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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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Skye turned. "What was that?" he asked.


"I don't know. I shudder to think after what just happened. Should I wake her?" asked Kimi to Dylan. She looked at Chris. "That would have been horrible if that had happen and we didn't find out till later."

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"Let her rest I think. She needs it" Dylan said going over to stroke her

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Fluffy smiled brightly at the squirtle, who seemed to be a bit intimated by her, "hello! We won't hurt you promise!"


Chris coughed, "very weird when I think of it..."

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Skye kept a little distance away so as to not crowd the Squirtle. "Hello l-little guy. Do y-you have a n-name?" he asked.


With both Dylan and Kimi petting her Max appeared to calm down. "Hiding now... hiding..." she muttered in her sleep.

"Yeah... and with all the encouragement we'd have been giving..." said Kimi, shuddering slightly.

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Squirtle looked at both of them, and rose it's head from the shell, "h-hi. Y-y-y-Ye-s... S-s-qu-I-I-ir-tle"

Fluffy giggled a but at him, "trust me, we won't do anything bad, sweet. He's Skye." She said, pointing at Skye and petting squirtle,


Chris looked at Max, concerned, "yeah... I don't think so her...preferences... It'll take time to change her mindset..."

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Skye smiled. "And s-she's Fluffy. Nice to meet y-you Squirtle. And we promise n-not to hurt you."


Kimi nodded. "Is she wants to change it..."

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Squirtle smiled, "h-hi Skye, h-hi Fluffy." He then turned around, "they're nice, you all can come"

Out came a big group of water type Pokemon.


"But I think we are to blame since we never checked, so..." Chris sighed, "I don't think I'll blame her if she doesn't."

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"Wow, t-there's a-a l-lot of y-you. H-hello everyone..." said Skye nervously.


"I never thought to check. Her datacard said she was a boy. I didn't think it could be wrong," said Kimi upset.

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Fluffy smiled, happily, she said, "hey there!" To everyone.

Some of them said hi back while some gave suspicious looks and most just happily played around. The Squirtle took Fluffy's hand, "want to see the waterfall?"

Fluffy smiled, "but it's here."

Squirtle was about to say something when another Pokemon came and stopped him, and they started whispering to each other.

Fluffy looked back at Skye, feeling weird.


"Not your fault, Kimi, it's just... We'll just have to think of the future."

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"I don't think they trust us Fluffy," said Skye quietly. "We really aren't going to hurt you little guys."


"I know Chris, I know. Do you have any idea how we can make it easier for her?" Kimi asked.

"Gonna play in the mud..." muttered Max.

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(Ooc: Kimi?)

Fluffy sighed and looked at them.

In the conversation, some of them were nudging others and then a vapereon sighed and said, "sorry, usually the permission to the waterfall is given to us by Milotic."

Fluffy raised her eyebrows and looked at Skye again.


Chris was about to say something when Max's muttering made him laugh, "I don't think we should be very worried! max has accepted it, and I don't have problem with a tomboy Max, for the change, if it has to happen, lies totally on Max's wishes."

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(ooc: fixed. Sorry.)

"We... do know a Milotic," said Skye. "Not sure if it's the same one though."


"I don't think she's quite accepted it yet," said Kimi, "but you're right. She'll be fine as a tomboy and can change if she wants to."

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(Ooc: no worries. If she'd been Kimi, I'm sure she'd be the next one to come and slap you ;P)

The vapereon stared, "we only have one Milotic around here."

Fluffy smiled, 'then that's the one! She's with se- I mean, she's with out other friends."

The pokemons went back into discussion.


"Yeah..." Chris said.

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(ooc: Lol, very likely. Hmm, I wonder where's she's gotten to?)

"It's good of her to look after all of these little ones," said Skye.


Max was beginning to wake again. She looked sleepily at Chirs and Kimi. "Mommy? Daddy... I... I had a bad dream..." she turned, looking over herself, then gave a thankful sigh of releif.

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"Yeah." Fluffy smiled, when squirtle looked at her, smiling, "you can have fun here, we don't mind."

All the Pokemon nodded and went back to play in the waterfall.


"Uh oh..." Chris frowned, "it wasn't a dream..."

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"Sh! Give her time to wake up" Dylan whispered

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"Shall we play with them?" asked Skye.


"Not... A dream?" asked Max blinking as she became more awake. She looked at herself again. "But I'm not pink.... It must have been a dream!"

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Fought jumped, "of cou- or." She said, turning to skye again, "we can walk."


Chris coughed, turning to Kimi, "help me with this..."

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"Huh, what's wrong?" asked Skye.


Kimi looked from Chris to Max. "Uh, Max, what wad your dream?" she asked.

"I, uh... Dreamt that... You and daddy turned me into a girl, then dyed me pink and entered me in a beauty contest. I tried to run away and hide but couldn't because of the pokeball. So i played in the mud to hide my colour," said Max. The very first part of the dream was said slightly diffo, as if Max only hoped it was part of the dream.

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Fluffy shook her head, smiling nervously, "I just want to walk..."


Chris wasn't sure to laugh or cry or whine, he coughed and said, "we didn't entered you in a beauty competition..."

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Milotic was still asleep, she was murmuring, "don't go near them, they'll harm you! No no no! I can't wait to be married and get out of here..."

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Dylan turned and facepalmed

"Oh dear" he said under his breath

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"No, really, what's wrong?" asked Skye. "I didn't listen to you last time and look what happened."


"Uh, and we didn't dye you pink either Max, obviously. But..." began Kimi.

"But... But I'm.... I'm still... still a... a girl," said Max. "That wasn't part of the dream... I so hoped it was..." Max began trying to burrow her head between Kimi's arm and her body.

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