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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Red was Moving as fast and silently as she could . Now that alert was out , she had even less time to finish this undetected. Heck , she would even have to fight her way out.

Darn! they were starting to seal of the place around the deck 5 ! Better start looking for some other way if the door fail to works.

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"Skye, don't leave me," begged Melody, clutching at his leg.

"I never will Melody," Skye replied trying to comfort her. The copy sneered."

"You will very soon be Skye. You're nightmare's are already on their way."

"You gonna try and summon a dark mirror of me? Or my Father? I've already beaten them."

"Not this time Skye!" the copy replied.


"Thats... Glen, that's my mother... exactly how I left her..."


Ziona shook her head, unable to see a way out of this. Even being an adult wouldn't help. The only thing that could help them was... Ziona pushed her fear to the back of her mind and concentrated for a moment, and a Zone Cop uniform appeared on her, resized for her smaller form. Ziona grabbed Tikal and hit the Zone teleport button, and both her and Tikal disappeared.

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Crowley delivered a flurry of blows to the bear's head, to little effect. He then stabbed it with a chaos spear in the shoulder, causing it to reel back and release him. As he backed off and caught his breath, the bear soon attacked again, it's swipes smashing down trees as they missed.

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"Your mother? How you left her?" Asked glen."I'm not sure how to react to this..."


Tikal woke up near Zionna."Where..where are we ?"

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A net suddenly erupted from the ground and engulfed Skye. As he struggled to free himself, two Zone Cops emerged from the fog, their freture horrible distored under their helmets.

"This one will be spending a long time in isolation, completely alone, forever," one spoke in a chilling voice.


The body of Isabella Mongoose suddenly stirred and stood up. Mina backed off a few seteps as she turned and advanced on the younger Mongoose, pulling out the knife that had been embedded in her heart.

"You call that a killing blow? You're pathetic girl. Don't you EVER listen. Don't you EVER learn?"

"Mother... I... I..."

"You'll be punished for neglecting your practice. Severely punished."


"I don't know. It could be anywhere..." said Ziona looking around. Nothing looked familiar to her.

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"Darn, what a cute mother!" Said Glen ."No wonder the daughter is so beautiful with a mother like this ." He armed his rifle .

"I would not want to do that if I were you, 'Miss' "

He looked at Mina , giving him his hand ."Are you going to cry, or are you going to stand up ?"


"That place..." Said Tikal. Fire . downed echidna . Hurted chao.... "We are at the emerald shrine..." She said Grimly .

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Skye continued to struggle as the Zone Cops picked him up. Melody was curled up again, seemingly unaware of anything around her.

"I told him he would leave you behind. He created a double simply to easy his guilt. And now he's cast you aside."


"This is between me and my daughter. You shouldn't interfere. She need to learn the value of the family legacy."

Mina took Glen's hand but couldn't tear her eyes away from her mother. "I thought I'd ended it... I though it was all over..."


"Then we need to leave. We need to get out of here."

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"Miss... A fine woman such as you shouldn't do that ." Said Glen."I'm sure your daughter might have been at fault ... But there are other way... would you kindly listen to me , before attempting anything ? I might not be deserving of the time a young woman like you might give me, but please?"

(Ooc: Glen what are you doing. Glen no.)


"Yes.... We need to move ... but..." Tikal couldn't finish , as the responsible of this massacre was waking up."Quick , we need to run!"

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Dylan ducked the first round of werehogs. Instead they smashed into his equipment, one of them electrocuting itself in the process.

"One down, many to go" Dylan said

The werehogs which had been attacking Tikal and Ziona looked confused for a moment on where they disappeared to. Then they turned their attention to Dylan

"Locke? Any ideas for an escape?" Dylan then said while dodging attacks from the werehogs

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"No answer, at least look your killer in the eye before you die." The copy pulled Melody by her hair, till she was kneeling, then saw the orb of arcane energy gathering between Melody's hands.;

"Oh $@&%!" Melody flung her arms aside and the orb exploded in an expanding wave of magical energy, causing the copy to erupt in a shower of sparks, and dropping one of the Zone Cops carrying Skye. Melody dropped to all fours.

"I HATE doing that," she muttered.

(ooc: Shadow, as Crowley is/was nearby, you could have the wave affect on of his assentents if you want.)


(ooc: If this wasn't a dream, talking might work. As this is a nightmare...)

