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Lino Blythe

Slenderman News

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If they were whole lot smarter, they would have done something smarter than just stabbing her, and not any plans of 'running away with it'

Yes, they should be taken lightly, they're 12! You know what, 12! I've a brother who'll be 10 and he is stubborn as well, and we take care he isn't so much that he might do something like this in future- but I can very well see this being done by my brother if we don't take proper care, but we do. It's not entirely their fault.

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I'm not sure what the age of criminal responsobility is where this incident happened, but for comparison in the UK it's 10. That being said I imagine these girls might get put into some kind of mental institution as opposed to juvenile detention if convicted, given one claimed a fictional internet myth talked to her.

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Totally what shadow said, they need help- not punishment,

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What the heck, 12-year old, at that age I was playing football with friends all the time and was rarely in the internet. What happened to those innocent days when kids were more worried about making friends than killing them?

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Wanting to make friends with Slendy is what they wanted. Not trying to joke but it's true

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That is why, they're stupid, not evil.

And when I was 12, I used to worry about increasing that Barbie collection...I gave it to a younger cousin now to make her childhood better.

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In the city were I lived my first nine year, in my grandfather's ranch we saw thinks, creepy events common at night, but they were probably a side effect of the voodoo practices someone was having near the ranch as we discovered the hut one afternoon. Once you experience things or even see them, I don't think you'll like to become friends with them.

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Being a typical Indian science student, I don't believe in paranormal stuff. I do have a LITTLE belief in souls though (that too because I'm around Hindus...)

But yeah. Being friends with something like that isn't funny

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Ah, but it is human nature to fear which is different. But still, I'd still be freaked out if I knew someone was doing voodoo practices nearby. Feels like someone's summoning the devil or something. And coming from a country with firm religious beliefs, I also believe in the concept of souls, though on paranormal stuff, I am still a bit skeptical about it.

But going back to the topic, I do admit that what they did was idiotic. Silly them for believing such things coming from the internet. But who could blame them? They ARE 12 after all. And trust me, a lot of things can still easily influence them at that age.

Edited by Inuki

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.....and ...LET'S proof if unicorns are real, so we lure kids in the wood and impale them on the trees!

Seriously? That is so stupid! *face desk* *facepalm* *wallpalm* §"/(§$)"§)( WHY?!

What is wrong with those kids, who wanted to proof the existance of Slender Man and to kill an other girl? Where are your sences? How could this be possible?

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A 12 year old suicided in our city because two senior girls told her if she doesn't does this one thing for the carnival, they'll lock her in the haunted bathroom of the house.

The other day, the entire Darned city destroyed that school. Seriously, the entire city lost it's sanity. (Not to mention that Kolkata is one the four 'modern' cities of India.)

So yeah, people ARE stupid, and I don't know about you, but I've seen some and this case doesn't surprises me.

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A 12 year old suicided in our city because two senior girls told her if she doesn't does this one thing for the carnival, they'll lock her in the haunted bathroom of the house.

The other day, the entire Darned city destroyed that school. Seriously, the entire city lost it's sanity. (Not to mention that Kolkata is one the four 'modern' cities of India.)

So yeah, people ARE stupid, and I don't know about you, but I've seen some and this case doesn't surprises me.

What the--- ? :l That's stupid. Hilarity ensues if destroying the school sparked protests from the citizens.

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Actually, my city IS famous for drama, bengalis (that's what you call people in my state, most of them) are very sensitive to child and women crime- and it's not a uncommon sight to see a protest, especially after a crime. The sad part is we're stuck with the worst state government and have no other alternative.

And the Chief Minister helped rebuild the school and it's up and running now, but yeah, it's kinda empty right now.

But that's off topic, what I'm saying is your mind is still developing when you're 12, and trust me on this, this is not uncommon, extreme but not uncommon. Heck, I remember being locked in the wash room because I didn't believed in Bloody Mary!

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Well, it's nice, someone rebuilt the school.

And yes, as I said before, a lot of things can still influence the mind since it is, as you say, developing. Heck, I still remembered being scared out of my wits when my cousins used to tell me a lady in black appearing in the middle of the night... in the bathroom. And that is kinda cruel of those girls (?) locking you up for not believing in something so... fictitious.

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In my opinion the only things that are real are demons in disguise as what people call ghost, or other paranormal activities. An knowing someone who has seen exorcism in person for several times, keeps that in check, but non of this bother me anymore, either I have lost such fear or I see it as something very usual. And then you have the science behind it, but sometimes it isn't enough to give an explanation.

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Ah yes. There are still a lot of things, science could not fully explain.

I think I saw an exorcism back when I was a little kid before but *shrugs* right now, paranormal stuff doesn't bother me. I think I'll be more scared of people than ghosts and such.

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People are the real demons at times...

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I've never seen an exorcism, which I'm pleased about

With all the paranormal stuff... to be honest, I'm not sure. I've watched stuff on TV with it and the believability varies. I can't truly make up my mind until I see proper evidence for or against

Oh, but I do know someone who claimed they used to be able to certain things, such as moving a pencil with their mind and stuff. But they had a really bad experience one night and blocked it off completely. I think it was something to do with leaving their body...

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I don't think I want to talk on the topic of exorcism, it's better you don't let that thing settle on your mind.

I've heard hell lot, and I don't believe what they say, though on time there was an paranormal incident which was believable...

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It is up to us to believe or not to, to fear or not to. Either way, TV has just exaggerated or underscored some things, making things predictable.

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It's why I say I want to see proper evidence myself before I make up my mind. And given today's technology, faking things has become a lot easier to do

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Let's be honest. I am skeptical of demons and ghost's myself. But I sure as hell don't want proof firsthand they exist XD;;

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Maybe we're diverting from topic.

Any news on the girls?

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Indeed we are. lol.

As of the moment no. Well, I do hope the poor victim's okay now.

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She is fine. Made it into a hospital. All that's wrong with her now is mental scarring

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