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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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Chris smiled, nodded and followed.


Fluffy gave a horrific look to Skye, "w-what?"

"Is it a gold ring?" Christy asked.

"YES!" Fluffy said.

Christy turned her head, "I-i d-dunno."

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"Dylan, p-please tell m-me you h-have it," said Skye.


"Just keep quiet," said Kimi. "If Mom's home I don't want to see me until I've worked out what's going on."

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"I... I thought one of you took it. You came out after me" Dylan said worried

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"I t-thought y-you had it. I-it must b-be still in the f-forest..." Skye gulped and grabbed his tail. "Or t-the other Z-zone!"

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Goes outside.

Finds a patch of flowers.

"Flowers are happy to be anywhere no matter what world or dimension their in."

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"We need to find it. Otherwise we're stu-" Dylan couldn't bring himself to finish

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"N-no we're not!" said Skye. "If D-dad and his f-friends could build S-star posts to t-travel to different Zones I-I'm sure we could t-to!"

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Sees an apple tree.

Climbs tree and retrives apple.


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"Do we have the proper equipment? Do you even know how they work?"

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"I-I... uh.... n-no....," confessed Skye. "But t-there should b-be equipment. They d-do have the t-technology h-here to create p-portable c-compression f-fields. A-amusing they d-don't j-just create pocket Z-zones."

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"Perhaps we could try to do it. Wait... The professor had several plans for things. Maybe there was something there"

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(ooc: Uh, what room did Seviper enter?)

"T-there could be. B-but we should c-check the forest first. W-we don't want s-someone else to find it," said Skye.

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"No. That would be bad"

(ooc: I thought we were already outside)

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(Ooc:Kimi's room)

Strange this where humans sleep.

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Kimi snuck through the house and into her bedroom, only to see Seviper there.

"I, uh... how did you get in here?" she asked surprised.


"Agreed. H-hopefully it won't be difficult to find," said Skye

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"It's a gold ring. If its not already been taken, it shouldnt be hard to find"

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"True. Let's hope someone else hasn't gone off with it!" said Skye.


"So I see," said Kimi with as she looked around her trashed room. Then her face fell. "Oh great. My computers been smashed."

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"I could fix it, skye's father and sir charles taught me a little about machinery."

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"That'd be great if you could," said Kimi as she poked at the dead computer's innards. "What, isn't there meant to be a hard drive in here?" Kimi began looking through the room for the hard drive but couldn't find it. "My diary's gone to!"

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"I... I don't know," said Kimi as she continued searching. "And... some of my photos are missing too. Who would steal my hard drive, diary, photos then trash my room?"

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