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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. Trying to hold my excitement for the reveal of the next legendary banner in FEH tonight is hard... xD putting my bets on Eirika if female and Hríd if male, we may also get the next chapter for book 2 :o

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      My IGN is Oda. And invite sent.

    3. Pearl98


      8 down 4 to go with the legendary banner, still don't have bunny Alfonse! Also just got Grima.. 

    4. Pearl98


      Well I got hit in the feels while playing Awakening... I said no to promising Chrom I won't give the final blow, and then during the next battle I had them go to a sparkly spot and they said I love you to each other... :( 

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  2. Super Smash Bros!

    A new song has been uploaded to the website, and it honestly shocked me that it's a remix of the castle theme from Fire Emblem Heroes! I was honestly not expecting anything from that game to be in smash! 
  3. Wow I'm so unlucky right now... There's a cat convention on the weekend before my birthday and September's Pokèmon Go Community Day is exactly a week after my birthday! Anything on the day of my birthday? Nope! Although one of the upcoming Fire Emblem Heroes events might fall on it...? 

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Thire


      Nice pull! 3492787262 is my ID.

    3. Thire


      Also sent a request to your new account Pearl.

    4. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      And now I have sent an invite to you Thire.

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  4. Super Smash Bros!

    Well I need to get a Switch first (RIP a 3DS version) but I'll definitely be playing it as soon as I can! Not sure if I will stick to Bowser and Mega Man as my mains, might change it up depending on the new fighters
  5. As the saying goes, like finding a needle in a haystack, I found the needle in the haystack! I found a store with Fire Emblem Awakening! And since the chance would probably not come up again I jumped at it and brought it xD 

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Wow! Lucky!

    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      I play that game and highly recommend Gaius. He sure is sweet!

    3. Pearl98


      I see what you did there xD thanks! I'm definitely happy to have my own copy and not need to ask my friend to play their copy every time I see them

  6. Super Smash Bros!

    I am going to run around screaming! CHRRRRROOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!! My Awakening Hubby got his chance! <3 it's interesting that he's Roy's Echo Fighter though. Shadow I'm definitely expecting but X appears in Mega Man's final Smash
  7. Super Smash Bros!

    There's a Smash Ultimate direct tomorrow! (In 26 hours from now) Mostly hoping for more Echo Fighters, especially a certain exalt Prince who appeared in every other way except playable in SSB4.... Won't be surprised if every Fire Emblem fan including myself are either screaming or rioting after the direct xD Also putting guesses for Roll and Shadow, and if every normal fighter is getting an echo fighter, Morgan and Kana would be obvious choices for Robin and Corrin
  8. My friend is giving me a big surprise, they're buying a Fire Emblem game for me! Only problem is I can't chose which one I want most! I'm really enjoying playing Awakening on another friends 3ds, but Fates and Warriors looks really good... 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hope you have fun Pearl! And see the big post I made above for some tips on where to start Seviper! ;-p

    3. Pearl98


      Soooo I married Silas having absolutely no idea that I would now have a daughter who has the same name as me as my name irl xD Would've been even funnier if my ign was Sophie instead of Pearl!

    4. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      So now you have TWO avatars in the game! (Also, I married Silas on my Conquest run)

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  9. Is it just me or did anyone else nearly fall out of their seat in shock or screamed when they saw who the composer of the New Mega Man remix for Smash Ultimate Is? I guess you could say worlds have collided once again!

    1. Thire


      Hey, Jun’s back! He had some great remixes in the past Smash Bros games so I look forward to hearing more!

  10. I wish i could catch a Celebi and go through time to March next year... its becoming harder and harder to wait for How to Train Your Dragon 3! Espeicailly since Dragons Race to the Edge ended :(

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      I still am traumatized from *spoiler* death. T.T

    2. Pearl98


      Yeah they went far with their death, espeically as they were my 2nd favourite character :(

  11. Sooooo long time no see everyone? xD I don't even know how long it's been but a lot has happened! Still a Sonic fan and Pokémon fan though :D

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hey there. Good to see you again!

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Pearly's back! XD Welcome back!

    3. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Welcome back Pearl! Nice to see you again!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. Oh hey guess I'm back from the dead! Pretty excited right now, it's Thursday morning here, which means Sun and Moon is not even 24 hours away for me! So, anything big happen during my absence? 

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Welcome back Pearl!  And yeah, there's been a couple of changes...

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Hey Pearl! Good to see you! Nah. All's the same ;)

  13. Merry Christmas everyone! :D Mega Man #55's up, so we can enjoy the last Mega Man issue for now while we celebrate the holidays

  14. Even if the news of Mega Man #55 being delayed mad me sad, I'm still extremely happy! Any minute now I'll be watching the new Pokémon XYZ episode, which will be the first episode with Ash Greninja!!

  15. Just when you think things couldn't get any worse, Mega Man #55 is delayed until the 23rd -_-

    1. Shinomi-chan


      ;__; well there goes my Mega Man...

  16. Thursday just couldn'tget any better, I finish school for the Summer Holidays and I got tickets to see the new Pokèmon movie in Cinemas! Its just going to be a long next few days though...

  17. It's taken me 3 hours to finally watch the first episode of the new Pokémon season.... and of course the pening has A LOT of spoilers... overall though, so keen for the season!

  18. The season finale of Pokémon XY airs in Japan tomorrow.... however I am really excited for XY & Z! :D

  19. Great, turned on the TV to a Pokémon episode for the first time in forever, and it just happens to be the saddest XY episode, when Ash releases Goodra, you'll be missed slimy huggable giant :(

    1. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Not that one! Truth that one did tear me up...Last pokemon episode I cried was to when Team Rocket released Arbok and Wheezing.

    2. Pearl98


      Yeah, it's one of the few ones that made me cry too.... At least I can now be excited for the English Dub of my favourite XY episode later today

  20. After a week of hunting and my Pokèmon somehow getting Pokèrus I got my first Gen 5 shiny, a Shiny Venipede!

  21. Trying to get a shiny in Pokémon Black 2 (1/8192 chance) but my Pokémon some how end up getting Pokérus... (1/21845 chance) xD


    1. Shinomi-chan


      aw... I hope you'll be able to find it Pearl.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Wow! Awesome catching Pokerus

  22. Welp, I guess I'm back! Been busy with school and I was over East for a bit, and yesterday was my birthday. Nice surprise that they revealed the next Pokémon Anime Season on my birthday, but waaaay to many spoilers for both English and Japanese versions... 3 Pokémon spoilers for the Japanese version, and even worse for english, theres 5. but hey, new Zygarde form's and "Ash-Greninja" sounds amazing at least :D 

    1. Margred


      Happy birthday! ^^

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Happy Birthday Day Pearl!

    3. Guest


      Happy birthday Pearl!

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  23. horay! Pheonix bird has arrived! after a long 50 Pokémon XY episodes of being a Fletchinder, Ash has Talonflame! and she looks beautiful! :D

  24. What.....? Noibat's English Voice Actor is the same as Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyrem, the Sandile line, the Tepig line and.... TEAM MAGMA ADMIN MAXIE?! O.o What is it going to sound like?! Guess we'll find out in a few hours...

  25. When pesky Fletchinder's land on your head and over react to a baby....
