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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'll take the unfriendliness and the knife as you will try and stop us. Good to know."

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"Such disrespect isn't going to lead you very far, mortal one."

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Mina and Melody were staring at the figure with utter confusion.

"I... You... Wait, What?"

(ooc: Bringing up the circumstances of her death/rebirth might not be the best course of action around Melody, but at least it defects the paradox for now)

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The shadowy figure seemed to smile."I am a being of many knowledge. "

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"A being with so much knowledge, he get's confused by everything," Dylan said under his breath

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"Well knowledgeable or not, I am NOT..." Melody began, then remembered her mother was standing right behind her so didn't finished.

"Ahem, anyway. You're not trying to kill up right away so that's good. Can you let us go then?"

"Are you seriously trying to TALK to it?" Mina asked with surprise.

"Well, it hasn't hurt us yet."

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(Ooc: Well, I didn't got the time to finish my feature for the 400th Page, so, have that instead.)

"I'm affraid Not"

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"What do you want then?"

(ooc: There is no chance that I'm going to watch that. But happy 400 pages!)

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Edited by BlueBlur62391

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"What he said," replied Melody, jabbing a thumb in Dylan's direction.

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"What I want, is not something you can easily have." Answered the shadowy figure."But, As I said, Only those with my blessing can leave."

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"Soooooo, how do we get your blessing then?"

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The shadowy figure said Nothing, as if thinking about something ...


"a great , looks like the situation is not getting any better ..." Said Glen."And I was looking forward to buy you a drink when we'd wake up , Zionna."

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"This certainly beats fighting more," Dylan thought to himself whilst waiting for the answer

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Red got out of the vent . She had marks of burns on many part of her body, and was severly weakened . Fortunaly , she was near the medical bay . She could find something useful and go back fighting Robotnik in no time.


The shadowy figure eventually took off his ... "hat" or whatever it was , revealing the face of a crow . A smiling one.

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"Well.... smiling a good thing.... Is it?"


"What do you mean she didn't arrive in the cell block? Is she at least dead then? NO?!?" Eggman thundered over the radio. "Egg Pawns, comb the ship, and find that bat!"

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"Maybe. Maybe...." Said the crow before laughing .


Red took out some of her clothe to look at the extent of her wounds... The electricity didn't left her much chance.... She took some medicament and started to clean up what she could. Before adding some bandage.

The pain made her feel alive, in a way. She just didn't wish this kind of thing to anyone else.

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"Could you just give a straight answer please? What do we need to do to pass? Preferably a way that doesn't involve fighting," asked Melody.

"That clinches it. You're definitely NOT my daughter." commented Mina.

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Shadow yawned.

"Maybe he's just going to wait until we all go insane from boredom." he muttered.

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"I'm with... both," Dylan said pointing at both Shadow and Melody

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"Did it occured to you all, that the secret to leave this place was inside you all along?" Said the crow."While this old bat got me by surprise , she still found her way to leave. Maybe you could do the same too?"

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"Inside... Us... All... Along..." Melody's eyebrow was raised. "Seriously? Wait, um, isn't willing ourselves out what we've been doing?"

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Dylan thought about it. "Oh I get it!" he said at last

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"Why do I get the feeling I'm gonna scream because no one though of this hours ago..."

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