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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. I'm okay now after what happened last night! I'm now happy knowing that this time next week I'll be at school :D

  2. I've never been so scared in my whole life... When I got out of our pool, I was about to open the gate then a huge spider jumps right in front of my face... What worse, it's dark and I was by myself I was standing there for 10 mintues until my sister reminded me theres another gate... whats worse, I thought the spider was a red back...

    1. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna


    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Sounds bad. Hope your okay now

    3. NegaMetallix


      *shudders* I hate spiders! Hopefully that won't happen to you again.

  3. Happy Australia Day! :D What perfect weather to go for a swim, although we really need some rain...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I'd gladly give you the rain we have here

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      No rain here just freakin cold.

    3. Pearl98


      I've experienced the hottest Summer I've ever felt, at one point it got up to 45 degrees Celsius!

  4. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Sadly, no. I'm sure they won't come for another 2-3 weeks... I don't know why, but I'm expecting Pharaoh Man to come out of nowhere and tackle Mega Man, saving him from a trap XD
  5. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Well what do you know, a few pics of #34 have come! Spoiled to be safe So thats what Dr Cain looks like... (I thought he was Wily for a second there XD) Also who are they making? I know hardly anything about the X series...
  6. Listening to omoide no okkusenman while reading my favourite mega man comic, the song really fits the issue, since it does have the Wily stage 1 theme playing in the background!

  7. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Yeah, Elec man definitely has some of the best expressions another of my favourites would when he appeared in #32 Yeah, he doesn't look suspicious at all... XD Guess Wily didn't just use Elec Man's design on Quick Man!
  8. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Also, since theres a thread for favourite Sonic one-shot characters, I'll say my favourite mega man one-shot character definitely goes to Buddy in #14. I feel bad for the poor guy for getting electrocuted (I love Elec Mans expression in that panel XD BEST EXPRESSION EVER! XD) and when i saw him on #28's cover I literally yelled NO! BUDDY! D: I do wish he could appear again
  9. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    I was reading earlier comics, and I nearly fell out of my seat when I noticed something... Rock's hairs suddenly gotten A LOT lighter... It was like a really dark brown before but since MM #29, it's a light brown... I wonder whats with the sudden change... Hopefully it does't turn blue XD
  10. Looking back at old trailers for Sonic Colours and Generations is definitely bringing back a lot of memories... I remember Sky Sanctuary was one of the stages I wanted to come back, then the trailer was released on my birthday and Shadow was also confirmed on my birthday XD Best gifts ever! and the Sonic Colours e3 trailer I remeber first seeing the instrumental ersion and I loved the song immediately! Oh I wish I could re-live these moments (and when I first saw the spoilers for WC #...

  11. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Bumble King Comics is a forum which was created by Ian Flynn, I mostly go there to check on any spoilers or previews for both Sonic and Mega man comics, well actually for spoilers I check on the Sonic Stadium forums but heres the link to the main page: http://www.bumbleking.com/forum/index.php?sid=54c953a9beb76c12fa0c4bfa330ef4f5 I would so love to ride Centaur Man too. I think I would need Time man to be my alarm too, especially on school days.
  12. I didn't realize until now that I spelt Australia wrong under location on my profile -_-

    1. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      Every damm time, I have to look in the dictionary, because Austria and Australia sounds the same. In germany it´s simpler: Österreich and Australien :'D

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Aurora bless Germany and Their multi syllabic word. But may they be cursed for using a grammatical system near identical to the Latin one.

