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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm hanging in there Melody," said Hope as she dangled on the side of a platform before pulling herself up and continuing on the path.

"Sounds like pretty intense training. The sort Shadow does 'because he's bored'."

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"Heh heh. I'd say walking then. Exploring no fun if you can see where your going. Oh, but before we go..." Skye cast a small spell and cling-film appeared over the picnic food, which then flew back into the hamper. Skye put the storybook in the hamper as well, and picked it up. "Just in case. Shall we?"


"See. Cracking jokes in the middle of a struggle. Your a natural at this," Melody joked back as she continued along. "Yeah, it was. But you can't train for truly dangerous experiences unless the training is similarly dangerous."


"And you had to go through that all alone," Ziona mused. "I... I think I might manage to bring myself to tell you. But not here. Somewhere with at least some privacy."

(Getting serious Adam Jenson vibes from Glen now. Does he also have the 'cracking whiskey glass' scean?"

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Honey was Starting to get bored. She couldn't simply let the two having fun without her. Until she saw a third room."Time to step in, she said."


"We shall indeed." Replied Tikal as she got up as well.


"Well then, we can either move toward the park, or back to the hotel. That's your choice." Said Glen."But one thing make me happy: that we got friendly enough for you to not slap me as i let my hand on your cheek.... Hey, are you blushing?"

(Ooc: He spilled HIS DRINK. What a shame. But , He never asked for this.I'll think about how many Deus ex references I'll be able to put before someone stop me. that aside, that's the closest seriess we have that threat the question of acceptance toward augmentation, and how augmented people would be seen by more "normal" ones.)

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Skye to Tikal by the hand and began jogging down the steps and towards the forest. "He we go. Let's see what's out there," he called back with delighted enthusiasm."


"Maybe something to do with that fat man who keeps trying to take over," suggested Melody as she dodged another trap."What was him name? Something to do with omelets?" Her head suddenly whipped round as she heard a new sound, and something appeared to be forming behind them. "Is that another enemy... or has someone else joined in?" She asked.


"How would you know with my fur being this colour?" Ziona snarked back. "I think the park would be a better choice."

('He never asked for this. He wanted orange.'???? Very true, though that was mostly in HR, the origonal was more about augs verse nano-augs.)

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Hope burst out laughing. "I think you mean Eggman. Though Omeletteman would be a vast improvement." Hope then saw the shape forming.

"I'm not sure. I don't think it's an enemy, but be on your guard just in case."

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as the black thing started to take form, a monster appeared behind Melody and Hope. The form jumped gracefully between the two children, and stomped the monster, as the words ."THIRD PLAYER" were written on the screen. "Heyya !!" Said Honey


And the two of them moved, ready for a new adventure.


"Your fur might be, but not around your mouth my dear." answered back Glen." I supposed the ice did his job. Think you can walk, or would you want another lift?"

(Both game were about augmentations in general. And how it would be used , both for the best, and the worst. In this sense, Gunther waas the most tragic character of the game....and not just because the vending machine gave him lemon lime.)

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"Tikal," said Skye as he pushed further into the forest, enjoying the picturesque scenes around, "could you tell me more about yourself? This all happened so fast that I still really know very little about you."


"Hey there. Didn't realise there was a third slot. Or that there was monsters in this level. I guess having a third player just added them to make things more difficult. Care to give us a hand to navigate through Omeletteman's base or where-ever we are?"


Ziona gingerly tested her feet. "I think I can managed. But be ready to play taxi." she said as she began heading towards the exit.

(ooc; Completely agree, and there was a moment in Invisible War that made him even more tragic. Guther's e-mails keep referring to the fact he believe he won't get his skul-gun augment because he's outdated. Then in IW, it turns out it was built and delivered to UNATCO. It just didn't reach Guther.)

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"Oh? it's true, that we don't know each other very much....." Tikal started." well, I used to be the daughter of the chief of my tribe. he was a fierce echidna, but his name was always hard to tell if you weren't from here. he was a peaceful chief, but when mother... passed away, grief and sadness took over, and eventually.... things changed."


"Alright then." As Honey led the way."Let's make scrambled egg of this bad Joke."


"Yes ma'am." It was a bit difficult, and Zionna was often falling from time to time. but Glen was there to keep her on the way. And eventually , they got to their destination. Glen found a nice place, a nice bench under a the Shadow of a tree. "there, let's sit down here."

And so they did.

