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Everything posted by Device

  1. How do you guys view this forum with your phone? I can't seem to find an app or anything ;/

  2. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Oh man, I'm excited! Mega Man 3 is my favorite of the classic and can't wait for it to take comic book shape!
  3. Super Smash Bros!

    Nice image Pearl! I usually use Pikachu with Ash's red cap, but for Mega Man, I can't decide! I may just play him as his usual blue self, but I definitely like the Rush Jet color. I've been playing the Demo lately and luckily they have both Pikachu and Mega Man in it. Pikachu hasn't changed much like usual so I'm still good with him... which leaves me to play lots and lots of Mega Man! I have to say, I was worried about how he would play even though he looked so awesome... but now playing him and getting a feel for him, I think they did an amazing job at converting him into Smash. He may very well take Pikachu for my top spot... Oh and the demo is out for everyone else this Friday, I believe.
  4. Off-Topic Thread

    That's dangerous! I know because I play too much Mario Kart ;P
  5. Sonic Boom (The game)

    I have them both reserved at Gamestop... Not one, but two Sonic figures since I reserved both!
  6. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy Birthday! ;D
  7. Smash Demo! Woo!

    1. Device


      I got one of the early codes. It will be available to everyone in NA on the 19th.

    2. Show next comments  69 more
  8. Pokemon!

    So many Megas! I really like Gallade's. And we are suppose to get a demo with stuff you can carry over to the real game. That's a first for a pokemon game.
  9. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Oh, Happy Birthday to you too!
  10. So the Beta just came out for those who donated enough to be in it... AND ITS AWESOME! It's only one level, but I really like the new mechanics of it. It's a nice blend of Classic and X styles of play.
  11. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Hope I'm not too late! Happy Birthday!
  12. Ratchet and Clank

    I played the first one about a year ago and really loved it. I'd say just start with the first one if you can... I know there is some HD remake bundle with the first three for the PS3 if you own that you could get.
  13. Games that you recently got

    Just got Azure Striker Gunvolt and the Mighty Gunvolt 8bit game that came with it. I've only played the first stage so far... but I can tell I'm really going to enjoy this game.
  14. Games that you are currently playing

    Sonic Adventure 2 - I recently started playing through this game again for the hundredth time. I got a new Wii U pro controller adapter for the pc and decided to try it out on this game. Azure Striker Gunvolt - It came out today so time to dive in! Diablo 3 - I play this a bunch with my friends... and Seasons start tonight so I know I'll be playing it more. Time to level another Monk! Mega Man Legends - I'm almost done with it, but this game has been great! Now if I can only find the sequel for a decent price...
  15. Introduction Thread

    Welcome! Hope to see ya around! ;D
  16. General Zelda thread

    I'm with the rest of the Internet hoping for that Majora's Mask 3D remake...
  17. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    Oh I like that! A luma hiding under Sly's hat now! ;D
  18. Your Display Resolution

    1920 x 1080 here.
  19. Websites you visit daily

    Yeah, I have several websites I just leave open in Opera and refresh when I check them lol
    1. Shadow


      That looks awesome x.x I hope they won't get trouble with Capcom though since well, it looks A LOT like Mega Man.

  20. General Zelda thread

    Yeah, the 2D ones are a lot shorter then the 3D ones... but doesn't mean they are any less awesome!
  21. Finally had time to go through the Gaming section and post! lol

    1. Shadow


      Good job :D

  22. General Mega Man thread

    Another series that I love (if you couldn't tell) and have beat lots of games in the series... but there are still more! There are SOOOO many Mega Man games xD I've beat all the games from the classic series except the Gameboy ones, so like I said in another thread, I just finished the first one. As far as the X series, I'm currently on X6 and kind of taking a break from that. Though I am thinking of finally jumping in and playing through Mega Man Legends which everyone seems to love. I think I rented it years ago but obviously didn't get very far...
