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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. Sonic Universe #63's up! I've already read it so i don't need to read it again XD Hopefully it will come out in comic shops in 2 weeks since MM #36 is out next week, I won't have that until Saturday though since my Comic shops doing free Comic Book Day (I won't post spoilers for that since i'll have it before most people)

  2. Wow, i can't believe how much Xander hates robots, just from that one incident with him and Elec Man, Elec man already apologized and said that that wasn't the real him! He was reprogrammed! i know he lost an eye, but can't he get over it? oh well... i am excited to see him next issue

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Maybe he had issues before and that just pushed him over the edge?

  3. It's raining... we rarely get any rain now... Last rain we got was on April Fools Day befroe that, we didn't have rain since November, I could just run outside right now XD

  4. My Pokemon Silver game keeps freezing for a few seconds a lot when a play it on my emulator... I might have to get Soul Silver, since it would work perfectly. It's on the DS right?

    1. Seviper the Fang Snake
    2. Pearl98


      Good, I lost my Game boy charger a long time ago, so if it was on the game boy, I wouldn't be able to play it

  5. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    I'm guessing after the Mega man 3 arc so around issue 50, I can't wait for the stardroids too since my favourite support unit only appeared in the same game (Well, other than his cameo in MM10) So he may debut at the end of the MM3 arc :D Anyway, it's not as if they're going in the proper order the games are in, Super Adventure rockman takes place after MM5 in the games. The Stardroids are probably going to attack because of their fallen brother (Shadow Man) Oh, look what Paul Kaminski put on his twitter
  6. I won't be surprised if theres a 10-20 issue gap between the mega man 3 arc and the mega man 4 arc... Theres only 2 Mega Man 4 robot masters right now, with the 3rd coming soon, but, at this rate, it will take a while for the other 5 to debut... Also, looks like dr Cossack is siding with Wily early! At least by MM #39's cover

    1. Pearl98


      Oh, and MM #36's out next week for comic shops :D

    2. NegaMetallix


      Well, I'm guessing it'll go something like this: Dawn of X, then MM3, then a unique storyline (either about Blues becoming Proto Man, and/or perhaps detailing Dr. Cossacks 'turn' to evil), then MM4, in that order.

    3. Shadow


      Posted this already in the Mega Man thread, but when do you think they will make the Stardroids arc? I personally think somewhere between 4 and 5, but meh, we'll just have to wait :3

  7. Oh, now i understand why everyones wondering what a Pika is XD i was like "What? where is this coming from?" Okay, I'm just gonna go bak to reading SU #63

  8. just got Sonic Universe #63 on cComixology. I won't post spoilers, since hardly anyone has it because of the glitch on the comic app.

  9. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    I know they'll probably have a major role in the MM3 arc, but who'll save Mega Man, Pharaoh Man and Bright Man? I would love to see something like MM #12 again, since thats my favourite issue. Unless Dr. Light sends Gamma and Doc Robot, or Dr Wily sends his robot masters and they then back stab Dr. Light, but like I said, the originals suit better for this. I'm also excited to see Bright Man, since I like all the electrical robot masters, plus it's about time he appears outside of a cameo, I was really happy to see him in the non-coloured previews for #37, but seriously, when is he going to appear without Pharaoh Man? I'm not saying thats a bad thing.
  10. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Nooo! Not Mega man, Pharoah man and Bright Man! D: Not them! Time for originals to take the spotlight again? :D Seriously, they had very little appearance in Worlds Collide, and other than that, they haven't been together full team since MM #12! Can't wait for the covers!
  11. Anyone know what the variant ending for STH #259 is? My sister got the normal cover instead -_- I asked for the variant cover! *sigh* oh well, I have the variants for MM #35 (Zero looks amazing on the cover! :D) and SU #62

    1. NegaMetallix


      While I don't know exactly what the page has, I do know that it involves the new charater 'Coral', and likely leads into 'Waves of Change', the next STH story arc.

  12. huh, the comic shop wasn't open today... it's not a public holiday... Well, they should be open tomorrow because of the new comic orders are coming... Can't i just have the next comics already? (Although i already have MM #35 on comixology)

  13. Waiting for my sister to get home so i can have my physical copies of MM #35 and SU #62... She probably won't be happy when I tell her she has to go tomorrow to pick up STH #259 XD

  14. Really can't wait to hear the full remix of the Wily Stage theme in SSb4, not even half of the song was played in the trailer, so far, we've only seen a full remix of the opening theme and Spark mans theme :(

  15. Anyone else remember their reaction to the Mega Man trailer for SSB4? I remember I recognized his hair, thinking "No way... that can't be him!" His helmet appears, "HOLY...!!!!" Nearly fell off my chair, tears rolling own my face, and humming to the Wily stage theme. I wish i can relive that day again XD

  16. I can't beat Misty in Pokemon Fire red! -_- My teams Wartortle, Pidgey, Mankey and Geodude, I'm going to restart and get a Pikachu in Varidian forest

  17. I go back to school next tuesday... but i want to go back Monday, since i won't have Basketball at all next week... :( the other time I have it, we have our ANZAC assembly... I hope it won't be hot, i have to wear a blazer for 2-3 hours...

  18. My sister can't pick the comics up since she forgot her wallet... *sigh* I'm just going to tell her since STH #259's coming Thursday, it's best to wait pick the comics from last week up then...

  19. I really can't wait to read MM #37 in... 23 days? XD I still don't have my physical copy of MM #35, but my sister should get it after work, (I will kill her if she doesn't get the variant, not literally)

  20. Okay, update on comic releases. STH #259's out this week in comic shops. No MM #36, but it should hopefully come next week.

    1. Shadow


      Isn't MM36 already on the website? CorrectMeIfIAmWrongThenPleasePunchMe.

    2. Pearl98


      Yes it is, I meant that it should hopefully come out in comic shops next week...

  21. Oh no... I've got a 4 year old cousin that wants to play Sonic Unleashed... he doesn't understand when i say the games really not a game for his age... I'm trying to get him to watch Sonic X (I have 3 episodes on DVD) but he just says "I want to play video game!) i have no games that seem to be for someone his age... I was playing Crash Bandicoot at his age, but he doesn't like it...

  22. I swear Sumo Digital trolled us big time... They remixed Super Sonic's theme from Sonic Colours, and they remixed Super Shadow theme from Shadow the hedgehog, yet their all star moves aren't their super forms XD

    1. Cinescense


      Kinda like In how Generations whenever you turn into Super Sonic the theme starts off with the opening rip from Live and Learn then switches to Sonic 4's version...they got me good

  23. oh hey, mega man # 36 is up! Thought on the whole issue? (Anyone else find Rock extremely cute in this issue?)

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Awesome. I'll read it now

    2. The Jest

      The Jest

      ...I'm going to go on record: Doctor Albert Wily, is my favorite character in this entire comic series. This issue solidifies it now more than ever.

  24. I love the feeling when you don't know what level your Pokemon evolves and next level, they evolve (My Kirlia just evolved into Gardevoir, and i didn't know how long it was until she evolved)

  25. Why does everyone shoot Rush? Seriously! As if he would hurt someone badly, first Xander, then Break man now Hard Man! they Should've gone for Mega man! (Or for Xander, Elec man)