"There is nothing a wretch like you can say that is worth listening to. Now stop your prattling." Isabella drew a knife and flung it through the air aimning straight at Glen's heart.


Ziona grabbed Tikal's hand and started running.

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"Aww, You aren't going to change your mind, are you ?" Glen caught her hand and grabed her close, disarming Isabella in the process .

He then got Mina to hide behind his back."How about this then?" Said Glen before putting his left hand on isabella's side and pulling her even closer. He then proceeded to give her ... a kiss. a romantic one at that. "Still not willing to listen to me ?"

It might possible than Glen finally lost it. Or that he has a plan . Actually , one does not exclude the other.


"A plan ? Leaving the bunker would be suicide , and staying is a death warrant .." said Locke. "Well have to think outside the box if we want to get out of this situation."


"Any idea of where we could go now ?" Asked tikal. She and Zionna ran for a good while now, and were out of breath.

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The wave of energy struck the bear and caused it to combust. Crowley saw his chance and did a running kick, breaking the creature in two as its bones formed a pile of ash on the ground. Below ground, Shadow was navigating his way through the tight tunnels, a ball of chaos energy in his hand a makeshift light source. Eventually he made his way to a huge cavern, with a lake far below.

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"I'd have put it the other way round actually, but if you have an idea, please say it."

The werehogs were starting to corner Dylan and Locke

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"Hum, How about using yout own power on them Dylan?" Said Locke."They might be dangerous, But it's still in our heads."

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"My own power? What do you mean?"

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"Whatever you want ." Said Locke."Be it transforming into a werehog, or anything else."

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"First of all, I don't have any other powers. Second of all, going werehog, are you crazy? How do you know I won't attack you? I don't even know if I can do it anymore"

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Skye managed to struggle free of the now scotched net, and hurried back over to his sister, helping her up.

"Your magic's getting better," he commented.


"How dare you touch me," hissed Isabella as she drew another knife from a concealed sheath and rammed it towards Glen's stomach.


"No," panted Ziona, "But I don't think it matters. We go where the dream wants us to."

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Glen took the knife."I tried to be a nice guy. I really tried." He slowly pulled out the knife , and threw it out."You asked for it." Glen threw her down pulled his revolver , and putted the barrel on her head."You brought this upon yourself.".


"Are you sure of that?" Said Tikal."And I think we can have at least a little bit of control""


"You'll find something... You have to." Said Locke.

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"But..." Dylan started, but then paused as he noticed the werehogs getting closer and closer. "Fine, I'll do it just this once, but you need to get out first and I have an idea to buy us some time." Dylan started to run up to the nearest werehog

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"I'll do what I can..." Said Locke As he grabed Red."Thank for the tip."

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Dylan leapfrogged over the werehog and rushed to the fridge. He grabbed all the food he could and then scattered it around where the werehogs were. This temporarily distracted the werehogs from attacking Dylan and Locke.

"Right, the exit is blocked, but I could try boosting you up through the hole in the roof"

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"Now is not the time to comment on my skills," muttered Melody as she got to her feet. Skye looked around.

"Hey, where did the other cop go?" The mist swirled around them, and something seemed to coalesce inside it.

"I think the dream is about to get worse," muttered Melody.

(ooc: Any guesses? It has actually been bright up before as something the kids are scared of.)


"Sure confidence," Isabella teased. "Obviously you haven't know my daughter long if she didn't warn you that my blades are poisoned." Mina meanwhile was trying to use Glen as a shield. She gave a squeak of fright when her mother spoke.


"We did have control, but not as much now. Whether it's enough to chose where to go, if we try together..."

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Shadow walked over to waterfall, hoping that he could follow it to the source and make his escape that way. He reached the edge and saw the water smashing against the rocks as it fell. If it weren't for the nightmare this would have been a nice place to be. Whilst he was preparing to move on, he was suddenly shoved forward, down towards the lake. As he glanced back up he was certain it was Hope that had pushed him. He crashed into the ice cold water, and though he tried to swim up for air, he felt something grab his leg and pull him down into the depths.

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"I'm an echidna , see if I care." Said Glen.

He then shot his first bullet . And another . And and third one . in fact, He shot until his revolver was empty .

"How 'bout me? Haven't you heard of this thing called lead poisonning? I think it can kill people too."

Isabella was now less cute .


"Do what you want, but do it quick." Said Locke.


"We can't just stay here Zionna." Said Tikal."We have to try ...."

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