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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"It's okay," said Skye. "For now you don't need to say anything."

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Fluffy stopped crying, she then looked at skye, silently, wishing she could say something.


Chris walked, "uh.. Nice weather?" He asked Kimi

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Skye waited patently, not wanting to pressure Fluffy.


"Y-yes, it is," said Kimi

"Why? Upset?" asked Max.

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Fluffy sighed, not being able to say anything, she went on and kissed skye, smiling sadly.


Chris looked at Kimi, and then Max, "...uh..."

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Skye smiled at the kiss, but knew Fluffy was still upset.

"Take your time," he said softly.


"I'll tell you later Max. Once we get the ball problem sorted," said Kimi.

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"It...felt...good." She said, looking down again, blushing.


Chris coughed.

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Skye nodded. "Yes it did. Are you feeling better now?"


Kimi shot Chris an angry look while Max giggled.

"What?" she asked tensely.

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Fluffy nodded, "I guess."


Chris couldn't contain, he giggled too, blurting sorry in between.

(Ooc: I'm sorry XD)

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Skye nodded. "That's good. Just try and relax."


"Boys!" muttered Kimi.

(ooc: tut tut)

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Fluffy stood up, "let's... Go to them." Feeling guilty.


Chris grinned, "I'm sorry!"

(Ooc: well, you said that XD)

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"We don't have to if you don't want to," said Skye.


"You better be," said Kimi.

(ooc: Not my fault that you have a dirty mind)

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"I want to." Fluffy smiled.


Chris scratched the back of his head, grinning.

(Ooc: not a dirty mind, a sexy imagination XD and plus, hello! I'm innocent XD)

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"Then let's go," said Skye with a smile as he stood up. "Do you want to fly?"


Kimi shook her head.

(ooc: Must not quote 40K. Must not quote 40K....)

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Fluffy grinned, nodding, "yes!"


Chris held Kimis hand, continuing grinning, "you can't help it!"

(Ooc: ROFL better don't!)

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Skye concentrated and started spinning his tails. He wobbled slightly but didn't spin out of control.


"Help what?" asked Kimi.

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Fluffy looked at him and delicately flapped her ears, it was much easier of her, and she managed to rise.


"Laughing at that." Chris grinned

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"You're getting better Fluffy," said Skye encouragingly.


"I'm not laughing!" said Kimi stubbornly.

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Fluffy smiled, "thank you! You're doing great to!"


Chris nodded, then attempted to tickle her.

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"T-than..." began Skye, but was distracted and spun out of control.


Kimi started laughing. "Hey! That's not fair!"

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"This was one adventure I won't forget."said Seviper

The professor nodded

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Fluffy gasped and went to Skye and grabbed him, "it's okay, don't..."


Chris smiled, "anything to see you smile."


Milotic smiled, "this was just one adventure for me, one of my first, I guess..."

Sarla said, "same for me."

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"I take it you've been on a lot of adventures Seviper?"asked the professor

"I don't like to brag, but..."replied Seviper

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SKye shook his head dizzily as he tried to stand.

"G-guess I'm n-not quite there y-yet..."


"But tickling me doesn't count as a smile!" said Kimi, though she was grinning,

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Milotic smiled, turning to professor, "being with him cause us to go to adventures, so consider that a yes."

Sarla laughed.


Fluffy helped him up, then something struck her.

"Let's try flying together?" She suggested.


Chris smiled, "so what shall I do?"

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Skye smiled nervously. "Yes, let's try that," he said, holding out his hand.


"Just keep being your adorable dumb self!" teased Kimi as she ruffled his hair.

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