  13. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Just read #36's solicit, and SHOCKING alternate endings? Is that supposed to be a pun? Oh man, this issues going to be amazing! :D I'll just put the solicit here On the eve of the MEGA MAN/MEGA MAN X Crossover comes the TWISTED tale that could only be called “A Chance at Redemption”! Dr. Wily is a free man, cleared of wrongdoing, and it’s all thanks to–Mega Man?! Can even an evil villain like himself live with a lie of that magnitude? Can he enjoy a life of robotics research next to his “frenemy” Dr. Light? Will the promise of power in Gamma be far too tempting? The answer to all your burning questions lie in this mega-fun issue! Plus, be sure to pick up both regular and variant editions to read both SHOCKING “post-credits” alternate endings! Includes cover art by Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante and a stunning “TRIAL OF DR. WILY” variant cover from rising MEGA-star Brent McCarthy! Script: Ian Flynn Art: POWREE, Gary Martin, John Workman and Matt Herms Cover: Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante Trial of Dr. Wily Variant Cover: Brent McCarthy Shipping Date: 4/2 On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: 4/16 32-page, Also, since this question was asked on Bumble King comics, I'll put it here What would you do if Mega man was real? I would 1. Keep a Met (I can't remember their actual name) as a pet 2. Sing karaoke with Guts Man 3. Slap Cut Man because of his puns XD (Although, that will hurt me more than him) and 4. Ask Elec man for guitar lessons, I've always wanted to play the guitar, and his like on MM&B is playing the guitar XD
  14. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Yeah, I mean the song :) I was listening to the fist verse and thought it really fits
  15. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Kinda random but I was just listening to His World and I realized how much it fits MM #12 XD I could be the only one that thinks that though...
  16. Off-Topic Thread

    Nothing to do and I've still got 2 weeks of Summer holidays left... I wish school could start again since I can't wait for the classes I chose for year 10...
  17. Your favorite Gaming Quotes.

    Wow, no ones posted here in a while... anyway, some of my favourites would have to be "If you disappeared, that would be the speediest solution here." Time Man in Mega Man Powered up "Fire! Burn burn! My justice burns hotly! Evil Beware!" Fire man, also in Mega man powered up "Adventure doesn't start until you take action, if you have time to worry, then run!" Sonic, from the game everyone hates
  18. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    What does everyone think will happen to the Emerald Spears or what should happen with Xander? I've already said What i want to happen but i'll say it again, I really want a proper Xander vs Elec man fight :D Elec man is the reason why he hates robots after all.
  19. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    My Top 10: 10: Oil Man 9: Fire Man 8: Gemini Man 7: Shadow man 6: Quick Man 5: Splash Woman 4: Time man 3: Pharaoh Man 2: Proto Man (He counts, right?) 1: Elec Man
  20. I finally know the feeling of getting a younger sister :D Honestly, i was hoping for a brother since I already have an older sister and a step sister, my poor dad now has 3 daughters and no sons XD

    1. Pearl98


      Well, other than my older and half sister I do have 1 step sister and 3 step brothers XD Also, thanks :)

    2. Shadow


      Yes congratulations indeed my friend

    3. Snowflake


      Congrats on your sister :3

      I only have a sister and I have only ever had a pet fish.

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  21. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    I'd say I'm a mixture Time Man and Elec man since I'm really strict about time, but I can get really cocky and I have really good leadership skills ( I'm House captain for the 2nd year in the row for my school :D) I'd say time mand and Oil man are a great team, except they fight a lot, although I don't think those have had interactions on panel when their not evil yet...
  22. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    It's already been asked on Bumble King Comics, so I'll ask here, (Sorry if it's already been asked...) Who's everyone's favourite robot master? Obviously, mines Elec man. He's cocky and uregent (just like certain blue hedgehog ;)) but doesn't go too far with it unlike Quick man. Personally, I think he fits perfectly as the role as leader of the originals, I don't like the fact that Cut man's leader in other continuities... (or whatever the word is) either that, or it isn't shown who the leader is. I also love hoe he's the reason why Xander hates robots, I'm hoping the two actually have a fight, unlike in #16, yeah i know Elec Man can't harm humans but it would be awesome :D Also, outside of the comics, proto man's my favourite since I can't stand Elec man in Powered Up, but i do like his NetNavi's voice and his SAR voice (I read him in his SAR voice, just a bit deeper)
  23. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    I'm starting to think there'll be another mega man comic series like there is for the Sonic comics, for extra stories, like debuts of robot masters and some X stories, 'cause I think we need the debut of another MM9 robot masters, personally, I'm hoping Hornet man's next, but I think it will be either Tornado man or Plug man.
  24. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Double post again?! (More like triple post...) But I've got my copy, and I couldn't help but shed a few tears at some points but I'll say my favourite parts
  25. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Guess 3rd times lucky XD the comic orders lately have been late for a few days, but luckily this time, they're coming today, so i will have my copy in about 4 hours :D