"Well, after all these difficulties, I guess we can now keep on talking. I hope this place is nice enough for you." Said Glen gently.

(And then there is that thing on the side with Anna navare. We never knew how she felt about gunther. But gunther.... Cared about her. a lot. That is the thing that hit me the most in the cathedral level . That and the fact that until this level, I was killing every single operative of the majestic 12. that meeting with the father of one of them teached me a lesson or two about the respect of human life. It is worth noting that I never killed any member of the other faction by at the time. No terrorist nor cop were killed by me.I feel ashamed now. )

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Skye had given an amused laugh as Tikal described her father's name. Then he caught what Tikal said. "I know that tone. Tikal if... if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to."


"The question is just who is the joke on," Melody muttered.


"Yes it, is. Thanks Glen, for the help. I wasn't exactly dignified."

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"It's alright Skye, it's alright.... now what about you?"


"I heard that one......Care to share it to the other?" SAid honey." We can always use you as a trap tester, you know?"


"It was the least I could do for you."

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(ooc: Okay, I think the reason some of us are getting involved in arguments and stuff like that is because not much is really happening. I mean, it's a nice idea having the holiday and that but it's been on for quite some time, and there will be more awful character arguments until something happens. So could I suggest we speed up a little for something to happen? What are your thoughts guys?)

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"Me? I... You know enough about me to know my own story isn't a happy one, even though it has a happy ending. I don't want to burden you with it if you don't want to hear it."


"Just wondering, is the joke on Eggman cause this level is making a joke about him, or is the joke on us for playing this game designed by a sadistic nut."


"I'm surprised you managed to find such a peaceful spot. The rest of the park was very crowded." Ziona was deliberately putting off what they had earlier been discussing.

(ooc: We could speed it up, or just insert a few more adventure's during it. (Trouble with speeding up is there is a few character moments to get past first, so there is only so fast we can go) If you want an adventure right now.... Hmm, Melody's reference to the programmer being a sadistic nut and the level looks Eggman-ish... so Eggman is behind the game and it has some kind of sinister purpose. My first guess would capture and mind control, except Hope's already been mind controlled once today and twice is just silly. Maybe a scanning machine to design new robots in the metal class, so we have each character take part, get scanned unknowingly, then the next day, army of metal's attack?)

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(ooc; having character moment are nice. And i'd like to keep the game as.... a test room made by the gun.... Yeah, they recover information about how one would react to a given situation, and.... well, thing happen.Then one day, someone said:" Let's do a video game out of it! people have fun, and we get money!"And don't worry dylan, we'll give you something to do.)

"If we win, then the joke is on both on them."


"You can tell me Skye,I won't be burdened."Said tikal gently.


"That's because you don't know how to search. Beside, This spot is calm because all the lovers are either in town, or in the beach. And don't try to play that game with me cuty-cop. It doesn't works with me.Unless you want a kiss on the nose."

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"If your sure," said Skye as the reached a clearing where a waterfall gently fell. Skye lay down next to the river leading away, staring up at the sky, and began to talk. And once he began, he found it almost impossible to stop himself. About how his mother doted on him but he saw her only infrequently. How his father would practice curses on him anytime he thought Skye was acting like his prime counterpart, which included any time he stammered. How the only person he could count on was Melody, who had begun to become jealous when it seemed that Skye would be next in line for the throne.

Then something had happened and Skye and Miles had fled the castle. Which in turn lead to Melody's death, months on the run, and Skye turning against his father, only to be cast out into the Cosmic Highway by his mother. Over a year spent wandering the highway, dodging Zone cops, the shock at realising that somehow he'd been trapped in the past, insanity gradually growing ever stronger in his mind as he sought for any scheme to return his sister. And then, his arrival at the Prime Zone, and how his life had lifted from there.


"Sounds like a plan. Okay, enough gabbing, lets go." and Melody sped onwards.


"You won't risk that unless you want to lose yours," Ziona joked. "But, I... there's a reason I didn't want to say anything in public. You made a wrong assumption."

(ooc: It was just a suggestion based on what was going on at that moment. Maybe we should open an RPM 2 PM for us to discuss ideas without it clogging up the main topic?)

