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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"6...5...4...3...2...1! Touchdown!" Hope gave a mischievous giggle at her handiwork.

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Knuckles prepares himself as Trigun rushes at him. Taking a more strategic route out, he dodges Triguns attack and rushes to Astraea and Kali.

"Are you two ok?" he says quickly turning back around to face Trigun. Kali slowly gets up, with the hole still healing.

"It's pretty painful, but I can manage." he says standing next to Knuckles. As Trigun then attacks again, Knuckles begins to emit chaos energy as Kali transforms him arms into rock. As Kali goes in first to counter the hit, suddenly he feels surged with an immense power and completely shatters through Triguns dagger. He then knocks his arm clean off, as Trigun moved to the side, avoiding any more damage.

As he looks back, he sees that the chaos energy from Knuckles was slowly flowing toward Kali. His arm was now covered in a green veil, and his wound had healed completely. Kali looked to Knuckles confused.

"You hold the same power as the Master Emerald?" Kali asks.

"I was "gifted" from birth one could say. I have the strongest connection, and essentially am a chaos emerald." Knuckles replies.

Trigun looks to the two and thinks for a moment, as his arm regenerates back. "You seem to be pretty powerful rodent." he says looking to Knuckles.

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"They must have been ." Said Glen"They are resilient . Or at least, they seem like the kind that would survive anything, or at least, a good bunch"


Red winced in pain "that's it, you are out to kill me , you crazy moongoose."


Silver felt a little empty , as the ritual went on.

"SKYE!" Shouted tikal .


The shadowed figure readied his weapon. Now was the time to act...

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"Knuckles, lend me your power!" Kali yells as he rushes to Trigun. Knuckles begins focusing his chaos energy and feeding it to him. As Trigun begins throwing daggers at Kali, he blocks all of them with his now stone animated fists and gets into close range. Trigun then creates brass Knuckles and slams it into Kalis fist. "If it's a fist fight you want, then it's a fist fight you get!" He yells as him and Kali begin matching each other blow for blow.

Astraea is now sitting up, fully healed after the shot to her side. She looks on as Kali and Trigun are locked in a heated battle. The thought of being the weakest infuriated her as she gets up and now rushes over to them.

While Trigun was focused on Kali, Astraea comes in and punches him in the jaw, and then releases a stream of fire. The surprised attack had Kali stagger back as Astraea takes the advantage and begins beating Trigun relentlessly. Unable to adjust, Trigun takes each hit full on. He's finally able to grab one of her hands and puts her arm into a lock. "You will pay for that wench." he says forming a sword above her head. However, Kali then steps in again and rams his shoulder into Triguns chest. He slides backwards as Kali helps Astraea up and the two look at him ,ready to go again.

"I've had enough of these games." Trigun says, forming a now much larger weapon with his hands.

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"I'm.... I'm.. okay," Skye screamed at Tikal, which probably didn't sound very reassuring.

Melody gave an involuntary shudder as it suddenly felt like she'd been give a mild electric shock, but she kept going.

(ooc: Red and Crowley will probably get the same 'shock' as Melody just did, given their link to Skye, as the time de-syncing gets passed on.)


"Just stop calling me a drunk and I'll stop," laughed Mina.


"I hope you're..." Ziona began, as she turned around, only to see the other in the hotel. "Oh, hello everyone. I see you dd make it!"

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A powerful "ENOUGH !" can be heard suddenly , As a blast of chao energy goes toward Trigun , And spectre appear out of the shadows ."I have seen enough . now stop , before i decide to restrain you all."

(Ooc: Bet you didn't expected that , right knux ?)


"Yeah right..." Said Red as she felt a little shock."Looks lile you hit harder than usual ; it's still shocking me." She said Again before laughing .


"See ? I told you they would make it ."Said Glen as he turned around ."Nice firewirk up there . We really enjoyed it."

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The energy began to fade and Melody lowered her arms. "It's done," she stated. "Are you two okay?" Skye just groaned.


Mina was still laughing. "Okay, okay. I'll stop with the poking until your properly fixed up then."


"So does that mean we don't need to worry about crazy dreams anymore?" asked Ziona

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Crowley had a sudden shudder, and instantly had a feeling something was up.

"No you won't. Once I've built a copy with the schematics I have, I'll be charging people to use it. So no one's getting affected by it unless they want to be," said Hope.

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"You better make sure it's safe before allowing it to be used by the public."

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Trigun takes the hit and falls off the side of the island. Kali and Astraea look to Spectre and Knuckles runs over.

"Grandfather?! I thought you were lost in the twilight zone!" he says with a stunned expression.

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"Of course I'm going to test it first. And it'll be stationary of course, so it'll only affect a very specific area.

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"Just keep in mind this was built by Eggman."

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"Can I help test it?" asked Ziona eagerly.

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"If you're willing to come to UF territory, then of course. And don't worry Dylan, it's not an exact copy."

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"I think that'll be okay. Actually, I need to check on Zet. He's still in hospital there, isn't he?"

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"Zionna..." Said Glen.


Silver was a bit tired , but all in all , he felt as if he still had his power ."I'm a bit tired , but i'll be fine ."

Tikal ran toward skye's side .


"you totally do that from now on ." red says.


Spectre ran toward the side , hoping to catch this trigun before he fell . He needed to question him at the very least."Twilight zone ? You think we'd habe trust Finitevus that blindly , grandson ?"

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"That's good, that's good," said Melody unstrapping Silver.

Skye tried to rise as Tikal approached him, but couldn't because of the straps. He managed to smile. "I think I'm ok. I think it worked."


"You get better and we have a deal," replied Mina.


"I know Glen, I know. But just to enjoy it again for a short while everyone now and then..."

Ziona turned to Shadow. "Thank you. I really should visit him. I don't want him to think I've abandoned him. It wouldn't be fair."

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Tikal Took skye in her arms .


"I'll try to keep my end of the bargain." Said Red.


"Be careful not to let it rule your life Zionna..." Said Glen."I would not want anything bad for you..."

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Trigun leans over the edge, with a dagger in the side of the earth. as he looks up, he sees Spectre looking down to him.

"This isn't over." he says as he dissolves the dagger and falls back into the ocean bellow.

Knuckles runs up to his Grandfather. "He is a very dangerous man indeed. Trust or not, his tricks know no bounds." he then looks down as the two watch Trigun fall. "It seems we now have a new enemy on our hands as well.

Kali walks up to the cybernetic Guardian. "Thank you for your aid. my name is Kali, an earth elemental being. Over there is Astraea of fire."

Astraea makes a deep hmph sound and walks over to the shrine stairs.

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"Indeed knuckles , indeed...." Said Spectre. He then looked at the others ."Elemental being ? I heard of them , But mostly in extremly old and forgotten stories found in books often deemed lost..."

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"Storybooks? You mean to tell me this world has information on our people?" Kali says with a surprised look. Astraea then looks up from sitting on the staircase in curiosity.

"As odd as it may seem," Knuckles begins. "We have some technology and power that allows us to travel to different worlds and zones in the universe. That power is very unstable however, and it is very hard to obtain. Grandfather, do you have any knowledge of where these books about elemental beings may be?"

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"Like I said, it was long ago . But I think I could try to lead you back to where the books might be . Interested ?"

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"Uh, Tikal, not that I mind or anything, but could you untie me?" asked Skye, while Melody giggled from across the room.


"Good," replied Mina, then she fidgeted slight. "Before you went unconscious, what were you saying?"


"I won't Glen, I won't." Then she whispered something in his ear. "I've got something good to come back to now, right?"

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