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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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Chris looked down embarrassed, "I'm sorry, Kimi."

Fluffy shook her head, "You owe me nothing," and then stroked Max, looking at Kimi again, "I think you can teach him from... here... since..." she looked at the wrap ring.

Aipom frowned, "I understand... I lost... my family too..."

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"Don't worry Chris! Just think next time!" smiled Kimi, then she looked down at Fluffy and hugged her. "I understand. Thank you for all you've done. And good luck getting home."

"I'm really s-sorry to h-hear that," said Skye. "Trainers?" he asked.

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Chris gave Kimi a brief smile.

Fluffy hugged back, crying a bit, "I.. will miss you... I don't...want to..leave..."

Aipom nodded, "and bane,"

(ooc: Either we go now, or we have another plot twist, also, I've something in mind)

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(ooc: Something in mind for when we go, or as a plot twist?)

Kimi started crying slightly top. "I'll miss you, Skye and Dylan too. I guess... Seviper will be staying here now. You could stay a little longer if you wanted, but... You're families must be missing you."

Skye gulped. "Bane... is gone," he said, slightly upset at the memory.

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(ooc: Remember how everyone was thinking 'home' as they entered in and Seviper entered first, thus everyone went to his home, that is the pokemon world, maybe we can use this to fine Fluffy's parents, but that's for leaving.

Right now, I think we should keep around, maybe get something done by Aipom)

Fluffy nodded, and then sobbed at family, "I don't know...where or..who they are..."

Aipom jumped, "what?" rather happily

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(ooc: Sounds good to me, but we better styay until Seviper is done, in case he does want to come.)

"I'm sure you'll find them," said Kimi supportingly.

"Fine them! Fine them!" repeated Max.

Skye nodded. "Seviper... through him off a cliff."

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(ooc: My point exactly, while seviper, milotic and Sara are off to one adventure, the rest of the gang is off to another.

Also, would you want to work on molding Skye's character during this?)

Fluffy smiled, "now that Max said..."

Aipom hid the extreme happiness but a little frown, "that is bad, but he deserved it."

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(ooc: We could start the molding. Obviously, it'll be more a gradual thing. But it can still have a defining moment, a la his Dad in Station Square)

Kimi smiled at Max. "Still a little off though."

"Better!" replied Max, causing Kimi to jump slightly.

"Maybe he d-di, b-but it w-was still... u-unpleasant," said Skye.

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"I sense something as well. *thinks for a second* I'm sure its minor."said Seviper as they moved forward

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"Wow" fluffy smiled.

Aipom didn't gave much attention and said, "we have to save my brother..!"

(Ooc: I think I'll get it done by aipom)


Milotic made a face, "o..hkay" and then continued moving slowly, with a sad sigh.

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Dylan was surprised by how much better Max had gotten at speaking

"You're a very quick learner" he said patting Max

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"Yea!" said Max.

"It's... almost a little scary how fast," said Kimi, casing Max's ears to droop. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"You're borther?" asked Skye. "W-where is h-he?"

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"Ignore what she said just then. She thinks your doing really well learning how to speak" Dylan said stroking Max

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Max made a happy sound as Dylan stroke him.

"now... words not.. say.. em..." said the Finnikin.

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"What is it? What are you trying to say?" Dylan asked trying to be encouraging

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Max shut his eyes, trying to concentrate.

"no wha words meen... not ounds to make..."

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"Oh, I see. You're doing very well at the sounds. Really very well. Keep it up and you'll be speaking properly in no time" Dylan said smiling

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Max smiled then coughed. "hurts," he said. Kimi looked upset so picked him up and hugged him.

"You can rest now then. It will stop hurting when you get used to it."

"Ki-mi nice. Ki-mi mom-my!" said Max, slightly sleepily.


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"Aww... that's cute. He thinks of you as his mom" Dylan said to Kimi

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"I... I suppose I am, in a way," she said a little shocked as Max began sleeping, head resting on Kimi's shoulder.

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"I'm sure you'd make a great mom to him" Dylan said though felt a little weird saying it to someone who used to be a trainer

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Seviper spots a building.

"There it is. The lab where I was...."said Seviper as he had flashbacks of the tortuing experiments he had to endure.

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"I haven't been so far," said Kimi sadly.

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"Well it seems someone disagrees" Dylan said looking at Max

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"He doesn't know better," said Kimi sadly. "And he's still influenced by the pokeball. If I don't break it, he'll never be right. If I do, he'll forget everything."

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