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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye made his way into the bathroom sink, and splashed some water on his face to help him fully wake up. Looking in the mirror he gave a little start of surprises. The headband Tikal's father had given hi, in the dream was still on his head. Curious, Skye ran his finger along it. Little motes of energy sparked off it.

"I must have summoned it in my sleep," muttered Skye. "Been a long time since I've done something like that."


"I never really got the chance," said Mina. "Nighttime meant training. And daytime usually study. There wasn't the opportunity to view a beautiful scene."

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"That must have been horrible for you. I was quite fortunate in that I got free time on occasion."

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Unsure what to do next, Skye went back to the bed and sat of the edge of it. If his mother was in the dream with them, then she could be right outside, and Skye didn't want to take the risk of bumping into her.


"It sounds like you had a better time than I did. I never got any free time, except to sleep. That was why I eventually... eventually left." As she spoke, her free hand started to tremble slightly. Slightly embarrassed, she griped the balcony rail tightly, hiding the shake.

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Crowley noticed the shaking and put his other hand on hers.

"Truly that is a tragedy. But you're free now," he said, turning to face her. In his mind, he honestly felt sorry for her, though he was still somewhat uncomfortable with having to toy with her as a distraction. He knew he was potentially setting her up for a nasty fall.

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"So, Do I go, or do you go?" Asked Locke to Shadow.


"Zionna..." Said Glen, before taking her in it's arm."It's alright,cutie,it's alright..... I'm here.." Right before giving her a powerful punch in the solar plexus, effectively taking her out. "Hope it won't hurt too much tomorrow."

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"I... I hope so... I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I did." Mina could hardly believe what was happening. Her eyes began watering slightly, and she fought to hold back tears.


Ziona woke with a start, shocked by the punch. She frantically hurried out of bed towards the nearest mirror. She looked into it, and sighed as an adult stared back.

"I suppose I can't just live in a dream after all," she moaned.

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Crowley put his arm around her, unwilling to speak for fear of affecting Melody and Skye's future any further.

"You all go first. Rouge can knock me out when the time comes, and by the looks of it she'll be unconscious soon as well, so it'll be fine," said Shadow.

"Yeah I'd say that's about right," responded Rouge.

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Locke ran toward Glen, And Quickly pulled an old trick to effectively take Glen Down. The younger echidna didn't really expected that.

"Alright, That's one more down." Said Loke."Let's not loose time then. Melody?"


Glen woke up , a nasty headache kicking in. But he decided not to loose time. He grabbed some clothes, dressed himself up, and Moved toward Zionna's Room. "Zionna, can I come in? It's me." He asked.

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"Yeah, I'm ready," said Melody, but she turned to Tikal, "But I think Skye will be waiting for you. I wouldn't keep him waiting!"


Mina didn't say anything either. She just lent into Crowley, trying to make the most of enjoying his company and the view.


Ziona placed her head on the desk, covering it with her hands. Then she heard Glen knocking.

"Yeah, you can come in," she replied weakly.

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(ooc: Poor mina)

Glen slowly opened the door, and Closed behind him. "Hey, Zionna" he said as he saw Zionna's pitiful state " Are you holding on?" He kept on, before putting his normal hand on her shoulder.


Tikal simply stated "We have to do it now."


Red was done with taking care of her wounds. In order to keep on going , she took a bunch of painkiller's bottle. this would Stop the pain for a good while. t least, until she was done with Robotnik. She hoped the other were fine and awake by now, And moved on again.

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Shadow swiftly knocked Tikal out before going over to Melody.

"My sincerest apologues for this," he said to her as he used the sleeper hold.

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"No worries Shadow, no worries," said Melody as she slipped away.


Back in the hotel Melody slowly came round. Then turned over and went straight back to sleep, only outside the dream catcher this time.


"Just about," Ziona whispered. "Just about."


"Doctor," reported Orbot over the radio. "It appears several of the Dream Catcher targets are awakening."

"What?," Eggman yelled. "Orbot, power down the dream catcher. Scramble the minds of whoever's left in there. Then bring the Master Emerald aboard."

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Two knife enbedded Near Robotnik's neck.

"I don't think so." Red was back in action. Covered in bandage and probably high on Painkiller, but back in action. and this time, she was ready if The Fat doctor tried to use sleeping gas again.


"hush.hush. I'm here now." Said Glen to Zionna's ears, as if to avoid startling her. He then got her back on her feet and took her in his arm." If you want to let yourself go, at least this time, it won't be on your own."


Tikal Suddenly woke up. She looked around , searching for Skye. She found him, And gave him a hug from behind.

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Skye jumped up with surprises when Tikal hugged him, then laughed when he realised it was her.

"Heh, don't scare me like that. It's good to see you awake again."


Ziona held on tightly onto Glen, bursting into tears.


With a metallic hiss the dome on Eggman's robot slid shut.

"Its too late, already the power levels are dropping. Now, why don't we finish this?" Eggman opened fire with every available weapon system.

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"did I really Scare you?" Tikal laughed.


