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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Ha , maybe we could use explosive tipped arrow ?"


"You seem like the one that could keep a secret ."As glen helped her walking around.

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"If we have any arrows.... Or a bow." Melody commented. She looked around the new level. "I can see any water, unless it's round the other side of that cliff."


"Yeah I am," replied Ziona, slightly sorrowfully. "Huh, I wounder what everyone will think when they see me leaning on you like this," she commented as the entered the hotel room.

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"Well , I do have a crossbow . Ot's better than a bow."


"Why the sorrowful tone then ? You should cheer up. Beside , they'll take it way Better than if i was Carrying you."

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"Crossbows, suppressors, grenades.... and this game still hasn't given me a knife. What did I do to offend it?"


Ziona managed to smile. "You're so very right. Now lets find another ice pack."

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Hope walked over towards the cliff and spotted something.

"There's a knife here, looks like a diver's knife. We are on a cliff so it makes sense I guess." Hope then tossed the sheathed knife to Melody.

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Melody caught the knife with a smile, tested it's balance, the did a few practice moves that looked almost like ballet.

"Perfect. Now I'm ready for whatever this game throws at us," she grinned almost manically.

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Glen and zionna got in the room . Locke saw them . So did crowley. And suddenly Prime Glen .

Will hilarity ensuue? ......


Glen simply said "Neck are going to be broken if one decide to open his mouth. So for everyone's sake. DON'T. Now let's get to your room Zionna . you'll probably feel better in a familiar place." And they moved on.

"I was just about to ask him how was his morning but well..." Said Locke.


"Do we really have to dive ?"

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"I hope not." Melody stated simply.


"Wow, I was not expecting you to do that. Thanks Glen, though I'm not sure I should feel good about you threatening people."

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"It looks like we do. Where else is there to go? I'm gonna have a look around for something that I can use underwater, you two can go ahead if you want," said Hope.

"I don't respond well to threats Glen. Bear that in mind the next time you open your mouth," said an irate Crowley.

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"Don't crowley , he is already gone . beside I'm sure he would not answer well to threat either ." Said Locke


"I'm a cat people ."


"Maybe that sounded a bit harsh but well..... At least your pride is still fine , right ? Now ,let me help you with the bed ." Glen slowly laid zionna down ."And here you go .Now how is this foot ?"

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"I could tear out his spine before he had the chance to scream. Such is the benefit of speed and teleportation. The reason I haven't is because I'm putting his rudeness down to an overprotective feeling towards Ziona."

"Then help me look around. Maybe we can find a boat or a dinghy of some kind."

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"My bet on that too . Isn't it adorable that he found a way tonher heart ?"


"Ye-yeah, let's do that."

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"I wouldn't go that far. She looked in pain and he seemed to be just helping her"

Hope walked on for a bit and found a set of stairs leading to the shoreline. She then spotted a boathouse down below. Inside, she found a speargun, and a rhib boat.

"I think we just found our boat," she yelled back to Honey as she slung the speargun over her shoulder.

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"Then you didn't took attention of the rest , especially the way Zionna was holding on to him. " Said Red.


" Wonderful ! Melody , when you'll be done dancing , mind to come with us ?"

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"Don't jump to conclusions and feel her feelings for her, especially as she has said nothing yet."

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"I think that's somethung you cannot really miss crowley."

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"It's only gossip if it's a bad rumor . And there , it's a good thing." said Red ."both seemed to had a bad time in their life."

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Knuckles and Ikiryo reach the Master Emerald Shrine

You're not gonna check if the rocks up there or not?

"If it isn't, it's with my dad, I can assure you that. Either way it doesn't look like he's here either.....and I think we left Gamma at the bar."

Right, I forgot he can only hover and glide, not actually fly. Wanna go back and chill there for a bit?

"Sure, why not."

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"Oh sorry. Just testing the blade out," called Melody as she joined the other two. "Hmm, this scenario is really fitting in with your giant shark theory. Which means one of two things. Either this program understands what we say and reacts to it, or..." Melody turned to Hope and stared her right in the eyes, "the 'sadistic nut' who programmed this was you!" Melody said as a playful accusation.


"The burning sensations back again, but not as bad as it was. I think it might have swollen slightly, but I'm not sure."

(ooc: btw, I'll be heading away at 8ish and will be gone somewhere between half and hour to three hours, more likely I'll return at either end of the extremes than in the middle)

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Hope went red faced.

"I... er... you see. Ok, I had a hand in it. I designed the machine, but I didn't programme the levels."

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Melody gave out a triumphant 'Ha!' and grinned broadly. "Well, you're getting to see it in action first hand then. But even if you didn't program it, sounds like you know some of what the others did. Any more hints to help us out?"

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"If we can deal with the shark before it destroys the boat, it'll make things a lot easier. It's a fair way to the exit."

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"Ummm, I dunno if we needed the insight for that tip?" Melody laughed. "But do you know how far though the game we are? Can we go all out, or do we need to hold something back?"

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