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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope rushed to a computer and hastily searched for a schematic of the machine.

"We can never do things my way for once," she angrily muttered to herself.

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"Yeah, my sister and I are from the future.... Actually, were from a different Zone entirely." Skye decided not to mention Moebius by name, given the prejudice that could cause. "We're trying to flee from our world and start up a new life here, but there's a problem with our Zone and yours being in contact, which means a word in the wrong place and my sister and I, plus some of our friends, could suddenly cease to exist. We've already had our past altered once ion the time we've been here. Could you please make it to Haven as quickly as you can? If you don't know where that is, head to Angel Island and I'll guide you when you arrive."


"What do you mean not... Red? RED?" Mina's eyes widened, scared for her friend. Carrying the unconscious Red, Mina meekly went along with Locke's suggestion.


"I don't know if it's possible to pass out on milkshakes," giggled Ziona as she finished making her drink. She stuck a straw in it and began slurping away happily.

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Astraea looks at the gem for a moment, and then back to Knuckles. "I'm sorry to say, but I have never met this one before. Our best option would be to revive him and find out who he is. Do you have a large body of water anywhere?"

Knuckles points out to the horizon. "Angel Island will fly over the oceans in a few hours. We could drop him there."

"Then we may as well wait." Astraea replies. She then looks to Kali, who was caressing the Master Emerald. "What in gods name are you doing?"

"This emerald feels as though it talks to me." Kali says looking deep into it. "It's so soothing and full of life."

"The Master Emerald is the very embodiment of like." Knuckles says walking up to Kali. "It also has it's own Guardians inside of it, Tikal and Chaos. However, it's been a while since I've felt their presence, they may have entered this world again for some purpose."

(ooc: If I recall, one of you has Tikal running around, but did anyone take Chaos? I may wish to implement him in my story.)

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(ooc: Chaos hasn't been claimed, though Knux may be surprised to find out the 'purpose' Tikal left the emerald for!)

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( ooc : Well, no one seems to mibd so far)

"You might be surprised by what people tend to put in their milkshake." Said Glen ."But that's another story."


"We have to take her back to haven , we have no time to loose ." said Locke."Crowley , chaos control Red to the medical bay, you'll go faster than me. I'll teleport mina."


"Hum, alright.... thing is , i don'f even know where you 'haven' is..." Said Silver.

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Skye rolled his eyes. "I told you, head to Angel Island, and I'll direct you from there."


"Take good care of her Crowley. Please," begged Mina.


"That defeats the whole point of a milkshake though," replied a slightly shocked Ziona.

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"Yup , shame on them ." Said Glen , pourring another glass."But to each their own little pleasure , i guess , right ?"


"Don't worry , he'll take good care of her ."Said Locke ."Now give me your hand , we have to move."


"Oh well, Easy for you to say." Said Silver ."I just woke up, so I'm a bit ... foggy."

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"Oh, yeah, sorry," Skye apoligised. "Forgot it was still the middle of the night. But the sooner the better. Please."


Mina held out her hand to Locke


"I suppose everyone has there own quirks!"

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Hope eventually found the schematics and downloaded them to her PDA, giving a celebratory "YES!" in the process.

Crowley took hold of Red and teleported her to safety.

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"It's alright ." Answered back Silver."I'll try to move right now then ...." As he prepares himself .


Locke took mina's hand , and chao controlled back to haven Medical center."There, now let's hope Crowley is back too."


"Mine would be to enjoy a nice drink right now. Now about we move this conversation outside ?" Said Glen.

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"I'll keep this spell going so you can let me know when you reach the island," replied Skye.


Mina turned around and saw Crowley had arrived with Red. "I can help. I've done a lot of training for healing as well as harming."


"That sounds good," said Ziona.

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"Alright." Said Silver." I'm leaving my place right now. I won't be very long."


"It's alright" Said Locke."I can handle this kind of situation. What I need you and crowley for, is what comes after: An actual moral support for her. She'll probably need it."


Glen and Zionna eventually got to the Balcony. The night was calm, and fortunaly, the ship wasn't in their line of sight."Yes, it's much better ." Said Glen."Don't you think?"

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Skye opened his eyes, and gave a sigh. A few seconds later he started fidgeting, tapping his foot, then began pacing, but taking care to stay inside the circle.


"I'll say with her night and day if I have to," replied Mina.


"Yes, its a beautiful night. It's nice to be able to share a lovely view for once."

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"You found something, Hope?" Dylan asked still looking at all the buttons, wondering which one to press

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"I've got the schematics for the machine. Seeing as the others are going to destroy a perfectly good piece of technology, I'm going to have to start from scratch. But at least I know what to do now."

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"Oh good. Do your schematics say which button destroys this ship?"

