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Posts posted by ChaosKaiser

  1. That's exactly why I love the comic series, Seviper! Aside from being, well, comics (media that I want to be part of and I'm in love with...metaphorically, of course!), they tell stories and portrait characters in a way Sega would never do in the games. In fact, recently, I've seen that, in videogames, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Cream, Shadow, and basically the rest of the crew are just there to be Sonic's sidekicks. I feel great about Sonic being the protagonist, but I think Sega doesn't care about the secondary characters anymore, they don't want to give them the importance they need to be fully developed characters, and so goes with the story itself. And that's really sad, considering how rich and unique Sonic's lore truly is.

    For me, Archie has managed to tell lighthearted stories with some dramatic events that feel actually dramatic, and showed (in my humble opinion) the most authentic and natural vision of Sonic and his world.

    And that's what I've always wanted to see in the Sonic franchise. 

    (Sorry for the long rant...)

  2. After her failed move, Amy got up, picked her hammer once again, and ran to the Pyro-bot. This time the hedgehog attacked its legs, thinking that maybe that could make the machine fall, and in so, stop firing.

  3. "I...I can't say it! This is a villain so evil, so sinister, so horribly vile, that even the utterance of his name strikes fear into the hearts of men... The only safe way to refer to this king of darkness is simply... HIM!"

    Him, from the Powerpuff Girls

  4. I do believe that the comic storyline is waaaaay better than in the games, in terms of storytelling, continuity and characterization. I've love to play a Sonic game with the depth and epicness of the Archie series.

    And I'm talking about the post-reboot comics too, which are not as good as the previous ones for many people, but for me, they're great.

    3 people like this

  5. "Let's HAMMER that thing down, buddy!" Amy said to Boulder, sharing the grinning expression.

    (Whoho, Phage is in the house! This is going to be fun. Kat definately sounds like Phage... 

    And Skye, that means a lot to me!)

  6. I redesigned Team Sonic some time ago, trying to give them a more "realistic" approach, influenced by move superhero adaptations. Here it is: 


    They're not as cool as the previous one you posted, but it's something. I guess Zack Snyder would be proud... 

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  7. Okay, so she's related to Kyoko... I see... very interesting. Gotta see more of those witches!

    Alright, here it comes yet another fan-character design for another user. I hope he likes it wherever he's slithering...


    Yes, @Seviper the Fang Snake , here is world's favourite rooster, Techno! ...more or less...

    2 people like this

  8. After seeing the new red Blizzardbot arrive, Amy looked at her hammer." Huh. I guess pulling the hammer out wasn't a bad idea after all."

    Then she talked to Myra and Techno. "Okay, first things first, we have to make sure those children get out safely, is everyone out?" 

  9. "You should do what you think it's better. If somebody is going to be hurt anyway... Protect what you care the most." Amy seriously stated. "B-but I think there is always a chance to protect everyone, of course! It can be quite difficult, sureeee~, but it might worth the effort, don't you think, Skye?" she inmediately added, in an optimistic and almost naïve way, like she was trying to refuse the fact that not everyone could be saved.

    "Oh, Peggy, we're...discusing some deep stuff" the hedgehog answered.


  10. A witch. From Madoka Magica. Okay. I'll try to stop the fangirling

    I'm trying it.



    (I see Madoka, Sayaka, Mami and Homura as creepy dolls, but, where's Kyoko?)

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  11. (You just predicted my move, Skye!)

    Amy looked at the rest of the crew that stayed in the car.

    "Okay... So, is that the real G?" she asked, pointing at the shunk, surprised and confused.

    After G finished telling the story to the children, she suddenly said to the team "Wait...a young fox? Able to disable robots with ease? You know Tails then! He's a close friend of mine. Do you know where he flew to?" Amy asked cheerfully.
