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Status Replies posted by Thire

  1. Hey guys.. I kinda need your opinion on something..

    So I have this friend online I talk to her every day, usually.. But now she hasn't answered to any of my messages in two weeks. We haven't fought or anything, and she has told me that sometimes her parents take her phone so she'd study more.. I just can't help but worry... Is it okay? Or am I just being way too paranoid?

    I do truly worry about her, like she was my little sister.

  2. My Nintendo Switch and games have finally shipped. Now the wait for Friday begins.

  3. Anime is the one true great escape!

  4. Who here remembers Zelian St John?

  5. I hope this doesn't become some kind of annual thing, where I come back for a day and then leave. . .

  6. Masaya Nakamura founder of Namco has passed away.

  7. Because the job position I wanted begin already taken wasn't bad enough, I got a call that my grandmother was in the hospital.

    Good news is though that she is doing alright, which is good. Certainly needed news like that, especially seeing as I got the call when I was after school.

  8. I don't know why, but for some reason I feel really confident in my writing, more free spirited and happy, ready to make and create stories with free imagination and expression.

  9. Happy New Year everyone! *sets the forums in fire with fire works*

  10. As of 2017 everyone's favorite skunk has designed from staff. I no longer want the responsibility that comes with the job. I hope you all are not too disappointed with my choice.

  11. 2017! Happy new year!

    Well... unless it hasn't come yet for you... in which case happy soon-to-be new year! ;)

  12. Carrie Fisher has passed away. That bites. Princess Leia will be missed and will be strong in the Force to us.

  13. Anybody doing anything fun for the hoildays?

  14. Really depressed cause of something that happened yesterday 

  15. Bad news everyone. Your skunk moderator is a drunk!  Lol! But seriously I am not really I am just starting to develop a social life so the pub has my presence a lot more than it used to. Though the one thing I can promise is that it won't affect my loyalty to put home here on scanf!  This is a home so let's all arrive to be more active so we can share it with more people as time goes on. Who is with me?

  16. Guess who's going to N.Y city this weekend? 

  17. Two weeks till Star Wars Rogue One opens, In the immortal words of Medic, I cannot wait!

  18. word on the street has it that archie is counter suing Scott over his lawsuit. In the words of TZZS this could get ugly.

  19. Well my copy of pokemon sun came in the mail today. I haven't played alot of it but I'm enjoying it for the most part.

  20. Well my copy of pokemon sun came in the mail today. I haven't played alot of it but I'm enjoying it for the most part.

  21. It really bothers me that the same fandom where I met great people have a drama alert like story every other week. Still would like to know what goes on in MLP if it's supposedly worse then Sonic still.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving, one and all! May you enjoy food and/or family on this fine day!

  23. Any players of Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius out there?

  24. Any hardcore Dark Souls fan here? 

  25. Battle Kukku's son Speedy came from a quickie.
