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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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Dylan smiled

"You've earned your freedom from the ball for now. But I'd like to question you further"

(ooc: Simple way to solve this. Secretly tape what he's saying. Which is why he isn't going to be caught yet)

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(Ooc: that's real cool, let's make him the hero every time.)

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(ooc: Both points sound good)

"Why a-are you frowning? Is this a-another of the 'long s-story' things?" asked Skye.

"What do you want to know?" asked the Professor.

"You hurt yourself for me?" asked Kimi shocked and surprised.

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"I just... We Skye, we." Fluffy said, trying to smile.

"Yes, and it was worth it," he said, smiling,

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(ooc: Hero every time? Nah. Wouldn't work)

"I'll ask later when I think up some good ones" Dylan said

"Everything alright back there?!" he then called out not wanting leave the professor out of his sight for one second

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"W-we?" asked Skye.

The Professor raised an eyebrow.

"We're good yeah," said Kimi. "Thank you," she said to Chris.

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Fluffy gulped and looked down again, "uh...erm..." She thought, not sure how to say.

Chris smiled, "now, what do I get as a reward. Yeah! good we are, Dylan."

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"Good. Could you look around his office and see if there's anything that could be useful?"

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"Uh, sure." Chris said, giving Kimi a hand, "wanna help?"

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(Occ:late again, not to sure where to drop in)

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"Good then. There are issues outside to solve too..." Milotic continues

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"D-don't w-worry, you can e-explain when we're s-safe," said Skye.

"Reward?" asked Kimi, then looked around, "Yeah, lets see what we can find,"

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"Do you want to make our search a little easier professor?"

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"Thank you." Fluffy said, still clinging to Skye's tails, "I love it when I have your tails." She giggled.

"Anything you give me- uh, yeah." Chris said, laughing,

"Let's not." Milotic said

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"What are you looking for?" the Professor asked.

"I, uh, l-l-l-love it too," confessed Skye blushing.

Kimi looked around, then gave Chris a peck on the cheek. "That's also for supporting my views."

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"Anything that could be of use"

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"You do.. Awww..." She smiled, clutching it even more tightly.

"Everything we ca-... Uh wahhhh..." Chris said, turning to Kimi, smiling, "it's turning so worth it."

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"I'm still a bit shooken, from my time under the shade ball's control."said Seviper.

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"I don't know what you'll find of use. But all my equipment is either in my desk or that cabinet. And before you ask, the combination is 58342." The Professor was actually lying, that combination would set off a stun grenade trap.

Skye smiled, enjoying being close to Fluffy, if confused by it at the same time.

Kimi raised an eyebrow. She'd expected Chris to utterly freak out. Then she smiled. "Don't be so certain yet," she teased.

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"How do we know your not lying?"

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"I know Bane's still out there,a bad guy never stays down for long."said Seviper.

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