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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"That's good. I'm getting a little fed up of all these evil dreamscapes. No offence to everyone, but its not fun seeing all the dark things in your heads."

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"Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. Being swallowed is not an experience I wish to repeat," said Crowley.

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"Eww. That sounds disgusting!" exclaimed Melody pulling a horrified face.

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"How about we all forget about the bad things when we wake up?" Said Glen.


"That mean the emerald is being used" Said Locke


"I see. Nobody would want to suffer from troubles at such a vital part."

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"I'm all for that," Ziona squeaked to Glen.

"You won't find me arguing," Melody agreed with Glen. "Moreso what happened with Crowley But if the oversized Emerald is being used, we better find a way out double quick."


"As long as they don't resist the dream's its better than reality. You could say I'm doing them a favor!"

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"Yeah, we totally do that."


"My bet is that someone is trying to steal the emerald ."


"If living in a lie is you definition of paradise , not everyone is thinking like you."Red answered back.

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"That sounds like something Eggman would do," Dylan said

"Why are you discussing Eggman when you should be getting killed by the werehogs," Hamlin was getting annoyed

"This doesn't involve you!" Dylan shouted back at Hamlin

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"Oh shut up you disembodied whinier, we're worrying about REAL LIFE problems here. Right, who's up for trying to dream up a door out, were-hogs around or no? Think it's worth the risk Skye? Skye? Skye, are you okay in there," asked Melody, fear rising in her voice. Skye was doubled over in pain, straining to keep his field active and unable to respond.


"Bah. Most of those furballs live a lie as it is, thinking they live in a safe paradise. If they can't see the truth on front of their faces, a dream world will suit them fine!"

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'And how is it so different from you?" Said Red ."What if you were the one Who could not escape his own dream ? You seem so deluded that I could almost have pity for you." As Red avoided another slash from Robotnik.


"So this is it." Said Locke."It more or less make sense. Locking us in a dreamworld, allowing him to act freely without hindrance from us."


"Well, If someone could find a way to us this idea of you to get us out of here, that would be nice !!" Shouted Glen."These furball are definitively overstaying their welcome. And I don't like That." On that second, a werehog jumped on him, Kicking Zionna on the process , and hurting her."OH NO YOU DON'T !!!" glen kicked him back before taking it down.

"Zionna, are you alright?"

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"That's not a bad plan," Mina commented. "Shame he couldn't have waited for one more day."

Melody stepped as close as she could to the field surrounding Skye, but couldn't see through it. She wrung her hands together, worried about his, then tried to push her worry aside.

"Okay everyone, try and imagine a doorway out, and get ready to deal with whatever monster gets summoned to stop us!" she shouted.

Ziona was whimpering slightly. The armour was broken where she'd been kicked and there was a small trickel of blood. "I... think so Glen," she sobbed. "I don't think its too deep."


"Don't bother. I've broken my delusions before," replied Eggman as he aimed another blow at Red.

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"But all we need to do is escape to ruin it all."

The werehogs had stopped attacking for some reason and Hamlin reformed in the middle of the room

"What is the point of making a werehog army to kill you all if your too busy talking to each other to get killed.

Dylan was ignoring him now

(ooc: Two choices now, keep on ignoring Hamlin where he'll keep trying to get attention until everyone escapes, or finish him off while his guard is down. The choice is yours)

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"And doing so , you got yourself a whole new set of those Dreams ." Said Red."Tell me , How long have you been trying to control this world ? How many time did you loose?"


"Skye, we have to move you!" Said Tikal."Please , turn that field down"


"hush, hush." Said Glen."Don't cry, please don't cry. I'm here." As he took her near him."I'm going to look at the wound , to make sure it's not heavy , alright?"


"This plan could almost work." Said Locke.

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Skye looked up at Tikal, and managed to nod weakly. He dropped his arms, and the field died, but Skye was on hands and knees shaking.

"Is everyone thinking about a way out," Melody called, as she knelt down next to Skye. "Don't worry, we'll soon have you back home and this will all be over."


Ziona opened her mouth to say something, then paused. "I was about to say 'I'm not a kid and can look after myself', but that would be a little ironic given the circumstances," she replied to Glen, managing to smile.


"Its only a matter of time before this world falls to the might of my Empire!" bellowed Eggman

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"Well, You can always revert back for a while, but that would be sad for you I guess...." Said Glen.


"I think you have doing it one too many time." Said Red."If one method doesn't work, why doing it again and again?"


"I've got you Skye."Said Tikal as she grabbed him to avoid his fall

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Skye managed to force the word 'thanks' out of his mouth.

"Well, while everyone else is standing around," muttered Mina, as she readied her blade and charged at Hamlin.

"Unless I have to, I don't want to," replied Ziona.


"The dream machine is a new idea! And so far its trial run is working perfectly!"

(ooc: So, ideas for the dream-exit doorway guard?

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(Ooc: This was noghtmarish in Fleetway. No super eggman. Something not too cliché.....)

"Alright then.... Let me have a good look at your wound then." Said Glen. He took out the now useless broken piece of armor, and took of a part of Zionna uniform."Hum, it's alright , nothing important was damaged. It will heal, But no rash action with this part of your body, ok ? I'll now apply a bandage on it , and something to stop the bleeding.be careful that might sting a little ."And Glen did so.


"It's alright Skye."Said Tikal , smiling warmly.


"Alright ... point for originality ." Said Red."But it made me angry to wake up knowing the whole thing was a lie. How do you think others would react?"

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"Just a quick note for when we get out. Whatever you do, don't destroy the machine! I need it intact. If there's so much as a dent on it, bam, zoom, straight to the moon!" said Hope.

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"I'd Rather blow it up and never see such a thing again." Shouted Glen."Livig in a lie would be quite low for you kid, especially with what you already have."

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"You realise it was made as a prison ?" Answered back glen.

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"I'm perfectly capable of altering it to suit my plans. What it was designed for is irrelevant. It's what can be done with it that's important."

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"Better get a way to leave the place first, then You'll think about getting the schematic for yourself." Saud Glen.

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