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Status Updates posted by teamrandom21

  1. got myself a 3 day trip coming up, only bad thing about it is i may have to wait till i get back to see the newest sonic comic. oh well. on the bright side this trip technically gives me a bit of a vacation and i heard the food at where were going at is great.

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hope you have a good time. Enjoy the food.

    2. teamrandom21
  2. really glad to see my fan fic sonic multiverse have 300 reads on wattpad. hopefully, 1,000 one day. sorry if i sound like a jerk by saying that. long story short i've put in a lot of effort and time into the series, and i want to see it pay off. also i can thank 2k for taking out story designer that i don't got much to do now...

  3. once again brought down by my grammar errors on archie sonic online.


    tears up a bit

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Just keep practicing spotting them...maybe next time

    2. teamrandom21


      Thanks Dylan, sling (the editor of the site) said the same thing. For now i'm gonna take a break, maybe a few comics from archie and STC will give me some inspiration.

  4. Really can't wait for the next issue where dacy (sorry if I spelled her name wrong) returns. I may not have been a big fan of her, but I really like her new design a lot. I'm also curious to see what storm is up to since I really haven't read about her having something against sonic and the freedom fighters since the east story.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      *Dulcy. Dragons are awesomeness though so yeah. I can' wait to see her too

    2. Shinomi-chan


      Dulcy my buddy!!! WE NEED you and your awesomeness!!! (Just imagine Sonic's face when he sees her.. I mean.. c'mon. Seeing Mutski being a Mobian was sooo awesome)

  5. I don't really understand the bad rep sonic the comic gets. I know it can seem rough at times, but I think it's a pretty good comic, and I do wait around and check to see if the next issues are out.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      It has a bad rep? Probably because it's not exactly the same as Archie

    2. teamrandom21


      like i've said before, to me it's like if the game universe had it's own comic, which is pretty acurate seeing as they followed the Sonic bible.

  6. You guys don't know how worried I am about my head writer submission for ASO

  7. Well, I'm a working man, only thing is I hate the job. I have no choice thought cause in my dads words

    you're becoming to expensive

    So if I want a car and maybe even lunch money, I have to work at a place were I do mindless work all day. Just flipping great. 

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Wow... sorry to hear. That's a shame

    2. teamrandom21


      *sighs* I know, but I don't have much of a choice and my reaction to you having to have 1,000 views to mandate your videos...*Censored*

  8. It really bothers me that the same fandom where I met great people have a drama alert like story every other week. Still would like to know what goes on in MLP if it's supposedly worse then Sonic still.

    1. Thire


      I wouldn't know, not that it's a bad thing on my end…

    2. teamrandom21


      Yeah, I mean I don't mean to always go on a rant like this, but it's getting tiring after a while. All's I ask is for people who don't want to act like civil begins in this fandom to get the heck out, or clean up there behavior.

  9. Hope you guys are having an awesome Christmas!

    1. ChaosKaiser


      Hope you have it too!

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      You too! Well.. that you did!

  10. Sorry I haven't been very active on here guys, I haven't been feeling formy lately and I don't really have any topics worth making discussion thingy's out of at the moment.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      No worries. I've kind of been the same :P

    2. teamrandom21


      Yeah, like I feel bad because I want to interact with the nice peeps on here but at the same time I don't feel like talking about the archie lawsuit, my fan fictions have bad words in them that I don't feel like censoring out due to lazyiness after a long school/work day, and I've had my hands full on a wrestling forum uploading my wrestling pic fed (or slide show in this case.) Add in my let's plays, school, searching for jobs and writing and you see why I've been quite.

  11. So I'm happy to say that prom was pretty good. I had a good time, saw friends, ate, it was a blast. Kind of glad to, in the past my proms have been a bit shaky, so this one being pretty good (especially for the price I paid), is a good highlight to go off of...Now about that disney trip...

    1. Thire


      Sounds like things are going well for you, glad to hear!

    2. teamrandom21


      yep, for how much I paid for I'm glad they are.

  12. It's been a while but I finally started uploading to good old writers block again!

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Great! Good to see it active again.

    2. teamrandom21


      I've wanted to for a while now skye, but some personal demons and other things have been holding me back.

  13. Apologize for breaking the one status rule, but in lighter news I'm working on a light novel right now at the moment, and a short story book that I plan to publish on Amazon Kindle 

    1. Thire


      Awesome, looking forward to it.

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Best of luck!

  14. not trying to sound impatient here but I'm really glad the next sonic universe comes out Wednesday. I have an IEP meeting the next day (Thursday) and I'm kind of nervous about it. As for those wondering it's a meeting where teachers and my case manager and parents talk about my goals and if I've met them and what I have planned for collage and after.

    1. Thire


      Oh boy, well I wish you luck in advance. ;) 

  15. this weekend wasn't exactly the best weather wise...

    1. Chromatic Terras

      Chromatic Terras

      im pretty sure i havent seen the sun since wednesday from all the clouds

  16. hey guys. sorry if i've been borderline breaking the rules, thanks to dylan i have read over the site rules which i couldn't find for some reason and i do plan to follow them. least i can do for a site that allows us to read the sonic comics for free.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Glad to help

  17. just out of curiosity to any of the mods here, what's up with the fan fiction section?

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      As NeKit said in the last status about it, right now its a mistake and they are working on it

  18. good thing i'm having a christmas party today

  19. got a lot of cool stuff for christmas. will say dispute the weather it certainly was merry

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Glad to hear. Enjoy your prezzies

  20. hey guys, just like to say 2 things.

    one: i hope that you guys have a happy new year

    two: from here on out monthly i will be uploading 1 (or 2) story arch's from my fan fic series, sonic multiverse. i will lesson to feedback unlike a certain pendermen me and metro know, and will do what i have to to show signs of improving in story or any other areas. 

    1. Shinomi-chan


      I wish you Happy New Year as well!

  21. did i really just have a dream about the eggman arch begin out?

    1. Shinomi-chan


      Well at least you didn't saw odd dream about Steelbeak (from Darkwing Duck) being your cousin.. or something o_O' I dunno..

  22. leave it to test to make life suck again

  23. got myself a half day tomorrow, now all's i need is chapter 2 of lost hedgehog tales and this week will be awesome (not that it isn't already but you know what i mean)

  24. don't get me wrong, I can understand why the mods are fed up, but at the same time I understand why people are asking and stuff. Like I posted on my threat to archie sonic online, silence isn't golden archie, a little expatiation wouldn't hurt, and I know if Flynn says anything he's getting the boot or if asked he won't respond at all or just say "I can't say sorry." 

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      It's a case where this is bringing up a lot of negativity which is bad. And asking "when will the comics be released" is something that happened too much before this ridiculous delay. The "no more or warning points will be given" is aimed more towards the questions of when the comics will be released than the talk of delays

  25. really glad we're getting sonic comics 3 weeks in a row from here on out starting at the end of march. School work is picking up, my stress levels are high, and all's I ask is to read about the adventures of my favorite blue hedgehog sonic (and tails my favorite character)

    1. Thire


      115% agreed! My body is ready for a break. 
