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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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As Red took the doctor , an eggpawn appear from behind . Red's knife appeared even faster ."Let's play a game . For each of your little creation appearing in this room , I will break one of your fingers. then the arm. and so on , and so on . " Red kept on ."So , i think you could start by telling me what are your plans . " There were no hint of kindness in Red's voice . Just a cold realisation for the one being interrogated : She would do as she says.


"She is in the main control room " Said Locke ."It's over there."


Eventually , Tikal found what she needed , and came back to skye."Skye , I have what you asked ."


"Well , it's a good idea ." Said Glen ."And i almost forgot , That's a very cute Pajama you are wearing tonight ."

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Dylan caught up with Mina

"Please don't run at full speed. I can't keep up." He then turned to Locke. "There you are. She's in there, you say? Let's go then."

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Knuckles starts to channel his chaos energy as Astraea turns her legs to fire and rockets toward him. He dodges her attack and fires a chaos spear that goes straight through her body leaving a hole. However, it instantly regenerates from flames as she turns around and launches a fire ball at him.

"What is she, invincible!?" Knuckles yells to Kali, dodging for dear life.

"She can transform her body into fire at her will! We need to keep the fight going!" Kali yells as his leg finishes healing and he rushes back in.

Astraea turns to Kali and prepares another fireball, but he's too quick for her this time. His arms change color into concrete as he begins swinging punches left at right. After the first few go through her body, she then begins to start dodging others, and soon becomes in a panicked state. Knuckles uses this opportunity to slide through and knock her off her feet as Kali pins her down.

"I don't know what life we had in the past, but I'm asking for your help!" he yells at her. This makes her look in confusion and seems to calm down a little.

"What do you mean you don't know?" she asks curiously.

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So apperently , knuckles was on a quest , and these ..."people" Were connected to it . That was at least what our hidden figure understood from the distant talking ....

In that case , he decided to wait until everyone was here to show himself .

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"Thanks Tikal, you're a lifesaver," replied Skye as he began setting up the ritual. "I think I've found a way to send him a message once we've located him. I just hope it works."


"Sorry Dylan, but if Red's in danger I can't wait," Mina replied, heading to the control room.


Ziona looked down and laughed. "I'd completely forgotten after all that crazy dream business."


(ooc: Sorry Locke, but Union rules prevent you from inflicting serious harm on Eggman.)

"Just let me call them off," pleaded Eggman as he squirmed slightly backwards. "Eggpawns..." he began, then hit a hidden switch casing the floor underneath him to open into an escape hatch.

"Blast her!" he yelled at the hatch slid shut before Red could reach it.

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(ooc: Almost forgot he could still do this)

"See you in the control room, Locke," Dylan said before teleporting himself into the control room. "Red?"

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What dylan could see was an angry bat , a very angry bat who took all her anger on every single robot who dared approching her . All in all , a metalic massacre . Red turned Toward Dylan. She was almost unrecognisable , with her face half-wrapped up in bandage , her clothes torn up , and wounds everywhere . "Well Dylan, I guessit took you long enough to come ."She said, sitting down , and popping open another bottle of painkiller ."Are you alone here ?"


"Oh don't be mad , I'm not better ." Said Glen , before laughing . After all , the only thing he was wearing were the pants . As he was simply bare chested . "Let's get something to drink then."


"Why thank you ." Said Tikal, happy to help.


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"Maybe I should've let Mina get here first," Dylan thought to himself. Then he spoke

"Sorry, we came as quick as we could. Being asleep didnt help. As for am I alone, no. Mina, Locke, Shadow and Crowley should be close by too."

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"Okay, all set up. Keep your fingers crossed he's in this point of time," said Skye as he began the tracking ritual.


Mina sped into the control room and saw Red. "Ohmygosh! Are you alright? No of course you ain't. Let me help you," she said, hurrying to Red's side.


"Sounds like a good plan. I wonder if the other are as badly attired as we are?"

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"My bet is that they changed themselve." Said Glen."But right now, You are the one counting for me. Let's get that drink." As he walk toward the door, with Zionna at his side.


Red looked at mina, and was about to talk, when Locke stepped in, with crowley shortly behind. Locke said Nothing, and took her in his arms."Don't ever do anything like this ever again.We almost lost you there." Red talked to mina."sorry about that you all."


"Don't worry, you'll make it!" Said Tikal.

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"Time to get you back. You look like you need some rest."

(ooc: Are you controlling Crowley now?)

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(Ooc: No, But i'm sure The two of them were together at a moment. I hope shadow won't mind.)

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Crowley breathed a sigh of relief.

"Glad to see you're still with us. You need to get out here. I never thought it'd be you all beaten up and me trying to drag you to safety."

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"I've lost most of my memory and we are no longer on our home world." Kali begins. "I'l need your help if we wish to get back.

Astraea pauses for a moment and Kali gets off her. she sits upright and looks to Knuckles. "So what are you?"

"I'm an Echidna, and as I said before, Guardian of this Island and the Master Emerald." Knuckles replies.

"He revived me from my gem state as well as helped me revive you." Kali adds on.