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(ooc: I don't really understand what you mean, Locke. And yes it's nice to have character time, but too much will just make it... Boring. There I said it. Sorry

Those are some pretty interesting ideas Skye, and I do get your point about how fast things can actually go

I think I'll wait for Shadow to return before I say more)

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(we tried, remember? But I like this , It's fun, and kinda shows how we are at the moment we write our posts ^^)

Tikal was laid down next to him. "oh , skye.... I'm so sorry for you...at least, in my troubles, I had the chaos with me..."


"Always running head on are you? I like that" As new objective appeared on screen : "DO NOT GET CAUGHT : INFILTRATION "..... "Well girls, Time to show how smooth and silent we can be."


"A wrong.... assumption ?"

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(ooc: you can't do this forever Locke. It just doesn't work otherwise, but this is your opinion and I respect that.

So that's a no from you and a maybe from Skye. Let's see what Shadow says when he comes on

An rpm pm sounds good for this)

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(ooc: Personally, I actually prefer character stuff to action. Not that I dislike action mind you! I think inserting an adventure plus a slight speed up would work best. Once Shadow posts we can start up a pm.)

"But I've people with me now," Skye replied. "You, Mom and Dad, Melody. All my friends. These past days are making up for everything I've gone through, even if I don't deserve this happiness. But, that you for listening. I feel... less... crushed by it all now."


"So, combat, acrobatics and now stealth. I'm starting to think the sadistic nut behind this was Mother."


"You said... You said I should say 'his' name. But I can't do that because it's not 'his' name. It's 'her' name. It's Zave, Zet's fiancée."

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(Ooc: I like action. I enjoy that a lot.But , for now. I'd like to keep it as light hearted as possible. because once it's over..... many things are going to happen, AS I too, have some plans.)

"You do deserve it Skye.More than you think."


"Then your mom knew her way around.... stop. " She took a peek around a corner."I see .. two guards. Both have their back turn toward us. Ready for this? hope,stay on point and make sure no one get on our back".


"Zave? So, she was a 'she' all along...." Said Glen."I had my doubt on this, but as I wasn't really sure....Well, is this why you cannot be.... no. Did she knew about your feeling toward her?"

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Skye shook his head. "I'm not a good person Tikal. I try to be, but I'm not. That's why I deserve all the bad things that have happened to me. You're a good person. Whatever tragedies you suffered, you never deserved them."


"Ready when you are. Is this a sneak past or an elimination?"


"No she doesn't. I didn't for long enough. I'm attracted to men too, so I didn't realise quite what I felt towards her until it was too late and Zet was on the scene. I did try and bring up the topic, but she was disgusted by the idea."

(ooc: We could have a light hearted adventure?)

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"only the fool and the amateur has to kill. a master of infiltration will pass through any guard , and open every door , without being seen , ir even caught . But that doesn't mean he can't give a good lesson to the soldier around."


"You are wrong skye. No matter what you say, you are still a good person."


".....I see ... but a first crush is a first crush . and as long as you stayed good friend, nothing is really lost . at least , you aren't alone anymore ."

(Ooc: we'll see when we get there )

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"Am I?" Skye sounded as if he might be starting to believe the idea. "I'd would love to believe that, but a good person would never have done the things I have."


"Huh, I was always told that a dead guard can't sound an alarm. But we'll do it your way."


"Yes, we're still good friends, and I'm happy she's happy. But that's why I'm so worried about the fallout from that assassination attempt. It all fall on Zona and Zet in they end, they're the main instigators. Thank's for being here Glen. You were right, it did help to say it.

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"A dead guard can't sound soubd an alarm, but so can't an unconscious one. Beside , it just shows how good we are ,as we don't even need to kill our ennemies. We show our capacity at using the environmet to pur advantage. and that , is ought to scare them."


" A lot of good persons did terribles thing over history. But they were still good person. And so are you skye ." As tikal took him in her arms.


"And Huh ... Zionna , even if you are alone ...how about ." Glen was blushing and trying to look away."How about being alone together ? You and me ?And that's not a problem."

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"I am a good person?" Skye asked himself. And suddenly he realised something he'd missed. How'd he'd acted during his brief bout of amnesia. If he had truly been an evil person, he would not have acted the way he did. He returned Tikal's embrace tightly, tears starting to form in his eyes. "I am a good person." This time it was a statement. "Thank you Tikal, thank you."


"An unconscious guard could wake up, but I get your point. Ok, on three then?"


"Just because I've face my problem, it hasn't magically gone away," Zonia replied. She put a friendly hand on Glen's shoulder. "But let's say your chances have improved" she smiled.

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