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Skye Prower

Role-Play Mania 3 - All Welcome

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"Sounds like you're pretty famous in your Zone," said Skye to Vivian.  "And.. it's not that easy Seviper.  Otherwise it'd be done by now."

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"I wouldn't say I'm famous or anything.. Just part of The Chaotix that's all..." Vivian said a bit embarrassed. 

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"I'm surprise I'm still alive from the things I get involved in." Said Seviper.

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"I'm surprised anyone here's alive just hearing you all" Danny said

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"You're a member of the Chaotix?  Neat!" commented Skye.  Then he looked between Seviper and Danny.  "Well... I guess we're the lucky ones."

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"Well when you're me anything is possible!" Said Seviper with a smirk.

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Vivian looked at Seviper "Does that mean we will see you flying through the sky some day?" She asked.

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"Sorry I had to use the opportunity." Vivian said giggling a bit.

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"Who know, maybe you could fly!" said Skye

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"Aw.. C'mon Seviper. I was just kidding" Vivian said patting Seviper's head. "You're the coolest giant talking snake I have ever met. And well considering there are Chaos Emeralds.. flying IS possible option." Vivian explained.

Edited by Shinomi-chan

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"Why would I want fly...I hate heights."Said Seviper.

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"You do?... ooookay.. so.. guess I won't use my powers to help you fly then.." Vivian said putting her hand behind her head.

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"Awwm that's a shame.  Flying is really fun!" said Skye.

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"Especially if you fly at Sonic's speed. Makes Eggman wonder what's coming right a him.." Vivian said then starting to remember of her past.

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"Yeah, I know what you mean!" sid Skye giggling a little at Vivian's comment.   "Though not Eggman himself.  But what about hovering just a few inches over the ground?" 

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"I enjoy my non-existent legs were there at!" Said Seviper. 

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"Why does her remind me of Antoine?" Vivian said looking st Seviper.

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Vivian looked at Seviper a bit scared even because of the yelling. "U..um.. heroic swordman? And soldier..?" She said awkwardly looking at the ground again.

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"I didn't mean to shout...it's just that I'm kinda of a....loud mouth." Said Seviper trying to cheer up Vivian.

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I… suppose it’s possible, though in this Zone the Emeralds have no will of their own. Someone would need to focus their energy.


Runic rubbed his chin, his tail lightly twisting around in a small circle. “Yeah, but what if it was the emeralds in our own respective zones? I know it seems like a bit of a stretch, but I could be possible.”


“Um… yeah… I met him once when he fell off from Eggman’s flying base… and I stopped his fall with my powers and he landed safely on Angel Island. And so we became friends. I already knew Sally though.”


The wolf tilted his head to the side. “And where do you know Sally from?”


Eggman.. I’ll beat the cholesterol out of him!


It’s not that easy Seviper.  Otherwise it'd be done by now.


“He does have a valid point,” Runic told the snake. “Eggman had held an iron grip on the planet for years, at least in the zone I come from. Yeah, the Freedom Fighters have been great help and he doesn’t have near as much power as he had before. But he’s still quite a threat nonetheless.”


I wouldn’t say I’m famous or anything… Just part of the Chaotix that’s all.


“Okay, okay!” Runic began, slowly moving his hands up and down. “First you say you know Sonic the Hedgehog and Sally Acorn, and now you say you’re a member of the Chaotix? How did you manage that?”


I'm surprised anyone here's alive just hearing you all


Runic shook his head. “You should hear about some of the things I’ve gotten into! Being an archeologist has its… perks.”

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