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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. Pokemon Research Centre

    Rob began to play with Froakie.

    "I know the reason why I picked my Pokemon but why did you pick Froakie?" Layla asked her brother.

    "I didn't need a reason. I just saw Froakie and picked him. Thought he was cool." Replied Rob.

    "Guess that makes sense. It sounds like you." Said Layla smiling.

  2. Charmy Bee, Casino Night Zone 

    Charmy began to fight back as he planted both get into a robot's body causing it to fall over.

    "At least we got more help." Said Charmy zipping around another robot and slugging it.

    E-123 Omega,Wing Fortress

    "Unit E-123 Omega activating."

    "All systems operational."

    "Ammunition fully stocked."

    The large and bulky robot emerged from it's pod.

  3. Charmy, Casino Night Zone


    "Whoa. Hope she'll be okay." Said Charmy putting his goggles over his eyes.


    Charmy looked up into the sky. "Things are looking bad. Hopefully these things don't show up at the hive. Mom, Dad, Mello be safe."


    Antoine, Mobotropolis


    Antoine finally arrived at Mobotropolis. "Mobotropolis hasn't changed much since I was last here. Maybe I should go back and give the Royal Guard another try."


    Antoine headed towards the palace.


    Bean and Bark, Feral Forest


    Bark slowly began to regain his consciousness and slowly got up.

    Bean took off his Battle Bird Uniform and chucked it in the bushes. He then put a red neckerchief around his neck. "I've kept this thing forever. I had it tied around my arm so you know I could be that one guy the everyone knows...but not everybody likes individuality."

    The two began walking through the forest.


    Mordred Hood, Castle Hood, Mercia


    "Sire. A couple of your men discovered a D'Coolette in your territory...but he escaped their grasp." Said Mordred's assistant.

    "Have them killed. What is the next order of business?" Said Mordred.

    "Evacuation of Castle Hood. Due to the reports of walking metal things." Replied the assistant.

    "There is no need. Who would oppose Mordred Hood? King of Mercia." Said the cobra taking a drink of some wine.




  4. Pokemon Research Center- Scabbard Town 


    "A grass type?" Asked Rob curiously.

    "Well grass Pokemon are very attuned to nature and have great healing properties. It'll be a great help in my dream of becoming a Pokemon Doctor." Replied Layla picking up Chikorita and holding the pokemon in her arms.

    "Froakie and me are going to be unstoppable in my dream to become an awesome trainer!" Said Rob as Froakie climbed on to his shoulder.
