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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan entered the main room. Since most people were still in their rooms, he decided to just sit down and wait for everyone to come out

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"Do not write yourself off so easily; perhaps in time you may get your wish. And staying here would be rather problematic I'm afraid. The simple fact that you resemble a well known person would jeopardise the both of you," said Crowley.

Shadow slowly rose up.

"Glad to see you're both OK," he said.

"What's wrong with your head?" asked Hope

"Well I had to run into a wall to knock myself out. An experience I have no desire to repeat."

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(Ooc: I somehow got you back? That make me happy :) )

as Knuckles Was Doing his works, A figure was watching from afar, Hidden in the shadows of the nearby Forest.


"It's normal to cry from time to time. Better to be awake, than crying in your sleep, right?"


Locke Finally found a part of the group."People, we need to move. Someone might try to steal the master emerald. And apparently, Red might have gone alone to stop Eggman."


Tikal was happy to see that Skye finally got something out of the dream. But seeing the headband took her smile for a small second, as she remembered of her family. It seemed so far away....


Robotnik was now untouchable. But Red wasn't out of ideas."You might be protected. But the rest of the ship isn't. I'M GOING TO DESTROY EVERY SINGLE PANEL OF THIS COMMAND CENTER , DO YOU HEAR ME?" It was a bet. Chance would be that his "shield" would not be able to handle Electricity.....

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Skye saw the expression on Tikal's face, and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry. That was thoughtless of me. I should have realised..."


Mina's heart gave a little flutter when Crowley metaphorically left the door ajar. But she address the other part. "We don't look that much alike now. I'm black and red, she's yellow and lilac. But... I just can't see myself living here, even if it is beautiful."


"I think I was doing some of that too," said Ziona with a small smile.


"Oh no you won't," taunted Eggman, pleased at how riled up Red was. The robot moved far swifter than expected, placing itself between Red and the controls. "Move as fast as you want little bat. I can move faster."

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(ooc: Who are you talking to Locke? Everyone is in different rooms)

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As the light dies down, Knuckles looks back to the shrine to see a dark skinned man laying on the ground. He slowly comes to as Knuckles helps him up.

"Are you ok/?" Knuckles begins to ask as the person comes to.

"Ugh my head." he replies. Removing his hand from his forehead, he reveal the green gem Knuckles had placed on the Master Emerald. It was now implanted on this person and glowing faintly.

(ooc: I need to leave right now, but I'll be back to explain some more. And yes Locke, it would be unjust to not credit you for my return.)

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(Ooc: Oh my, I don't often get credit for good stuff . It makes me so happy :) And I was Shouting around.)

Glen was about to do something , but he stopped."I guess we are both in that case , cutie." He kept on."Don't worry, If we try to be there for each other, it should not happen anymore, right?"


Tikal looked at Skye ."It's alright, Just long lost memories. I'm better now ."


Red aimed at the light on the ceiling. causing an electric shock . Hopefully, this would take down Robotnik's shield for a few moments.

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"I agree this place is not as serene as it seems. The game is played differently here than on Moebius."

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"I hope so," replied Skye. "I'll always be here if you need me." Skye walked over towards the door. "I just wish I knew what was going on out there. Stupid paradox. I need to find some way to avoid it."


"Very true. You know, they call us the evil ones, but at least we're honest about what we do."


"Yeah, we can be there for each other," Ziona replied.


The shield flickered, but only for a spit second.

"You're going to need to do better that THAT!"

(ooc: Right idea, just needs a bigger shock. Very 'computer game boss' style.)

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"Skye, Don't worry. I don't think it's good for us to come out now...." Said Tikal.


Locke eventually Found Crowley and Mina, as they were discussing on the balcony."Not everyone is honest about what they do, but the few that does the contrary are worth the respect, you know?" Said Locke."But i'm not here for that. I reckon.. red is doing something extremly stupid right now...."


