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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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Fluffy smile and nodded, leaning like him, "yeah, sounds...relaxing."


Chris counted to calm himself and smiled, looking at Kimi, "I'm trying." Then he turned to Charlie, "well, boy, can ya take us to the Next town?"

Charlie nodded,


Milotic woke up with a jerk, stroking her head with her tails, "you said something?" She asked Seviper.

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"We're going? What about Skye and Fluffy?" Dylan asked

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Skye slide an arm around Fluffy, pulling her a little closer.


"I think they went on ahead," said Kimi.

Max was walking towards Charlie, as she turned and looked at her reflection as she walked. She scowled at it, then tried to walk in a more masculine fashion.

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Dylan looked at Max

"Um... Are you okay, Max?" He asked

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"I'm fine Dylan," said Max. Then she paused. "Well, no I'm not, but..."

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"Your acting differently, that's all. Try not to let... This situation affect you too much" Dylan said sounding worried

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"I'm not acting differently. I'm trying to act normally," said Max, though she sounded worried.

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"Are you sure, Max? You seem more aggressive than normal" Dylan cautiously pointed out

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"Hmm, yes, I wonder if there might be a reason I'm kinda angry," said Max sarcastically.

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"I know. I'm sorry. Should I leave you alone?" Dylan asked

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max shook her head, tears starting to trickle again. She ran over to Dylan and rubbed against his leg. "N-no... I don't want t-to be a-alone."

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Fluffy smiled, allowing herself to be pulled, she turned to Skye's side and whispered, "everything seems so calm and perfect for now..."


Chris thought about where Skye and fluffy must be, then noticed max, he sighed but let Dylan handle it.

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Dylan bent down and started stroking Max

"Okay. I won't go away. Not yet" he said

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"I hope it stays that way," said Skye.


"I d-don't want my f-friends to leave me j-just because I-I'm... I'm... d-different," said Max.

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"Of course we won't do that. And you're not different. You're still the same Max as you always were" Dylan said trying to be reassuring

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"You say that but..." Max shivered. "I'm so scared people will treat me differently. Even if they don't mean to."

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"They won't treat you differently if your still the same Max they know and love" Dylan said

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Max smiled up at Dylan. "Thank you."

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"Don't worry about it" Dylan said petting Max

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Max enjoyed the pet, trying to put what had happened out of her mind.

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Fluffy came closer to Skye, resting her head on his chest, "hopefully..."


Chris looked at Dylan, "wow, you're...great.."


Milotic smiled back, feeling relieved, "was I muttering?"

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"Hmm? What do you mean?" Dylan asked Chris

(ooc: Last post from me for now)

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Chris grinned, and hesitatingly said, "we aren't great friends, but you're handling Max very well."

(Ooc: okay, see ya)

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Skye just smiled and started stroking Fluffy's ears.


"Dylan is my friend," said Max, sounding calmer.

"Thank you Dylan. I think you've helped hi... her," said Kime.

(ooc: Catch you later Dylan. No rush back)

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