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*Even more confused*

I -fenn-! I never -fenn- I was! But you're only a fennekin be-fenn- you were changed into one by fennekin magic!


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*looks at Finn* I think he's getting back to.... *hears second part* Huh? No. I've always been a Fennekin!


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Fenn: *Gulps*

Dylan: Fenn! You -fenn- to be a fox!


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Yeah, a Fennekin is a type of fox!


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But -fenn- a fennekin type of fox. A mo-fenn-an fox!


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*shakes head* No. I remember being a Fennekin. I;ve always been a fennekin. I wanna be a fennekin. Not a mobian.


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Your memories are fenn! Ask Finn!


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*glances at Finn. Doesn't say anything*


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Finn: Hes right. You werent a fennekin until today


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No! You're lying! You're LYING!


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Finn: *Shakes head* We're not!


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*starts flying off crying*


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Finn: *Looks upset* Skye! Wait!


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*Pauses. Turns and looks at Finn, tears falling from eyes*


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Skye... I'm sorry that what I said is the truth and you don't like it, but you have to believe me! If Dylan is transformed too, he'll start thinking he was alwaysa Fennekin too!

Dylan: *Is confused by what Finn is saying* I'm -fenn- going to trans-fenn- into a fennekin! Where did you -fenn- that idea?


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*looks down*

*sadly* Why....


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You... were spending a lot of time with this one Fennekin and then you got buried by all the others... and you came out the way you are now


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Why don't I remember that... I... was always a Fennekin...


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When you were still changing, you said you wanted to stay a fennekin and that the more you played with them, the more fennekin you would be. do you remember that?


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