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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"I do say," said Skye.


Max nodded, still not turning around. "Maybe she will," said Kimi, then looked at Chris. "Why did you get so angry?"

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"What else do you say, my lord?"


"As said, old habits die hard. I wasn't so good to Pokemon and if they rejected my orders, I just..."

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Skye laughed. "That I love you my lady?"


"You just...." Kimi hissed. "Max was just told something that tore hi... her world apart, and you got angry she had trouble accepting it. Habit or not...."

Max was slowly walking away.

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"Don't go, Max!" Dylan called, going after her

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"I... I just... I'm ..... Who am I Dylan?" asked Max. Tears were streaming from her eyes, before evaporating seconds later.

(ooc: Hint: don't touch her!)

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"I'm flattered, kind sir!"


Chris groaned, "I'm trying to change Kimi, and I didn't shout at her- wait, MAX!" He said, running to him.


Milotic nodded and rested her head on the ground, "I'd appreciate it."

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"And where does my lady wish to travel next?" asked Skye.


"You shouted there," muttered Kimi, following.

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Dylan smiled

"Your Max. A fenniken who is looked after by Kimi. That's all that matters" he said trying to cheer Max up

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Fluffy smiled, "anywhere her lord is."


Chris nodded, "yeah, and I'm sorry."

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"Then let our journey continue my fair lady!" said Skye


"But... my whole life's been one big lie," said Max. "M-mom... you said... breaking the pokeball would make me forget everything..."

Kimi gasped.

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"Okay then, kind sir!"


Chris looked dumbfounded, "n-no..." He muttered.

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Milotic smiled, looking at him, "looks like a small baby..."

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Skye burst out laughing. "S-sorry, I c-can't keep this up!" he was stammering with laughing rather than nerves.


"Do you really want to forget me, Chris and the others?" asked Kimi worried. Max shook her head.

"N-no. But it'd be easier. I wouldn't... have to..." Max curled up slightly

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Fluffy laughed back, "I know, I know!" A bit tensed about him not concentrating on flying.


Chris wanted to pet her, but didn't, "see, Max, we'll help you get over it, we're still your mommy and daddy, right?"

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"Max, I think you really need to think this over before making this huge decision. Kimi and Chris love you no matter who you are. It would break their hearts to see you forget them" Dylan said trying to put his own personal feelings about this aside

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Despite Skye's lack of concentration, he seemed to be doing well. "There's a nice little waterfall down there. Should we land there?" he asked.


Max slowly turned to look at Kimi and Chris. "You... you are my mommy and daddy..." she said. He temperature dropped and she nuzzled up to both of them, crying more heavily. "Just... just because I'm a g-g-girl... I don't need to act l-like o-one?"

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Fluffy smiled, and nodded, "yes, you must be tired..."


Chris petted Max, she was still hot, but not much, "you can act how you want, child. We'll accept you and love you no matter what."

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Skye thought for a second. "Not... not that much. A little yeah, but...."


"Thanks daddy. I love you daddy. I love you mommy. I can't forget you," said Max frantically. Kimi also petted Max despite her temperature, trying to calm her down.

"And we love you Max."

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Fluffy smiled, "it's okay, don't worry so much!"


"Yeah, we do."

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"I'll try not to. But you... best stand clear when I land." Skye looked back to his sarking tails. "I'm not sure... what's gonna happen with them."


Max looked between the two of them. "And you... you won't treat me any differently?"

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"Okay, Skye." Fluffy said, taking a deep breath.


"Of course not!"

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