Astraea looks back to Kali and stands up. "We'll I guess calling you an idiot is out of the question. Fine then, I'll tell you about our past. Where is this Master Emerald of yours?" she asks Knuckles.

"It's right this way." he exclaims as he leads the two back.

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"I hope so Tikal. I might have seconds, I might have hours. I don't know. But I hope it's enough."

Skye began to enact the ritual. As the ritual progressed several glowing points of light appear on a map of Mobius Skye had pinned to the ground on front of him. Skye examined the map.

"Uhhh, I don't think he's in the ocean somehow.... So that leaves the one... in New Mobotropolis I think the map says. Huh, well, lets give this a go." Skye closed his eyes again and spoke some more arcane words, and a purple fire began to surround him, though Skye didn't appear to notice.

"Hello," he spoke, "Is that Silver the Hedgehog? Can you hear me?"


Mina seemed a little surprise by the affection Locke was showing Red. "Don't worry about me Red, its you..." Then she noticed something. "Wait a minute..." she breathed, staring hard at Red.


"So what will you be having to drink," asked Ziona when they reached the kitchen.

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"Um... Is something wrong, Mina?"

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"It... she almost looks as if..."

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"Perhaps the machine reacted with her in some way. It's possible," said Crowley.

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As the trio make it back to the shrine. Astraea walks up to the emerald and sits on top of it. "So this thing is what brought you back huh. You must really trust me now to give away your only means of survival."

"My past actions are irrelevant to what must be done now." Kali responds.

"If only you knew how relevant they were." Astraea says hoping off the Master Emerald. "The reason we're enemies if because in our world, the elements must constantly expand. Because of this, the war on land is a non-stop battle. We fought a numerous amount of times, you and I."

"As important as this may be, I would appreciate it if you didn't sit on the one thing keeping this island afloat." Knuckles says. Kali then motions Astraea to talk by the staircase.

"If what you say is true," he begins. "Then right now the two of us being enemies would be meaningless. This world is already at peace with the elements."

Astraea thinks for a moment and then looks at him. "Yea, i guess you have a point. But what should we do now about returning home?"

"I'm unsure. However I'm sure we can work together on this." Kali says putting his hand on her shoulder. She smacks it off and steps away flustered.

"Don't act like friends now because I decided to help you. We're still different elements and we definitely wont be friendly once we get home!" she yells. Kali laughs a bit and smiles at her.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I wish things weren't so tense on our world."

"The old you wouldn't have said that at all." Astraea says looking away.

With them both on the same page, Knuckles walks up and pulls out the third gem he had found. "So with you two working together, Astraea do you know who this may be?"

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It was yet another night at the secret freedom fighter base. After the day of training thet had , Silver was out , and sleeping like a baby . that is , until he heard a voice ."Wh-what ? who is talking to me ?" he asked.


"I'll take something without alcohol please ." Asked Glen."I'd prefer to enjoy the night sober. and what you ?"


Locke got out of Red's arm , to let her breath a bit. She immediatly looked at mina."Look at me for 5 minute. After everything I got thrown at me , anyone would suddenly 20 years . Especially when high on painkiller ..." She fell down , Hand on her side ."Looks like you came not a moment too soon. You know what ? Let's blow up this freaking ship and maje sure no one will try such a thing ever again..."

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"I got through, I got through!" yelled Skye happily. "Hello Silver, my names Skye. I, uh, need your help. There's a good chance me, my sister, and a few others could be wiped out by a paradox. Though, I'm afraid the experience might not be pleasant for you."


"Sounds, like a good idea. I'll go with that, though I think Hope might be disappointed" Mina replied, as she knelt down and helped her friend up. "I've figured it out. I know why you've been so cagey with me," Mina whispered so quietly that she knew only Red would hear here. "I'm not sure how, but your from the future, aren't you. And they way you've been acting and taking to me... I'm dead, ain't I?"

(ooc: Don't worry, this isn't paradox material, far from it. Well, depending on what gets said next!)


"Really?" asked Ziona with surprise, taking her hand off the bottle of wine. "I'd have though after everything during the night... But if you're gonna stay on the soft drinks," Ziona gave a carefree smile, "I'm gonna make myself a drink I forget to have back in the dream." She rummaged through the kitchen and started making herself a milkshake.

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"Skye ?" Silver said... He heard this name somewhere ... Yes ! But that ..."Wait? What do you mean by paradox ? Don't tell you are from the future ..." He was quite shocked . Another time traveler ? Maybe he could try and leet up with them.

(Ooc: Silver. So naive...)


"Mina ...." Started Red."No, you are not dead ... just .just...." She fell uncounscious, her body finally giving up after all she has been through.

"Red!" Said Locke, Upset ."We need to get her out . What she needs more right now is medical attention..." He looked away."Mina, crowley , with me . Shadow and the other , I trust you with taking care of robotnik and his cursed ship."


"Then it's good idea i had. If you drink yourself Enough to pass out , at least , one of us will be able to carry the other to the bed ." Said Glen , drinking the first bottle fallig in his hand .

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"On it!" Dylan said started looking through the buttons in the control room

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