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Status Replies posted by Guest

  1. I just love music and singing <3 and I noticed that I have been singing a lot today since my voice is a little bit rough xP xD

  2. I just love music and singing <3 and I noticed that I have been singing a lot today since my voice is a little bit rough xP xD

  3. I want to give an elated "Thank You!" to Skye Prower, Dylan, Inuki the Stormpup, and to Eliza. You guys are awesome and have made this day way better than I anticipated.

  4. Die Hard is such a fun film to watch.

  5. Now I'm gonna cry because I heard that one of my favourite bands is coming to Stockholm on world tour and I can't go there because it's too far away and I don't have money ;-; :/

  6. Now I'm gonna cry because I heard that one of my favourite bands is coming to Stockholm on world tour and I can't go there because it's too far away and I don't have money ;-; :/

  7. It should be a crime to let me have access to a grenade launcher.

  8. Ah, birthdays. Don't ya just love 'em? Well, unless you're stuck with nothing to do for the day... Doesn't matter, I'm gonna make the most of today.

  9. Star ring nicole looks awesome.

  10. First a Bat follows Skye home and now a Raccoon attacks Seviper? Are the Mobians planning an uprising against us?

  11. First a Bat follows Skye home and now a Raccoon attacks Seviper? Are the Mobians planning an uprising against us?

  12. I got attacked by a raccoon last night.

  13. I got attacked by a raccoon last night.

  14. Any ideas what can I draw or paint? .b

  15. Le woof.

  16. Sometimes when I woke up I used to have odd slight cuts on my right eyelid but there wasn't anything which could've caused it. Sure I could've hit my head to my shelf but that had no sharp corners either. and i couldn't scratch my eyelid either since it was straight clean cut. nothing like scratching marks... I still don't know what causes them.

  17. Sometimes when I woke up I used to have odd slight cuts on my right eyelid but there wasn't anything which could've caused it. Sure I could've hit my head to my shelf but that had no sharp corners either. and i couldn't scratch my eyelid either since it was straight clean cut. nothing like scratching marks... I still don't know what causes them.

  18. I've finally gotten back into drawing! And posted one of them on my about me page for you to enjoy ;)

  19. Do you sometimes go overboard with things you really shouldn't?

  20. Any Horror fans here? (Besides me of course x3)

  21. This skunk seeks a pm rp. Anyone interested?

  22. I once saw a ghost girl. She said: "I died.." So I said: "Really?? Me too! Wow busy day " o_o She screamed and ran away. The End :D

  23. Bye everyone. I'll be back in a couple weeks.
