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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Fine." Shadow and Crowley leaned in so they would be in the picture, still clutching their drinks.

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*Takes picture*

Thanks. That's a good one

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"Funny, When was the last I dis a group picture? I don't remember , And you ?"


"It's ok melody, it's just so unexpected..... Anyway, Let's put that aside for now ." Locke looked right at melody." I do think you'd like to hear the rest of my story , right ?" Locke said , smiling . "So how about we enjoy the night a bit more before getting you to bed?"

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Gamma and Shadow run up the spiral staircase and upon the door to complete chaos. Researchers were scrambling everywhere, trying to save as much as they could. The guards were attempting to keep formation but were constantly broken up. Clones were rampaging across every room, destroying things left and right. Multiple hull breaches were open and water began crashing in. Gamma looked to Shadow and gave a nod. They closed the door to Knuckles's chamber and ran out. As Gamma started shooting down clones one by one, Shadow started directing people to the quickest escape routes. Within minutes, he was able to regain control over the facility and got everyone on the same page. With the full power of the faculty, Shadow makes a push on the clones, and manages a safe path to the escape pods. He puts guards in charge or protection and gets radio contact with his first general. He then runs back to Gamma who was protecting the door to Knuckles.

"They seem to know what's happening downstairs." he says as Shadow rejoins his side.

"Then we can't let them get through. If it fails now, we may not be able to......LOOK OUT!"

They both dive out the way as a group of Sonics spin dash straight into the door. With a combined force, they almost instantly break down the door and start heading down the stairs.

"You hold them off, I'll stop that group!" Shadow yells as he sprints after them. Gamma gets up and continues his hold on the clones. He's able to hold it up for a little longer, however even more begin to rush in, forcing him to fall back. He hits the emergency shut down and starts running back to the room as large metal doors start closing behind him. He runs back into the room to see the dimensional warp going haywire. He looks to Shadow who was at the computer trying to impute codes. a trail of blood was running down his left arm.

"Shadow, you need medical attention."

"Not now! One of those clones managed to hit one of the trans-dimensional pillars I had aligned for a stable power circulation. Knuckles has gone unconscious due to the shock. If I don't stabilize it, he may not survive at all!"

"What is the charge at?"

"97%. This energy is completely unstable however! It's almost as if it had the same reading as......"

Suddenly the door breaks open as the clones finally made their way into the room.

"Gamma, I need you to hold them off! I think I have a way to fix this!"

"Understood!" he says, and runs off into the clones. "You inferior models will not stop us."

Shadow looks to Knuckles and closes his eyes. "It's been a while since I've been able to feel this kind of power."

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(Just cause I wanna write the rest before I forget)

Gamma begins his final assault on the clones. His skills over the years make them easy opponents, however, trying to protect Shadow and knuckles at the same time has him at a disadvantage. He is quickly overrun and begins a fallback while firing his blaster.

"Shadow, I request immediate assistance! Is Knuckles safe?" he calls out.

Shadow picks up his radio. "Gamma....I need you to rush behind Knuckles, there is a switch on his warp I need you to activate. I'll cover you."


Gamma stops firing and sprints back to Knuckles. Shadow pulls out his pistols and begins firing at the clones to slow them down. As Gamma reaches the top of the warp, he sees there is no switch to pull.

"Shadow are you sure--"

Suddenly the machine goes quiet and then quickly reboots itself. The entire room begins to shake as a massive portal begins forming from inside of Knuckles and consumes the area. Gamma is too close to avoid and begins to get sucked in as well.

"Shadow! I do not understand! What are you doing!?" he yells as he gets sucked away.

The energy from the pillars spark all over the room as the portal begins to come to an end. Shadow raises his hand and the energy begins collecting onto it.

"I'm sorry Gamma. There was no way you'd be able to survive if you stayed here." he picks up his radio to contact the other scientists. "General give me an update!"

"We were able to salvage 90% of our data. The clones began following you once you headed back down to the basement. What's going on down there!?" the radio responds.

"Don't worry about me. I'll make it out of here soon enough."

The room begins to flood with water as Shadow crushes the energy in his hand, causing him to go into super form. The clones begin to surround him as he begins powering up.

"Let me show you the true power of an ultimate life form." he says turning into a large red orb.

All the clones spring at once as he explodes into a large chaos blast. The facility, and everything around it, gets completely vaporized.

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When was the last time I had a group photo? Hmm... I don't know. It was too long ago to remember

(ooc: I assume that's what your asking)

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(Ooc: Good on you , that was a goid answer)

" Really ? I suppose it mustn't have been that important anyway ...."Said glen.

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Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure, but it was before the curse, that's for sure

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"Yes... before the curse. But at least, now there is an after . So it's time to cheer up a bit.so cheers!!!!" Sang Glen , as he took another drink.

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"That sounds like a good idea. I really liked the story last night! So what are we gonna do before then?" Melody walked over to Skye, and pushed his still open mouth shut. "You said you had something to say to me."

