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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"B-but... B-but why did y-you get s-so upset?"

"That's good. And even if it does, at least its not work."


"You're not a gambling man then Dylan?"

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"We can do this no problem." said Shadow. Rouge was less convinced. "It is pretty big. Though it's possible I guess." With that she took another spoonful.

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I don't gamble much, but I meant that I wouldn't let you gamble because you might loose more than you have if you keep going at this rate

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"But What if she win? The idea behind gambling is all about Weighing the pros and cons of a bet." Said glen., As he starteed to eat his cake.


"My job did not allow me such times. So here and there, My old instinct come back, And is upset about me letting my guard down for so long."

"Nothing Is going to take me away from you two for this whole week, don't worry My little Melody."

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Maybe, it's her choice whether she wants to gamble. I don't know how much Shadow and Rouge can eat

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"Huh? I-I d-don't u-understand."

"Yay! That's great!"


"I'll hold off the gambling for now."

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"You don't have too. You are way too young for that." Red smilied."But thank for the concern anyways"

"Well, I have to spend time with you two; doctor's order."


"Good idea."

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I would agree. I would suggest enjoying your dessert

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"Mom, if t-there is a-anything I c-can ever d-do to h-help you, I-I will."

"Doctor's... Is that a joke?"


"Good plan Dylan. I hope the cheesecake tastes as good as it looks."

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"Melody, I'm a doctor. they never Said It couldn't be me." Locke Smiled.

"Thank you Skye, honey."


"At least , My cake does. Want some?"

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"Heh heh, that works as well."

"No p-problem Mom. I j-just want us a-all to be h-happy."


"I think my portions quite big enough, but thank you Glen."

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"My pleasure." Said Glen.


"That also mean that we won't have to pay for a doctor too!!!! Unless you pay in candy."

"I know Skye, I know." Red's smile was warm.

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"I seem to be using candy a lot as currency," murmured Melody, giggling.

"S-see, you're h-happy now," Skye smiled back at Red.

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"That's because of a very important thing." Locke leaned toward melody's hear, and murmured "That's because they are delicious.But don't say it around; It's a secret."

"Yes I am.Thanks to you"

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Melody giggled. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

"T-that's what f-families are for."

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"Good girl."

"You are probably right on this one."

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"No probs Dad." Melody then turned and gave Skye a playful push. " 'That's what families are for'? When did the terrible Skye, who made whole Zones tremble at his approach, become such a soppy little thing?"

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"Don't Say that Melody. I like him the way he is right now." Said Locke.

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"Sorry Dad. I was just joking around."

"I-it's okay. I l-like me b-better n-now t-to."

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"It's fine Skye . You have grown up a lot since last times."

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"Its just a little weird seeing him so... docile like this."


"Sorry, bad choice of words."


"Well. This place is definitely getting a recommendation," said Ziona as she put her fork down on her empty plate.

(occ: sorry everyone, didn't realise I missed out a restaurant line a few posts back.)

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"People change Melody , But you'll get used to it ." Said Locke.


"Well , I guess it's time to leave this place then..." Said Glen "I feel like I have been sitting there for Two days straight ."

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"I can't believe we finished that. Anyway yes let's go if everyone's ready."

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I'm ready. That was delicious chocolate stuff

Good thing you didn't gamble, Ziona, or else you would have lost again

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"I guess, but it just seems so sudden. I suppose I did miss a lot though."

"T-that w-wasn't your fault," replied Skye, whose head suddenly lolled then snapped back upright. "Huh, w-wow. I think a-all t-that feeling of tiredness h-has come b-back with a v-vengeance."


"I was thinking the same thing myself. Not my best night!"

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