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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"From what Uncle Shadow and Glen were saying, growing up is anything but normal."


"Cool. Though... hmmm... If I bring it up now, that might mean Skye misses the holiday. On the other hand, he might be able to build something in a day that will help us blend in..."

(ooc: back in a bit. Time to walk the dog!)

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"I say bring it up Melody. That way he has the choice of going now, after the holiday's over, or not at all."

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"It's just that these two had to grow up way faster than they should have at the time.You on the other hand, Still has a chance .So grab it ." Said locke.

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"No, they were taking about some biological mind-scrambling thing that'll happen in a few years. But you're right, I should make the most of now."


"Ok, I will. I just hope that if Skye does decide to go now, Mom and Dad won't feel like I've somehow ruined the vacation."

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"They won't blame you. If they disapprove just say it was my idea. I can handle the flak."

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"Hehe. Okay. Thanks for covering me."

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"You have NO idea how good it feels to know there are people you can actually put your trust in without needed to worry about a knife in you back. Oh boy, I hope nobody realised I left. They might start worrying."

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"And you have no idea how nice it is for someone to actually trust you. Given my line of work I'm not exactly popular. Most people just assume I'm out to get them. And don't worry about the others, we can straighten everything out. As long as they haven't called the cops and plastered photos of you all over town I think we'll be ok. Locke doesn't seem the type to overreact anyway."

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"Okay, we'll promise to always trust each other forever. Promise?"

Melody laughed a little. "Pictures of me all over the place with a missing tag. The papers would have a field day with 'famous singer kidnapped'! Hehehe."

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"I promise." Rouge began to laugh. "That'd be a sight to see. They'd probably arrest Locke for causing widespread panic."

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"Thanks Rouge." Melody began laughing as well. "And imagine the scandal if he tried to explain the missing person was his daughter!"

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"Oh man that'd be hilarious. 'Crazy old man thinks Mina is his daughter. Forces her to look like the star.'"

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"Hehehe. You know, if that story got out, it would solve all my problems!"

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Gamma and Knuckles walk into the North Wing and before them, stands Shadow in a lab coat. He looks over to see Gamma enter, and then nearly drops his notebook when he looks at Knuckles behind him. He quickly grabs a pistol from his waist when Gamma raises his hand for re-assurance.

"It's ok, this is the Guardian Prime."

Shadow lowers his weapon and walks over. "Guardian Prime huh....so I guess you're from a different dimension."

"Yes I am, and Gamma's filled me in on your world dilemma. I understand I have to return to my own, however I still wish to help you any way I can."

"Your care for others takes me back Guardian. The you in this world has changed after all of the trauma he's been forced to endure. I can only pray from him and the others safety now....Come with me, I have a device that may be able to send you back to your own world."

Knuckles follows Shadow as Gamma walks off in the opposite direction. "I will go back to report the data I found today." he says and heads off.

Shadow leads Knuckles to a lower floor in the base and into a massive room with a contraption in the center. Shadow turns on the lights to reveal what looks to be a teleporter of some kind.

"I've been trying to create a transportation machine for a few years now, however without Chaos energy, we don't have any resources abundant nor strong enough to power it."

What about that dimensional watch thingamajigur we found when we first got here Knux?

Knuckles takes out the dimensional item he found and holds it up to Shadow. "Do you know what this is?"

Shadow takes it and looks at it for a moment. "Hmm, either I'm dreaming, or you have the most ridiculous stroke of luck I've ever seen. From what I can translate out of this device, it has the power to transfer you between dimensions, however it requires chaos energy to do so. Now it's already filled for one trip, but it's been put into a sleep mode."

"You got all that just from looking at it?"

"I've picked up a few things from becoming the Ultimate scientist lifeform." he says smirking. "Now if I were to connect it to my machine, I should be able to unlock it and send you back to your time. However, it may take a while."

"How long is a while?"

"We'll when you put in the calibrations and field testing to ensure you don't get ripped apart....a few weeks by the looks of it."

"I see. Then I guess I better get situated around here and help out while you figure this thing out."

Knuckles gives a quick nudge on Shadows shoulder and runs to find Gamma. Shadow watches him go and looks back at the two devices. "This place really has taught me more about my emotions. I hope that Guardian can keep his family safe." He sits at his desk and begins to work.

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"Though it would make extra problems for Dad. Even more so if the papers found out he thought his son was another celebrity!"

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"You know, I'm amazed most of the Guardians aren't in an asylum already. The ones I've heard Dad talk about, well, they sound a little crazy at best. Do you know they have a swimming pool in their library?"

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"What the..? Now THAT is crazy. Who came up with that bright idea? Hopefully not Locke."

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"It wasn't Dad. Someone called... was it Solly-in-o-ger? Or one of the other ones? I dunno, most have funny names, and even wireder personlities. At least me and Skye fit right in!"

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"Sounds like you've moved into the nuthouse. Well at least they're the eccentric type of crazy. It's the best kind."

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"It'll keep things interesting. At least I'm not gonna have a dull life. I'd hate that."

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"Oh, I'm plenty crazy already. Hey, if something happened to Knuckles, do you think Dad would make me a Guardian?"

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