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About teamrandom21

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  • Gender Male
  • Location mobious
  • Interests writing, gaming.

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  1. Really worried my chance of begin a writer for ASO is flushing down the toilet before my eyes

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    2. Thire


      I feel this may be a live and learn situation, as  mostly, you just need the right kind of community with the right kind mods like on here. Question is, who started the hostility between you two? Or the other people?

      Again, hope things get better soon.

    3. teamrandom21


      well, it was kind of my fault because I kind of did some stupid stuff like make random topic and all to try to be funny or do goofy stuff, I did try suggesting stuff for the sight and all, but after that it felt hostel. I told WItty my stuff and he said "I refuse to hold anyone's hand on here" and stuff. All over a me joking on the penaty form that Witty commenting on my post was becoming a thing. Things got worse, more mods and other users commented on it, and they wonder why I'm so mad and stuff. I really wish things over there were like they were here. Witty seems very grumpy and almost like Ken penders with his tone in typing, and I still stand by my "if it's such a problem delete them..." Spects suggest that I don't pick a fight with the mods, but I don't know if I can do that. Thank you for wishing that things could get better, I do too, and I really want to make a journal on the devanart page about how hostel people have been and how I have a problem with it, but I'm worried it will get me in more trouble.

    4. NegaMetallix


      Again, I decided to look over at the ASO forums myself (I've technically been on there since Bumbleking's forums closed down earlier this year) to see what happened. Honestly, if I were in Witty's position... I would've likely done the same thing. If you ask me, there are things you seem to constantly do on forums that can easily frustrate people. I'd list them down here, but I don't want to clutter this status with more text. I can PM you what I think could help, if you wish.

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