"Huh?" It took Skye a second to recover. "Oh, yeah. Melody. I, uh, wanted to apologise for being so selfish. I should have been asking about how you were coping." Melody smiled and gave her brother a playful punch on the arm.

"That doesn't matter silly. You don't expect me to tell my secrets to my baby brother do you?"

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Rouge continued to sprint along the beach towards the bar, while Shadow enjoyed his drink. "This is nice, I can't remember the last time I had a drink with other people."

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"That's the spirit Shadow , Enjoy it . Peoples like us deserve it from time to time and.... Isn't that rouge running toward us ?" Said Glen.


"What could we do ? That a good question ... Does anyone still here in this room has a suggestion ? I was thinking about enjoying a bit more .... the outside world, or in this case, the beach, So how about one more ice cream Melody? You'll have the occasion to use all those ticket you won " Locke laughed . (god bless continuity)

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*Sees her running towards the bar*

Oh yeah! Should I get her something to drink?

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"Well , from the looks of it, She sure could use one .... man , it's almost like she just got a letter with bad news on it..."

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Shadow, perhaps you should finish your drink. It may be another important mission which you need to leave us to do

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"No. Something's up. I'll be right back." Shadow ran to intercept Rouge. "What're you doing here? Is something wrong?" Rouge was panting from her run. "Back in the UF... there's been a.... string of deaths... at HQ. I thought I'd warn you, they could call us back to investigate any time." "Just great. So much for time off. Anyone in particular die?" "I don't know Shadow, that wouldn't be told to the press. It's probably just some munitions detonating but chances are we'll still be called back." "I've got other priorities when we get back. Think you can handle this one?" "Of course. Now go enjoy your drink. I'll tell you if anything happens." "Ok, just make sure to tell the Zone Cops if I do have to leave." Shadow then walked back to the others at the table. "Sorry about that, turns out I might have to leave any time this week. Work commitments."

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Figures. Well, at least you don't need to go now. Now sit down with the other two and enjoy your drinks

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"Yeah, You do that .... " Glen took another sip at his drink." Now , what are we going to talk about ?"

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Knuckles opens his eyes to the sight of trees above him. He rolls over and attempts to stand up, but loses his balance. As he sits there in a daze, he looks over to see Gamma next to him. He crawls over to the robot to which it looks like he's turned off.

"This doesn't look good at all......" Knuckles says as he checks for any severe damage. He's finally able to regain his balance when he notices the dimensional watch near him. He picks it up and looks at it for a while.

"Looks like Shadow was right abotu this thing needing to recharge. But why did Gamma come back with me?"

He decides to go get help but freezes in his tracks to a strange sight. Laying on a tree next to him was a silhouette of himself. The only thing noticeable was that the crest on his chest, and his eyes as he began to open them, were glowing white. As he began to stand up, Knuckles walks over to him.

"Are you....what I think you are?"

That depends on who you think I am.

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"Yay Ice Cream!" cheered Skye. "This time I can have something nicer than Lemon."

"Oh, yeah. I haven't told you what happened in the competition. Well...." Melody began retell the story in minute detail while Skye groaned and flatted his ears.

(ooc: Knux, oh dear....)

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(ooc: Oh dear indeed XD)

'But how did this happen?"

I am unsure. I lost consciousness the same time you did. However, while we were traveling through space and time, I awoke to the sight of you. Normally I could only see what your eyes could, but at that moment it was like I was in third person. Next thing I knew, i awoke again to you moments ago. I think it had something to do with the machine getting tampered with before we successfully launched.

"Do you still feel connected to me in anyway?"

.....No. This is all weird to me. I knew how you moved and talked, but doing it by myself is just mind blowing.

"Well that's good to hear I guess. Right now we need to find Gamma a chaos source. I think the warp drained him of his energy."

Agreed, I'll grab the upper body. You grab his legs and lead off.

"Exactly what I was........thinking....."

......Oh god it's like we're twins.

"Well before we head out, you need a different name. under-sense is a little bland."

I agree.....how bout...Ikiryo?

"Hmm, alright. Well, let's get going."

Edited by Knuckles The Echidna

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"Wonderful . You did well Melody . You really deserved this victory then."

(ooc: that can't be good knuxy.)

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(ooc: haha, it looks like you guys either know what that name means or looked it up like I did. Don't worry though, it's not as bad as you think.)

Knuckles and Ikiryo run through the forest as they approach a town. They set down Gamma and scope out the place.

"It feels like my fathers presence may be nearby. He might know where Shadow is. That's our best bet of getting enough chaos energy to reboot Gamma."

Let's check the bar over there. We could get a drink as well. It's been a while.

"Indeed, but with what money? We've been away for a while now."

I'm sure there's a bar brawl or two we can jump in on to have someone pay for us.

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(ooc: Nope, it just doesn't look good. Now I've looked it up and again I say, that looks bad)

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