Glen Said Nothing and let Zionna Cry. he knew How she felt,


"It's never too late , Fat man." Red was angry. Very Angry. She avoided every shot she could, and took some, but she gave back just as much.

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Shadow knocked Locke out and moved over to Rouge, as the dream began to collapse on itself.

"You got a new plan? Because suddenly I feel a lot more awake than I did before," she asked urgently.

"Yes I do. But it's cutting it close," he replied before knocking her out. He noticed a large rockface up ahead and began running towards it, hoping to make it before he was caught in the implosion.

In the real world, Rouge woke up and hurriedly changed into her normal attire before leaving her room and going over to Hope and Shadow.

"Who's going to wake Shadow up?" asked Hope.

"I think he's doing it himself hon," she replied with a sigh.

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(ooc: I do suppose it's time)

Knuckles looks on as Ikiryo and Gamma stand before him in front of a star gate. They now prepare to leave for their own world once more.

"It's been quite a long time since I met you guys, huh?" Knuckles says with his arms folded

Heh, don't get all sappy with us now.

"You have done much for us Guardian," Gamma begins. "We will not let this information go to waste." the two then activate the star gate and walk through.

Knuckles looks on and sighs to himself. "What a wild ride. What am I gonna encounter next?" As he turns to walk away, the star post begins shinning even brighter than normal, until suddenly turning off. Confused, Knuckels walks up to inspect it, and finds 3 small gems on the floor. He picks them up, and looks in wonder.

"I guess it came to me faster than I expected." he says, running off to reach Angel Island.

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(ooc: Be honest, who forgot about me?)

"Shadow!" Dylan started running after Shadow. "Your forgetting me!"

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(OOC Bugger! My sincerest apologies Dylan. I wasn't thinking straight after my lecture).

Shadow came to a sudden stop and ran back towards Dylan.

"Sorry about that Dylan, I got caught up in the commotion," he said as he span around and did the sleeper hold before continuing towards the rock.

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(ooc: No worries, it happens. I probably should have done some sort of reminder earlier when I had the chance)

Dylan woke up in bed, which he found weird at first since he had fallen asleep on the couch. Then his thoughts turned towards the recent dream adventure

"What a strange dream," he thought to himself as he got up and went towards the main room

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"Just a bit," laughed Skye, "More surprised than scared. And look, I accidentally brought a souvenir back," he said, pointing to the headband.




"Crowley," Mina started to ask, "do you think.... never mind, its a stupid idea."


Ziona continued to cry into Glen's shoulder, then gave a little hiccup as she tried to catch her breath.


Eggman grimaced as his robot became more and more damaged, and despite the impact of his attacks Red just keep coming.

"You're as persistent as that miserable hedgehog," screamed Eggman!

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"It's fine Mina. Ask away."

Shadow skated as fast as he could headfirst into the rock just as the dream collapsed. He suddenly awoke back in the real world, clutching his head.

"Ugh. At least it worked. I think"

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"It's alright, it's alright." Said Glen."Let it go." as tears started streaming from his eyes too.


Locke woke up , only to see that Red was gone "Now where is she?" That's when He felt something disturbing with the master emerald. She was being taken away. He had to move fast, and get the others.


Red was starting to break the robot appart. It was only a matter of time before the robot would fall. And then, She would take care of the doctor... If her wounds let her the time.


Tikal simply smile back at Skye.

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(ooc: P.s. Welcome back Knux! Sorry I didn't say so earlier.)

"Its... its been a long time since I summoned something in my sleep," said Skye, sounding slightly embarrassed. "At least I didn't accidentally magic one of my tails away."


"I already know the answer. Or both the answers. You've already said what your response would be to the first question," Mina said, sounding disappointed but trying to hide it. "But the other part... I thought... I thought for a moment about staying here, in the Prime Zone. But no, someone like me wouldn't fit in here. I don't know if any Moebian would. Well... maybe Kintobor."


"I'm , sorry. It was was just a dream. I shouldn't be crying over a dream," said Ziona. She gave a sad laugh. "Crying at a bad dream, how childish!"


"Stop breaking my robot," shouted Eggman. "Bah, I'd hope not to resort to this." He grabbed a handle in the cockpit and the legs and arms of the robot detached, leaving the main body hovering as jets kicked into life. A second later a laser-net actuated, surrounding the robot body. The gaps in the net we smaller than a centimeter.

"Not even one of your knives can get through this," crowed Eggman.

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Knuckles makes it back to the Master Emerald Shrine, looking over the gems respectively. He then notices the green one beginning to glow slightly.

(ooc: it's good to be back, and with Locke's motivation, I have another story line for my favorite hero. I'll try to stay in it for this one.)

"This must have some connection to the Master Emerald then." he says looking to the huge jewel. He sets the gem on top of it and steps back.

The servers are the seven chaos.

Chaos is power. power enriched by the heart.

The controller is the one that unifies the chaos.

Bring this slumbering power back to it's original state.

The gem begins to glow brightly as a flash of light blocks Knuckles view.

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