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Status Replies posted by yumallah
Breaking up the silence, but only by a little bit.
Ayo, now everyone's getting youtube community tabs.
Ayo, now everyone's getting youtube community tabs.
Ayo, now everyone's getting youtube community tabs.
Man, the place sure is calm these days.
Man, the place sure is calm these days.
Hey all! Been abit since I was here! Was busy with class for my job and work. How's everyone?
Merry christmas, Somewhat sharply dressed individuals of noble families.
Quick question ya'll. Do any of you read my stories?
We're still standing. Somehow.
According to all known laws of the Internet, there is no way that an abandoned forum board should be able to continue existing. Its userbase is too small to get its almost dead body off the ground. The forum board, of course, continues to exist anyways. Because its users don't care what others think is impossible. //Bee Movie reference//
Hello, there! How are you, today?
Hello, there! How are you, today?
So, um, has anybody over here heard of the recent Chris Chan situation by now?
Behold, my internet connection has returned... and SO HAVE I, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Errrrr... hello? Is anybody in here?
Ура, здесь не форсят фнаф! Здесь не фо- а, чёрт, Нидля всё опять испортил :с
Six years later I stumbled upon this and I just can't help but reply, sorry - basically, this guy said that at first he was very happy to see that nobody was forcing FNaF here, like people did back on the Russian board, but then he expresses his discontent that I (back when I was using my old account) came and ruined everything (e.g. started 'forcing' FNaF). Here's your long awaited explanation, lol.
Sure is a tumbleweed desert in here.
Time for an update on my life!
Got a raise and small increase on my hours at work! Got a $1USD increase and went from 40-45 hour weeks.
Now with even less free time, I'll have my own karate class starting in May! I'm so excited for that to finally happen.
Last but not least, I got myself a new toy...
Sure is a tumbleweed desert in here.
Wowzers! I haven't been here since January! How's everybody doing?
Greetings fellow Scanf members. I am curious about something, how many of you have actually had a chillidog? I have.
Snow caused the power to go out for like six hours.
Snow caused the power to go out for like six hours.
Happy new year guys!