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I... uh.... I don't know...


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*Sighs* I guess we -fenn- start looking


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*Picks up Finn and flies down from tree*

Let's go... uh... that way...

*starts walking*


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Uh... fenn!

*Starts following behind closely*

Finn: *Whispers* Should we be this close


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*faceplams.... somehow*

Stupid stupid stupid... I forgot. Dylan... uh, it's best you stay a bit away from us. Just in case.


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*Looks disappointed*

*In complete Fenn talk* Aww... but I like walking with you both!


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*looks at Dylan for a moment. Picks up Finn and starts flying again.*

Sorry Dylan, but it's for your safety


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*Watches Skye and Finn fly a moment sadly*

*Begins running on all fours to try and catch up*

*On fenn talk* Cant I just stay around you a little? It cant affect me that much


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It already has Dylan. You're talking like us. You're running on your hands!


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I wonder what will happened if I stick my tail tip in this electric socket?

Maybe my type will change?


Edited by Seviper

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Or... you'll take massive damage?


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Havent I always talked like you? And running on my hands is... well, more comfortable

(I wouldnt suggest that Seviper)


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It shouldn't be Dylan. You should be a biped... And you didn't used to talk like me!

*flies faster*

*is too busy watching Dylan. Crashes into tree*




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Whatever! I'm doing it!

*Sticks tail tip in socket*


Oh sweet chariot! *In pain*


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Uh... you stuck you tail in a socket...


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That sounds about right.

I feel weird, like electricity is moving through my body


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Uh... it is...? Are you.. okay?


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