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The Chaodren (RP Game)

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"I'm up!" Yelled Seviper!

The father and son went down to eat their breakfast.

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Skye smiled, then rolled onto his back looking up.  "Kit... your place is nice and all..."


Kit laughed.  "Don't sugarcoat it!  It's a dump!" Her face fell.  "And no place to raise a kid."


"Don't worry Kit," said Skye.  "We can improve it."

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In near by forest Angel was trying to wake up her hedgehog friend who again had fallen asleep on a tree branch instead of trying and make a shelter


"Chao! Chao!!"


"What now...? Let me sleep just five more minutes okay Angel...?.. Just.. Five more minutes..."

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Dylan jolted awake as Chazzie was jumping on him

"Morning to you too son. You know, you don't have to jump on me to wake me up

"But it's fun!" Chazzie said with a grin. "And I'm hungry! Can you make breakfast?"

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The little chao couldn't wait for "five minutes" and she pushed the hedgehog off from the tree branch as Shinomi then in the middle of the fall woke up


"Hey.. WHAT?!"


And a loud crash could be heard

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The St John trio had jush finish breakfast and were heading out when they heard a loud noise.

"You two go on I will investigate and catch up later" said Hershey as she headed towards Shini. Geoffrey and Zelian headed towards Skye and Kit's.

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Shinomi was lying on the ground upside down right next to the tree glaring at Angel


"And I named you Angel..."


The little chao looked right back at her as it was time for her breakfast



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"Yeah, we can.  We've got all the stuff we need here," said Kit, sitting up and looking out the makeshift window into the junkyard beyond.  "I was happy with just the shack before," she mused.


"You were just a kid before," said Skye, getting up and walking around the little partition they had put up.  Kyubi was sleeping happily on the other side.  "No you're older, and have a family."


"You're right honey," said Kit, walking over to Skye and putting her arms around him.  "The odd thing is... I don;t feel like a kid in an older body.  I feel... more like an 18 year old whose lost some memories.


"Yeah, me too," said Skye, putting one of his arms round Kit and hugging back.  "I guess that's better than the other way."


(Sorry for being to serious here.  I just wanna establish a few things about Skye and kit, and then it'll be silly and crazy as per usual!)

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(It's fine Skye do what you must)


Shinomi would stand up shaking off the dirt from her clothes


"Fine Fine.. Let's go get some breakfast."


The little chao would follow behind flying and singing happily


"Chaaaao~ Chaaaao~"

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"Sure... I toast okay?" Dylan asked getting out of bed

"Okay! And can we go hunting together at lunch?" Chazzie asked

"Of course, son" Dylan said rubbing Chazzies head

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"After we eat our breakfast we'll go into town." Seviper told Bitey and Sticks.

There was a knock on the door.

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Angel and Shinomi tried looking for something to eat in the forest but besides odd looking berries which neither wanted to try there was nothing that looked edible 


"Guess we'll have to go to the town to get some breakfast.. Though.. I'm broke and I doubt you don't have any hidden pockets.. I mean.. No offense but you don't even wear clothes."


Angel looked at herself just to make sure there weren't any hidden pockets as she afterwards got cranky and started to pout for not having any pockets

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Dylan and Chazzie sat down to eat breakfast. It didn't take long and they soon were heading out of the house

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Seviper answered the door and it was a salesman.

"It's a salesman honey!" Shouted Seviper as his poison tail glowed while Sticks armed her boomerang and Bitey showing his sharp teeth.

The salesman fled in fear with the three chasing him.

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Shinomi and Angel would arrive to the city trying to make some money to buy food.


"Okay I know you don't like doing tricks Angel but if we want breakfast guess we both have to do something we normally wouldn't..."


Angel would do a cute little chao dance for the audience and Shinomi would use her rarely seen telekinetic abilities to amaze the crowd


(Sorry for putting some of my OC's powers in the mix guys.. then again I'm already using Angel in the rp..)

Edited by Shinomi-chan

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(Given how overpowered the rest of us are, a little bit of TK is fine.  Heck, a LOT of TK would be fine!  :P )


"He's such a little angel when he sleeps," said Kit, kneel down next to Kyubi and stroking his hair.


"Don't count on it lasting," laughed Skye.  "After today he'll be up at the crack of dawn and pulling us out of bed."


"Then why is he sleeping so soundly now?" wondered Kit.


"Well, he was a Chao less than 24 hours ago.  I guess while he's sleeping his DNA is settling and finalizing his new form.  That it is was real late when we got to sleep last night."

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"I think that's the last time a salesman comes to the hut." Said Seviper.

The three head to town.

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They finally had enough money and some extra to buy food But they decided to eat chilidogs and keep the rest of the money


"Well this isn't much but breakfast at least... Right Angel?"


The Little chao was happily eating and humming

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Zelian and Geoffrey arrived at Skye's and knocks on the door.

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"I'll get that," said Skye heading to the door.


"I'll see about breakfast," said Kit as Kyubi stirred slightly.


Skye went to the shacks... well, what passed for the shacks door, and opened it.

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The two would come back with smile on their faces


"hmm... I wonder what the others are doing... I hope you'll be able to play with the others today"


Angel would smile even brighter as she then flew around happily

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"Can we go see my friends?" Chazzie asked


"Of course. I think Skye lives that way. We can start there" Dylan said

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"I just remembered that I forgot something at the hut!" Said Seviper.

The three headed back for the hut.

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(Sorry for the delay)

"Hey Uncle Skye can we play?" Asked an excited Zelian as Geoffrey just stood by the door.

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Skye couldn't help but smiled at Zelian's enthusiasm.  


"I'm sure you can, but Kyubi isn't awake yet, and he'll need breakfast first."

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