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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"Yeah," said Skye again as he drifted off. He instinctively curled his tails towards him a bit more.


"Good. Then Dylan will be happy," said Kimi.

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Fluffy felt a bit warm, but she didn't cared, and went to sleep.


Charlie landed.

"Now he must be happy!"

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"I'm right here, you know. And yes I am" he said

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Skye slept happily, not dreaming this time.


Kimi slid off Charlie. "Shall we let him out now?" she asked, holding up the ball with the professor in it.

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Dylan rolled his eyes at Chris and slid off

"Go ahead" he said

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Kimi nodded and opened the Pokeball. The professor appeared, staring at nothing.

"Okay prof, we've got some questions for you," said Kimi.

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(Ooc: sorry for going, guys, I'm back. Classmate called! At 1am!)

Fluffy slept peacefully.

Squirtle looked at them, and gave an evil grin.


Milotic nodded, "yes...should we...go now?"


Charlie was back to normal and Chris leaned on Charlie.

"Be a good human Pokemon and listen to Kimi." He said to professor.

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(ooc: Called at 1am? Wow! Also, yeah, getting late over there!!!)

Skye's ears and tails twitched slightly as a smile appeared. He'd started dreaming, but it was a happy dream.

(ooc: Uh oh...)


Kimi giggled slightly at what Chris said.

"No funny," whispered Max very quietly.

"Right Prof, how can we free Pokemon from Pokeball's without removing their moemory?" asked Kimi.

"You... remove the memory circuit from the pokeball, then wait two hours from the refresh cycle to complete. After which, the ball can be destroyed," said the Professor.

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Fluffy tried to move, but she it was restricted because of Skye's tails. She slept nonetheless, and started dreaming a happy dream.

(Ooc: and the funny part is that we don't interact at all in class. Well, we talked for long... But about nothing in particular)


Chris smiled and then frowned a bit at Max's comment, then listened intently, "uh...what?"

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"Beach... ice cream..." murmed Skye as he slept.


"And how do we deactivate this memory circuit?" asked Kimi. She turned to Chris. "Got a spare Pokeball? Or shall we just get him to do it?"

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Fluffy didn't murmur, but she was viewing a similar dream,



Chris took out a pokeball and handed her, "always. And sure."

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(ooc: And that's Skye out till he wakes or something happens)


"We'll get him to show us, then remove the circuits on Max and Charlies pokeballs," said Kimi. She handed the Pokeball to the Professor. "Show us," she ordered.

The Professor opened the ball and removed a small section of the inner cover, revealing the circuits within.

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The Squirtle swallowed some water.


And threw it on them.


"I've more pokemons..." Chris said, and coughed when kimi ordered, staring at the professor.

"Skye might want to be here..."

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Skye gave a scream and tried to get away from the water, only to get tangled up with Fluffy in his tails.


"We can get him to do the others too then," said Kimi. "And I'm sure he can do it again once Skye arrives."

The Professor removed a single large circuit. "Done." Kimi blinked.

"Or... it could be really simple..."

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Fluffy opened her eyes, not aware of what was going on, but rolled as Skye tried to run away, falling and hurt herself.


"It can..."

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"What... what was that?" Skye asked sitting up, not realising Fluffy was hurt.


"I think we could manage that ourselves," said Kimi.

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Fluffy groaned, rubbing the back of her head. "Owwww..!"

Squirtle gulped, realizing it wasn't good to do it after all.


Chris nodded, and picked out Charlie's ball, "lemme try on Charlie first, then on max, okay?"

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Skye heard Fluffy groan and kneeled down beside her. "Fluffy? Are you alright?"


"Are you sure Chris?" asked Kimi.

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Fluffy looked weakly at skye, "it...it hurts...I'm okay, but...it hurts..."


Chris took a deep breath, "yes"

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Skye wrapped his arms and tails tightly around Fluffy. "It'll be okay Fluffy. I'm here. I'm so so sorry." He kissed her on the forehead.


"Good luck," said Kimi.

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Fluffy shook her head, "it's my fault...I I'm okay..."

Squirtle came near them, glancing at the both of them.


Chris nodded, and took a deep breath, turning to Charlie, he said.

"If anything goes wrong, I want to remember that I'm really grateful for the companionship you've offered me, and I'm sorry..."

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"It wasn't your fault Fluffy. It was never your fault," said Skye. He glanced at the Squirtle, but didn't realised he'd been the cause.


Kimi crossed her fingers, hoping it would work fine.

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Fluffy sobbed, "o-okay..."

Squirtle looked down, "I'm sorry..."


Chris opened the Pokemon and started trying what professor said.

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