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Posts posted by Katmuffin

  1. "Kinda," Honey replied, "I can only rember that one day, daddy didn't come home. And when I ask, no one gives me answers." Honey looked at the floor, "One of them has to know, I just know it."

  2. "Well, we were talking about families and stuff, and I was trying figure out how many cousins I have." Honey replied happily, "I have lots! There's Lila and Zuda and Jasper and Ivan... Except, we havn't seen Ivan since daddy disapeared. Tirade thinks it's because Aunt Cathy thinks daddy's a criminal and... " Honey trailed off, her face a mixture of guilt, fear, and a little sadness, "No! I mean... daddy... plays hide and seek? And he's hiding... for really long?"

  3. "Oh, sorry." Myra replied and put her phone back into her pocket. She returned her attention to Boulder.

    Peggy rushed inside a scooped up Sasha, "I got you girl." She said, waving the smoke out of her face as she ran back out.