(Ooc: Why,it's a video game :) )

Red's idea was right. But she needed something stronger.... She saw a few generator around. Maybe if she could..."Calling yourself quick? What a funny way to spell Fat !" As she positionned herself near a generator..


Glen got his face closer to Zionna's."In that case, maybe..."

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"And therein lies the problem. While we accept being 'evil' for the most part and thus can be seen to act primarily as such, though not without some decency, most people here try to be what could be described as 'good', yet few are so self righteous that they would claim not to have negative traits. And then of course there are those who are just plain evil. One can never deal in absolutes when comparing our two worlds."

Crowley gave a shudder when Locke appeared.

"And what might she be doing?" he asked.

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"True," replied Skye. He sat back down on the bed. "If only I could think of a way to protect Melody and me by being warped by paradoxes everytime something happens. Hmm..." He picked up his journal from the bedside table and began flicking through his various spell notes.


"I suppose," Mina pondered Crowley's words. "I'm just a guilty of that as some of the Prime Zoner's." When she heard Locke's words a look of worry crossed her face.

"You mean Red's in trouble?" exclaimed Mina. "Where?"


Ziona hesitated, confused by her various, conflicting emotions.


"You can't escape me," called Eggman, shooting after Red.

(ooc: save some of Eggman for the rest of us Red! :P )

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Tikal sat down, wondering what Skye could invent this time using his magic.


Red avoided at the last minute. The explosion ought to disable his shield for a while. She would take the first occasion. (Ooc: well then, you'll have to be fast the lot of ya.)


Locke looked at the Dark sky."The answer is above us." Said The middle aged echidna."An airship.I think Red might try to care of everything on her own."


Glen stopped at the last moment. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to keep on."Zionna?"He asked, quietly.

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"Hmmm.... I wonder if... that could work... If I use Father's power-copying ritual..."


Mina looked at the airship. "I've got a grappling hook with me."


"I... I don't know..."


Eggman gave a yell of surprise as the robot hit the generators. The shield began to flicker.

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"I can take you up there Mina. Though I should probably get Shadow and the others first."

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Dylan had gotten bored waiting for someone to come. Instead he decided to go get some air on the balcony. He made his way over there

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The man looks up at Knuckles and then to his surroundings. He gets up and puts his hand on the master emerald for support.

"My name is Kali. I am the very essence of the earth. I'm unsure of why I am here, and not my own world." he introduces himself.

Knuckles thinks for moment. "How is it that you are alive right now?"

"This gem on my forehead acts as my life. Once exposed to the purist of nature, I can be created to take form as this body. If I die, I will simply dissolve into nothing but the gem, until I am taken back to be reborn again. How is it that you were able to revive me?" Kali asks

"The Master Emerald is the source of power to this land." Knuckles replies. I am it's Guardian, as such I protect it, and all living things,"

"Then we are not much different in our purpose in life."

"As it may appear so. But can the same be said for these two?" Knuckles says holding out the red and blue gem.

Kali looks at them for a moment. "I cannot remember much about these two."

"What do you remember?"

"Our colors give our elements, however we can tell each gem apart once we meet them. This red one is Astraea of fire, and this blue one I don't know."

"So I assume we need to revive them as well to find out more answers." Knuckles says, putting the gems away.

"As it stands, that is indeed true." Kali replies. He then puts both his hands on the Master Emerald. "If this jewel is as you say, may I borrow it's power to reactivate my own?"

"Of course." Knuckles replies.

Kali then look into the Master Emerald and focuses. Suddenly, green vinyl tattoos begin to spread all along his torso.

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glen saw how Zionna was still torn appart between her past, and a possible future. He decided that this time, he would be the one taking the initiative. He took her close again; and kissed her warmly.


"And I can glide There."Said Locke."We can"t wait too much...."


That was the moment. Red jumped and Attacked , slicing and cutting through. Maybe if she could take down what activated the shield, the fight would be easier....