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"No. These are just schematics of the dream machine. If you want to destroy the ship, you need to take out some of its vital systems. Or maybe I can hack into the autopilot and make it crash?"

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Looks to Hope and gestures towards the controls

"Go right ahead. That will probably be the best way to do this."

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Hope walked over to the controls and began to fiddle with them, not wanting to send the ship into an immediate nose dive.

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As Angel Island reaches the vast sea. Knuckles looks off the side of the island with Kali and Astraea.

"Does this ocean dwell deep?" Kali asks, holding out the blue gem over the side.

"No one's made it to the bottom as far as I know." Knuckles replies. Kali looks back to the sea. "Then this shall be enough."

He drops the gem off the side of the island and the three watches as it falls down and lands into the water. A few moments later, a dip in the ocean begins to form as a water tornado suddenly springs out and rockets past them into the sky. The group looks on as it disperses, leaving a large water ball to fall down onto the island next to the shrine. The water then forms into the body of a man as the reborn elemental stands up. He looks around for a bit until his eyes fall onto Kali and Astraea.

"Well now isn't this a surprise. No only are an earth and fire element working together, but it seems you even resurrected me. I assume you wish to have a battle then?" the man says, walking towards them.

"We do not wish to fight, we're in need of help. Please tell us your name." Kali says stepping in to confront him.

"My name is Trigun, 3rd knight to Poseidons royal guard. For what reason do you require the aid of an enemy?" Trigun says stepping up to Kali. He was a lot taller than he way and looked down on him with confidence. However, Kali was a man of purity, and did not flinch.

"This world is not our own, and it seems we are the only ones here. We need you help to find a way back so that we can be with our families again." Kali says looking to him in the eye.

Trigun smirks and walks behind him. "A new world you say. Then I see no reason as to why we shouldn't claim it as our own."

"There is no need to unbalance this worlds elements. They live in harmony with no need to--" Kalis words are stopped short as Trigun spins and shoves a spear into his chest. As he looks down to the spear and back up, Trigun then lifts him off the ground and swings the spear at the Master Emerald Shrine, slamming Kali into the wall. Shocked from the quick attack, Astraea quickly sets herself ablaze and charges at Trigun. She fires a flamethrower from her hands and steam begins to go everywhere. As it clears, she looks wide eyed as a massive shield made of water was in front of her, Trigun then comes from the side and slams a mace into her ribs. She goes rolling off to the side and he then turns and looks to Knuckles.

"Two down." he says, switching weapons to two daggers.

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"Skye ?" Asked tikal."How went things ?"


Locke started to act. Red was a wreck , and the amount of works Locke would have to give to heal her was incredible . Eventually, He stabilised Red's body."There, it's done." He said ."She is out of danger."


"Yes . The night is beautiful ." Said Glen."If I may be so Bold, Almost as beautiful as you are."

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"Good, I think. I reached Silver and he's on his way, though he doesn't know exactly where Haven is. I just hope he arrives in time," Skye replied, hands squeezing one of his tails with worry.


Mina gave a sight of relief, and sat down next to Red, holding onto her hand. "You're gonna be okay. C'mon, I seen you come back from worse than this."


"Aww, thanks Glen," replied Ziona as she slid an arm round him. "But you should be careful, or we'll start sounding as bad as the young sickly sweet lovebirds!"

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"Hey, I guess I could understand how they are feeling now." Said Glen."But for now, i'll be more busy with enjoying your company than showing it to the world ." he slid his mechanical arm around zionna."You know what ? I don't think I could have asked for more if I was given a new start. Thank you for what you did , zionna ."


"Now that you got in contact with him, all we have to do is to wait for him." Said Tikal ."Don't worry . I'm sure Locke or Red won't let anything Slide."


Silver was finally on the floating island . This modified Extrem gear he got was a really good piece of hardware, that's for sure."Hum, I don't know if you can hear me, But i'm on the floating island now."


Red was still unconscious , but she was showing sign of waking up ."Don't worry mina." Said Locke ."Just give her some time .You can stand by her side if you want ."

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"I know Mom and Dad won't let anything slide deiberatly, but of Mother see's Red... At least we don't need to worry about Melody or I being seen. There's no way Dad would take Mother into Haven," Skye replied to Tikal, then...

"Hang on, Yes Silver I can still hear you. That was pretty quick. Ok, I can see you on the map, now..." Skye began relaying directions to reach Haven.

"Tikal, you better warn some of the Guardians that there's about to be another guest."


"I'm staying. She's the only true friend I have. Even if you ordered me out I wouldn't go."


Ziona rested her free hand on Glen's mechanical one, seeming unphased by the cybernetics. "I don't know if I did much. I whined at you, scared you, and acted like a kid!" She laughed. "Was just having someone there for you what you needed?"

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