Heh, no need to be so modest," laughed Melody

"I dunno. There shouldn't be any risks now. At all. Where are you and Mom? Are you ok?"


"Aren't you?" asked Mina.

(ooc: I use the colours to show who's speaking.

This is Skye (red fur)

This is Melody (dark purple hair)

This is Mina (black fur)

This is Ziona (uh, I dunno)

This will be Miles, when/if he shows up)

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(Ooc : So miles will be back ....Also, I can't color much, I'm on my phone)

"Well none the less Zionna, send him my regards." Sad Glen.


"I'm sure of it Mina, I'm sure of it."


"We are at haven Skye . We are at haven. And you?"


"Well, i try not to let it go over my head ." Said Silver.

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"You're in Haven? Wha..? Where? Melody and I are in basement 17," Skye replied.

"Dad's here? Hey Silver, I'm sure Dad would like to thank you for saving us."


Mina sighed and shook her head. "I see. Either way, am always your friend, and I'm gonna make sure you're ok."


"I will Glen."

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(Ooc: I totally say the kid name roght in front of mina , and you don't take the hint ?)

"Thank." Said Red ."I really needed that."

"What do you mean , basement 17? What are you even doing here ? And who is with you ?" Asked Locke.


"At this point I guess I could stay..." Said Silver .


"That's kind of you." Said Glen."Hope he is actually resting , and not calming his girlf... oh, sorry."

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"I wonder where the children are. They weren't with us on the ship," said Shadow.

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"Like I said, I've just finished implementing a way to protect us from paradoxes. Silver the Hedgehog is here with us. Where in Haven are you. We'll meet you there,"

"You got here quickly, so if you need to leave it won't take long."


(ooc: Darn, normally I pick up on stuff like this.)

Being distracted by Red's plight, it took a few moments for Mina's brain to register Locke's radio message.

"What? Did? You? Say?"


Ziona gave Glen a playful slap on the back of the head.

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"Yes , of course ." Said Silver .


"I'm at the medical bay,but it would not be a good idea to... oh." Locke heard Mina."Hum. I said Skye ."

"That's not good." Said.


"ouch, that hurt." Said Glen."Alright, I won't do it again."

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"Great, c'mon," said Melody, as she heard the words 'medical bay' and sprinted off.

"Melody! Wait!" yelled Skye as he had heard the whole thing. He headed out the room after her. "What do you mean not a good idea?"


"Skye? But... but that was...." Mina looked at Red. "Do you want to rescind your earlier statement?"


"Heh heh. I had no idea you head was so sensitive. Wait, what am I saying, of course it is!"

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"Very funny" Said Glen."Now stop that or i'll play woth your ears."


"I guess that mean troubles ." Said Silver.


"Mina." Simply said Locke.


"There are so many thing I can't even be sure ." Said Red.

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"Come on. Let's go before this mushiness makes me throw up," said Hope as she took Shadow and Rouge back to the other room.

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"Dad? What's going on? "Dad? DAD?" Skye began shouting into the radio. "Yeah, I think this means trouble," he said, facing Silver and hurrying on. "I hope nothing's broken into Haven."


"I mean the.." Mina heard Skye's shouts over the radio. "That voice... It can't be.."

"Mom? Dad? I'm her...WOAH!" screeched Melody as she sprinted into the medical bay. She and Mina stared at each other.

"Oops," whispered Melody.


"HEY! C'mon Hope, we're not as bad as Skye and Tikal!"

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Crowley stood up, slightly bewildered at still existing.

"It appears things are not all as they seem," he said.

Hope stuck her head back out the door.

"True, though Glen seems to be trying his hardest to compete with Skye."

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"That may be true, but your getting close to that stage. When are you going to officially ask each other out?"

(ooc: Did anyone forget I was there?)

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"I don't to ask anyone out dylan ." Said Glen smiling mischieviously."I take them be the shirt and throw them in the swimming pool ." He kept on."Hope that little kid enjoy my definition of cute . because neither fionna and I are sickenly sweet . Especially me ." He stopped ."Now if you excuse me , I think me and her were enjoying the sight outside along with a drink . How about joining us ?"

(Ooc: careful , he sounded dead serious about this one.)


Locke hoped Skye's ritual worked . "Mina, here is melody . She is a moongoose , just like you. She run fast,just like you. She doesn't kill, unlike you. But That's only because i try to avoid that."


"I guess we should try to find out what's going on ." Said Silver .

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"I... I know who she is... We... met..." said Mina, still staring at Melody, who began taking a few steps back.


"We're almost there Silver, the medical bay is just around there," replied Skye. He turned the corner and went to enter, only to jump back out of sight of the door. He took a sharp breath.

"My Mother's in there," he whispered to Silver. "And she's just seen Melody. I guess we'll soon know if the ritual did work."

"I saw you out there," called Mina, slowly coming back to her senses. "So why don't you just come into to the mad house as well."


"Remind me never to go near a swimming pool with you," murmured Ziona.

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"look." Said Locke."I know the whole thing is crazy , but ..." Red stopped Locke."No but ... I think it's tile we told

her the truth. She... deserve it."


"Don't worry , Zionna ." Said Glen."You are one of the few people who I'll never do that to." He finished with a smile .

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"It should be safe to do so know," said Skye as he entered the Medical Bay, pushing Melody back inside with him. "I think a found a way to prevent the paradoxes."

"Safe? Paradoxes? You mean...?"


"In which case, I might need some photography lessons Dylan to try and capture some amusing photos for myself."

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"Just make sure you carry a camera around. You never know when you might find something."

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"Mina," Said Red ."skye and his sister are from the future .... your future .I'm sorry that you have to learn what's going to happen next..."


"And what are you implying ?" Said Glen ."If you want , I can do other things to you...."Glen showed a quite interesting smile .

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"Glen, make sure you don't involve me in you ideas, okay?"

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