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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Nope. No excuses." Said Locke."But there are more pressing matter. So I'll let it slide for now."

"That's kinda strange, because she does remember me guys." Said Glen, As he got closer to the group."What's up anyways?"


"Nothing my wings !" Said red."I know you , and nothing is not part of your vocabulary." As she let go of her."But if Crowley is Ok with that....."

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"Dy dongue! Dust dit dit," Melody tried to say to Hope. She grabbed one of the nearby sweets and started sucking on it. "Dat's detter."

"Uh, well," Skye began in answer to Glen's question. "Um, what do you make of this world?" he asked guardedly.

Ziona cocked her head, slightly confused, but decided there were more important matters.

"Wanna play tag?" she asked the younger members of the group.


"I'll be good," Mina replied meekly to both Red and Crowley. "I'll only do it if he wants me to."

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"Do it before I change my mind," said Crowley..

"Ouch! You sure it's not serious?" asked Hope in a concerned tone.

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"I'm okay. It's better already, thanks Hope," replied Melody. "Just sore, that's all."


Mina gave a little squeak of excitement, then jumped towards Crowley, hugging him as hard as she could. "Thank you!" she exclaimed.

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Crowley teetered slightly but remained upright, gently hugging her back.

"Not at all, my dear," he said in his usual suave voice.

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Mina kept hugging Crowley ecstatically, looking like she'd need to be prised off.

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Shadow walked over.

"Need a hand there Crowley?" he asked, still smirking.

"I can still breathe so I should OK for the moment," said Crowley, looking rather uncomfortable.

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"I, uh, er, guess I should let go now..." stammered Mina as she broke off the hug.

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"It's almost adorable ." Said Red.


"What do we make of it?" Said Glen."Well, it's a nice place that's for sure."

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"Well that was certainly an interesting experience Mina. I suppose it's nice to know I have devoted 'fans'," said Crowley.

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""A nice place... which means you think... uh..." Skye glanced around him looking for help to break the news.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to be quite so... so... uh, um... whatever I was," Mina apologised, not able to look Crowley in the eye. She took a few steps back towards Red.

"Do you think he and I could ever...?" she whispered into Red's ear.

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"What the deal Skye ? Got something to say ? Then do it ." Said Glen , smiling ."Zionna , come over here, The fox got something to tell us."

" be quick." Said Locke." the longer you take, the harder it'll be..."


"Oh I can't believe sensei looked at me!"Said Red in a very cheesy voice. "I'm so happy." She said Before squealing, obviously making fun of Mina behavior at the moment."But seriously, if you wanna end up in bed with him , do it now, or grow out of it. It will only get creepier..."

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"Sure thing Glen. That fox looks kinda funny with two tails. Rather nice though."

Ziona's words put Skye even more off his stride. "I, uh, well, you see, this world...." Skye made the mistake of looking Ziona in the eye. "Gah, I can't do this."


Mina looked embarrassed at a little humiliated at Red's impression. "Why do I get the feeling I was actually worse than that? And I didn't mean a one-night stand. I was thinking more long term...". she replied, still whispering

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"Skye..." Said Tikal."Well, I'm going to do it then...." She kept on."Glen, Zionna, Everything you are living now... is not real... It's... it's a dream. A beautiful one, but still a dream..."

Glen was under shock, learning what he just did.


"Long term ?" Said Red."I have heard of killers settling down and living with another one . The way they lived, they could understand each other , and put both heart at ease as they try to move away from such a terrible past." She kept on."But it is not what you, or crowley would want...."

(ooc: Since skye is fan of music, here is a little something to play along with the "reveal" )

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"Don't be silly," laughed Ziona. "Of course this is real!"

"Oh no," muttered Skye.

"If this was real, shouldn't we be all standing sideways compared to you?" pointed out Melody.

"Huh, you mean you're not from No-Zone? Wow, were are you from? What's it like?" Ziona asked, missing the point Melody was trying to make.


"Well, Crowley I could understand," Mina sighed, "but okay, I'll grant you I don't wanna give up the job, but what makes you think I wouldn't want the rest?"

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"Told you it wasn't going to be easy," Dylan said through the radio, relieved he isn't there to explain it

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"Because they would give up for good." Said Red."Alone, a killer will always goes back to his work, as he got the taste of blood in his mouth.... But if someone is with him, someone that understand, the killing has a chance to stop."


"That's quite ridiculous...." Said Glen."That cannot not be real. It's a joke, right?A really badly elaborated one I'm sure...." He was smiling , but his behavior as a proof that he wasn't in his right mind at the moment.

"it is not , I'm affraid." Said Locke.

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"And that is why I will continue performing my craft for years to come," muttered Crowley.

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"You have no idea how right you are," Skye muttered into his radio.

"We don't have time for this," said Melody angrily. "This is a dream and we need to get out."

"I don't like you," stated Ziona huffily. "I'm gonna find Zave and Daddy and we're gonna go and do fun stuff. I'll leave you boring grown-ups to your boring grown-up stuff."


"I... see..." said Mina, head bowed and somewhat crushed.

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Crowley attempted to comfort Mina.

"It's through no fault of your own Mina. It's just... affection and other such feelings are not in my nature. And I am over twice your age regardless."

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"Oh, I can see and hear what's going on and I have enough of an idea that I'm glad I'm not there"

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"That can't be , that can't be......." at the moment, out of nowhere, Glen's radio started to work,Everyone could hear it.

"It is Glen. it is.You didn't honestly believed every single one of the lies they threw at you , did you?" The voice kept on."Or maybe you did."

Glen fell on his knee."Glen, I'd like you to come. I'd like you to come and see me." Glen answered."I can't. I CAN'T. YOU ARE DEAD. HOW COULD I TALK TO SOMEONE WHO DIED? TELL ME!" As he took the radio.

The voice simply answered."Why should everything be difficult? I don't want you to fight. I just want to speak with a man I grew to respect, and who did the same for me."

Glen answered back."What if I don't want to? If you are talking to me, what happenned to sandblast city?What happenned to the people I tried to save?"

The voice simply and calmly answered again."This is a question only YOU can answer, Glen. You know. You always knew. now please, get up, and come to see me. Some friends might help you If you want."

On these words, two soldier appeared. They clothes were dirty, obviously baked in sand. Yet, they still held some sort of pride. "Sargent, The Baron is waiting for you."

"And where is he?"

"Where he always was."

As Glen got up, one could feel a change, not only in glen's Behavior, but also clothing. He wasn't in a good shape anymore. Covered in bandage here and there , Baked blood . a face that almost seemed half-burned. His military uniform completely torn up, leaving his arms unprotected.And his eyes..... He was a far cry from what he was Back in the DEL coumpound.


"It's alright Mina." Said Red." Some people are loner. All we can do is simply following them, and providing help and friendship when they need it the most." As she took her shoulder."Don't worry."

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"Any chance I could join you?" asked Skye. "Wait... what the HELL JUST HAPPENED?"

"Glen, are you ok?" asked Ziona in a small voice.


Mina gave a slight giggle. "You're probably right on that last point. But even if you've no affection, at least you care enough to try and comfort me." she said to Crowley. "And no need to worry about me Red. I'm sure I'll get over it."

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