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"Have you heard about a hedgehog called Silver?" Skye asked Tikal. "He's a time traveler my father met once, and apparently he's 'de-synced' from time, so if he changes the past those changes won't affect him. If we could find him, I could use my Father's ritual to copy that time de-syncing to Melody and me. Then we wouldn't need to worry about paradoxes."


"Yes, we better be quick," replied MIna, heading towards the main room and bumping into Dylan on the way. "Hi Dylan! Which room is Shadow's? We need his help to take out a flying ship!"


Surprise made Ziona start to pull away. Then she decided, this time, she'd at least give it a try.


"Hey, get away from there," called Eggman as he pulled the Pod away from Red. The field flickered back on, but it had been a close thing. The crazy bat had almost hit the main emitters.

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"A time traveler?" Asked tikal....."Well, I might have heard of this kind of power." She Kept on."It's true that when Chao was once unleashed on the world, was able to send several people back in my time. I though at first that It might have been memories..... I suppose it could be an option..."

(Ooc: And so, Tikal and Skye went on their way to a side quest !!!)


Red was once again Right. This doctor would soon meet his doom. All she had to do would be to anger him even more. Anger and uncontrolled Rage are the best way for someone to self-destruct. She knew that. She spent her life training her fighting. On the other hand, a distilled, well controlled rage unleashed at the right time , could cause devastating Damage to someone. She was counting on that. "running away again? is this all you can do?Cowering behind a shield? I'm still here !!!"


Locke was about to get in Zionna's room, when he saw Her And glen kissing. He left the Room and closed the door, deeming Necessary to leave these two alone. Maybe they deserved some rest....


At first , glen was surprised that Zionnapulled away, but he felt better,when he saw that wasn't against another kiss. After what seemed an eternity, the two broke off their kiss. "It guess it could have been worse for a first time, right?"

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Skye laughed. "Time travel exists all right Tikal. Otherwise I wouldn't be here right now. But it's not the ability to travel we need, its the ability to be unaffected by changes in time. Still, there's no rush......"

Skye's eye's suddenly widened and he gulped.

"Actually, there is a rush. If Mother catches sight of Red now we're all awake..."


"Yeah," Ziona replied with a small smile. "I still don't know if I'm ready for this, but the least you deserve is a chance."


Eggman didn't reply. Instead, a couple of small gaps appeared in the field, the barrels of stubby laser cannons emerging. He aimed at Red and pulled the trigger.

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"Well then, Any idea about how locating him ? He won't simply convenitly appear ." Said Tikal. (Ooc: Well.....................)


"Thank for trying at least ." Said Glen."We went through a lot tonight , But I suppose We got something out of it ." Glen smiled.


That was perfect . Red put herself in position . she let herself shot several time in order to keep on the masquerade and Lure the shot of the doctor near the next Generator .

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"Are those markings sappos to mean something?" Knuckles says, pointing to Kali's torso.

"They determine what power we have. If the markings go all throughout ones body, like mine, it means our power is body enhancement. All of my strentgh and skill comes from transforming my body into the very power of the earth, either for strength, or defense. If the markings are only on someones forearm down, and legs, then they can emit their element from their body as projectiles. Someone with markings only on their palms can create any form of weapon to use i combat." Kali explains

"Is there any advantage or disadvantage from one ability to the other?"

"It is only an advantage if you can use it better than your opponent. Each fighting style has their own strength and weakness." Kali then looks off to the mountains of Angel Island. "Is that volcano still active?"

"It doesn't erupt, however there is an entrance to its core." Knuckles points over to the side of the mountain.

"Then that should be enough. We ca revive Astraea and hopefully acquire more answers."

Knuckles nods and the two run off towards the mountains.

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The shadowy figure Started to follow Knuckles and the new unknown Figure . That was quite unexpected , But he wasn't there to fight . After all, It was simply a recon mission, and eventually , a contact one.

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Dylan hadn't noticed Mina as she bumbed into him so it quite a surprise to him.

"Um... over there," Dylan said pointing to one of the rooms before actually realising it was Mina asking him

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